- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
- Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
They can proudly display their bodies. Looking at such a torso, you understand that this is the fruit of training and proper nutrition. Woman’s Day invites you to meet athletes, take advantage of their professional advice so that your body is admired by those around you, and, of course, choose a trainer for individual training!
Occupation: personal trainer at the Stayer sports club, instructor at the sports hall of the Burtasy Sports Palace. Directions of training: weight correction, through the selection of nutrition and exercise; weight gain, muscle gain.
Age 34 years
Physical parameters: 178 cm, weight – up to 120 kg
How many years have you been in sports: I came to the gym for the first time in 1996, and since then I have been doing sports. Coaching experience – since 2008.
Achievements: began performing in bodybuilding competitions in 2009. Prior to that, he was engaged in powerlifting, 2 times completed the category “Candidate for Master of Sports”. In bodybuilding – three-time absolute champion of the Volga region in 2012, 2013 and 2014. In 2012 he became the bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in Nizhny Novgorod. In 2013 he became the absolute champion of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the absolute champion in Kazan.
I am proud that … Of course, the greatest pride for me, as an athlete and a coach, is the end result. It is different for everyone: someone comes to me to gain muscle mass or weight, girls usually turn to in order to correct their figure or lose weight. For each client, I prepare an individual training program aimed at obtaining the desired result. The coach plays a significant role both for beginners to practice in the gym, and for those who prepare and perform at various competitions.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: if there is no way to go to the gym, you can practice at home. Fortunately, now there is the Internet, and many exercises can be viewed there. You can run in the morning, exclude junk food from the diet. And for those who still want to have a beautiful body, you need to make up your mind and go to the hall, it all depends on your desire. It is worth remembering that my work with a client is only 30%, the rest depends on the person himself. Unfortunately, there are many people who believe that they do not need a coach – they know everything themselves. On this score, I can say this: a person who has never traveled by car cannot sit down and drive. No experience, no skills. This can lead to dire consequences. So it is in the hall. Without knowing the simulator, the number of approaches to be performed, rests between them, you cannot achieve good results. In the worst case, even get injured, disappointed in the gym and never come here again. Therefore, at the initial stage, you need a kind of mentor. I have a lot of sports experience, and despite this, I still work with a coach. He guides me, looks at my body from a different angle, let’s say – with a fresh look. Even titled athletes participating in world competitions are trained with a coach.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? It depends on what the girl looks like. After all, not everyone has to be thin. There are girls with curvaceous forms and it suits them, they are happy. If a person is happy with everything in himself – please. Of course, it is worth remembering that classes in the gym are not only a beautiful body, but also health. After all, excess weight interferes with life, puts stress on the heart and joints. Why is sport only partly healthy? There are people who come to the gym for themselves, while others prepare and perform at competitions. They have to not only give up junk food, but follow a certain diet, the training time at the preparation stage increases – the body does not immediately get used to all this. For the sake of success, you have to sacrifice something.
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Occupation: fitness instructor of the gym ALEX FITNESS (TC “Onezhsky”).
Age 23 years
Physical parameters: height – 171 cm, weight – 110 kg
How many years have you been in sports: 7 years
Achievements: I am the elite of Russia in the Russian bench press, a master of sports of international class. Champion of Europe, Russia. Winner of the Eurasia Cup “Golden Tiger” and many tournaments. Winner of records in Europe and Russia (for juniors and men)
I am proud that I am a pupil of Igor Albertovich Eremenko! I was able to achieve the highest rank in the Russian bench press in a short time! He studied and received a certificate from the Interregional Public Organization “Federation of Russian Bench Press” – a trainer in Russian bench press. An instructor of strength fitness classes in the gym, at the moment I conduct training myself and I am happy about the success of my wards.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: I can give advice to all girls and boys: the main thing is to start! Find the motivation in yourself, thanks to which you will move forward, and you will succeed. And regarding nutrition and training, the approach is individual, for this please contact here.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? There is no limit to perfection! Don’t kid yourself! By exercising and seeing how your body is transforming, you will become more confident in yourself. I am sure you will be successful not only in your personal life, but also in your career.
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Occupation: fitness instructor of the UNI-GYM gym. You can get to my training session by coming to the Kvadrat cultural and entertainment center, going up to the 4th floor, where our wonderful administrators will meet you and take you to the gym.
Age 20 years
Physical parameters: height – 181 cm, weight – 94 kg
How many years have you been in sports: I have been involved in sports since childhood. For seven years he was professionally engaged in triathlon, performed at the championships of Russia and the region. Work experience in the gym for 3 years, but during this time he has already become the bronze medalist of the Russian Open Cup in bodybuilding in the Juniors and Men’s Fitness nominations, 2015.
Open Cup of Russian cities in fitness and bodybuilding – 2015 (Dmitry in the center)
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of D. Parolin
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: In order for girls to make a good fit figure, it is enough just to eat right and visit the gym, preferably 3 times a week for an hour and a half. If a person has a desire, then anything can be achieved !!!
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? I believe that girls who are deprived of willpower and who eat a cake are much more important than watching their figure and playing sports say this.
Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
Occupation: personal trainer at ALEX FITNESS (Passage shopping center). Work in the following directions: gaining muscle mass, weight loss, body shaping, dietetics.
Age 26 years
Physical parameters: height – 170 cm, weight – 80 kg
How many years have you been in sports: since 2005 (10 years)
Achievements: PenzSTU graduate with a degree in mathematical methods in economics, diploma with honors. Participant of fitness competitions at the Russian championship. He is a member of the judging board for bodybuilding and fitness in the Volga region. Trainer – Alexey Netesanov – holder of the title “Mr. Universe – 2009”.
I am proud that … I am proud of my family, parents, loved ones and friends. I want to bring goodness and beauty to the world, and for this I myself must possess qualities that contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of other people and society as a whole. Therefore, I go in for sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, I educate myself and enjoy my work. I try to bring people only positive emotions. My advice: follow a healthy lifestyle, without bad habits in the form of nicotine, alcohol and even much more nasty, sit at the computer less, and lead an active lifestyle. As the saying goes, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of N. Kozin
Tips for girls (guys) how to model the perfect body and keep it in shape:
1. Let’s start with the main thing, to keep in shape it is necessary to regularly consume 3-4 liters of water per day (this promotes brain activity, replenishment of all missing elements and normalizes all processes of the human body).
2. Monitor your calorie intake. The main rule of a beautiful body is to expend more calories than you consume. I will give you all the other advice in my individual workouts … Who said that only Hollywood stars have personal fitness gurus? Most professionals offer their services at reasonable prices, and the advice of a professional is invaluable. And you will have a chance to feel like a really important person …
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? I totally disagree with girls who think and say so. Of course, it is important for a woman to look and feel good! After all, this contributes to its development! If a woman looks good, it is more pleasant to perceive and feel her, and many more doors are open for her. You need to be positive – this is very important! You need to take care of yourself and, of course, go in for sports. I think that every man wants to see a beautiful, athletic, smart girl next to him … But of course a man should also go in for sports and keep his body in shape. Also, every girl, I think, wants to see a real defender with a sports figure next to her … And then the conclusion: do you pretend? Match. You can think of a lot of excuses, a lot of reasons, but they won’t make you happier. Only harmony of spirit and body, only beauty, internal and external, only pleasure from your actions and victories will make you a real queen.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of N. Kozin
Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
Occupation: personal instructor of the network of UNI-GYM clubs: Mon, Wed, from 9:00 to 22:00, “Sports Territory” – Tue, Thu, Sat. – from 9:00 to 22:00.
Age 39 years
Physical parameters: height – 176 cm, weight – 120 kg
How many years have you been in sports: 32 year.
Achievements: Candidate master of sports in cross-country skiing, the absolute champion of the Penza region in bodybuilding, 2003.
I am proud that … Firstly, as a coach, it is very important for me that my client, coming to the gym, feels comfortable. It doesn’t matter if it is a girl or a man, but they should be comfortable with me, so I have an individual approach to everyone both in training and in communication. Any person, and a coach in particular, is pleased that people who come to classes become not just clients, but good acquaintances or friends. I have such, and I am very proud of that. It is very important that the coach can show by example that nothing is impossible. This year I made the decision, after a long break, since 2003, to perform at the Open Cup of Russian cities in fitness and bodybuilding. At the first stage of preparation, my weight was 120 kg (January 2015). As a result of intense training, diet, “drying” in the competition, I performed in the weight of 85 kg. Now that during the long break I have solved some minor health problems and performed well this year, finishing in 4th place, I will prepare for the next season.
Sergey weighed 120 kg in January 2015, at competitions in April he weighed 85 kg
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: it all depends primarily on the person himself, on his physical parameters, state of health. All this needs to be discussed with the trainer at the first introductory lesson. For example, in order to keep fit, both girls and guys, the gym must be visited at least 2 times a week. And if a figure correction is required or you need to get rid of excess weight, then at least 3 times a week. To get the result, you need to expend more calories than we gain them during the day. The more workouts, the better your health and, of course, you can achieve results faster. A very important point – you can even go to workouts every day, go on a diet, but not even lose one kilogram. Why is this happening? The most important thing in any workout is exercise technique. Even if you were engaged in any kind of sport before coming to the gym – volleyball, football and others, watched many videos on the Internet, how to use this or that simulator, you will not be able to fully master the technique of performing exercises, you will not be able to correctly build the rest time between them, and this is very important. Therefore, at the initial stage, which plays an important role, there must be a person next to you who will help and prompt.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? What is the main thing in a girl for the opposite sex? Attractive appearance and slim figure. In order for the face and nails to be in order, women visit spas, take care of themselves. So it is with the figure. To have a slender, toned body, you need to go to the gym. First of all, for yourself, to be self-confident. Especially for women who are married. If a girl waves her hand at herself, then she begins to turn into a housewife, and accordingly, the man’s attitude towards her will change. Therefore, you need to make a decision to change for yourself, for your loved ones, then both desire and opportunity will appear.
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Occupation: gym instructor ALEX FITNESS (TC “Onezhsky”).
Age 25 years
Physical parameters: height – 175 cm, weight – 100-110 kg
How many years have you been in sports: 13 years.
Achievements: MSMK in powerlifting and bench press, “The strongest man” of the Penza region since 2009.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of S. Razudalov
I am proud that … I play for the Penza region at various competitions.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: it is not necessary to go in for sports professionally, it is enough to devote a little time to your body.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? Perhaps they are right, because each person has their own standards of beauty.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of S. Razudalov
Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
Occupation: fitness instructor of the UNI-GYM fitness club network.
Working hours: TC “Vysshaya League” – Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11: 00-19: 00; CEC “Kvadrat” – Tuesday, Thursday, 9: 00-22: 00, Saturday, 9: 00-18: 00.
Age 26 years
Physical parameters: height – 173 cm, weight – 87 kg
How many years have you been in sports: I have been involved in sports for over 15 years. I have been working as a trainer for over 6 years.
- Photo Shoot:
- A. Lipilin’s personal archive
Achievements: a diploma of higher pedagogical education in the specialty “physical culture”; title – master of sports; took part in fitness seminars and conventions.
I am proud of, that many of my clients achieve the desired results with me.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: Perhaps only an amateur can immediately answer this question. Each person is individual in structure and body composition, so everyone should have a personal approach. The trainer corrects both in the gym and in nutrition and recovery.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let me be loved the way I am?” right? My opinion is that everyone should love themselves for who they are, but strive to be better than yesterday, to be more beautiful than yesterday, to be stronger than yesterday!
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Occupation: Russian press coach. Personal trainer in the fitness club ALEX FITNESS (TC “Onezhsky”). Training directions: muscle gain, weight loss, powerlifting, Russian bench press, fitness.
Age 24 years
Physical parameters: height – 188 cm, weight – 105 kg
How many years have you been in sports: training experience – 10 years, 5 of them – preparation and performance at tournaments and competitions.
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of A. Lvov
Achievements: higher education, diploma from the Interregional Public Organization “Federation of Russian Bench Press”. International master of sports in Russian bench press, champion of Europe, Russia, Eurasia. Winner of the international multitournament “Golden Tiger 7”. The record holder of Russia, Europe, Eurasia in the Russian bench press! He has trained many dischargers and prize-winners in the Russian bench press.
I am proud that thanks to my instructions, many have achieved their goal. Some have reduced their weight, and some have significant athletic achievements.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: the most important thing is the desire to become better, and if there is a desire, then you will definitely achieve the goal.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? No, you should always strive to be better.
Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
Occupation: instructor of the UNI-GYM gym (TC “Vysshaya Liga”).
Age – 26 years
Physical parameters: height – 175 cm, weight – 115 kg
How many years have you been in sports: 20 years.
Achievements: CCM in athletics, CCM in powerlifting.
I am proud that… I am a sportsman.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: workouts, workouts and more workouts.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? A girl should be beautiful, this is the most important thing. The girl is the standard of beauty created by nature.
Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
Occupation: trainer for strength and functional training of the UNI-GYM network of clubs
Age 38 years
Physical parameters: height – 179 cm, weight – 85 kg
How many years have you been in sports: 20 years
Achievements: the team I trained became the champion of Russia in rugby among the Major League teams – 2013
I am proud that … I train professional athletes from Penza.
Advice to girls (guys) how to model a perfect body and keep it in shape: variety in training and proper nutrition.
Girls who do not go in for sports, including with their bodies, under the pretext “Let him love me the way she is?”, Right? No.
Which fitness trainer will you choose? Vote for your favorite instructor on the last page!
Which fitness trainer will you choose?
Oleg Voevodin
Mikhail Sankov
Dmitry Parolin
Nikolay Kozin
Sergey Netesanov
Sergey Razudalov
Alexey Lipilin
Alexey Lvov
Vasily Medvedev
Andrey Kirsanov
Dear site visitors and participants! Voting for “Sexiest Fitness Trainer” will continue until May 28, 12:00 Moscow time.
All participants will be invited to the awards ceremony to be held May 29 at 22:00 in the “Charlie GOLD” show bar (cinema complex “Sovremennik”, Pushkin st., 10). Participants who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will receive prizes from the organizers:
1st place: a certificate from the show-bar “Charlie GOLD” with a nominal value of 3000 rubles.
2nd place: certificate from Billiard Plaza for the game of billiards with a nominal value of 2000 rubles.
3st place: a certificate from the show-bar “Charlie GOLD” with a nominal value of 1000 rubles.
All participants will receive pleasant gifts from the Sovremennik cinema complex, certificates from the Voyage hotel for visiting the sauna, and a gift certificate from the Delight dental center.
In addition, at the party, the Charlie GOLD show-bar will announce an additional nomination among the participants, the Audience Award, for which the winner will be awarded an original prize.
For more information, call 55-29-74 or
See the photo report from the awards ceremony on the next page.
The Sovremennik Cinema Complex is a place for a great rest, located in the very center of the city. Cinema lovers can choose one of 6 modern, cozy and comfortable halls for watching films. “Premier” and “Zvezdny” are designed for a large number of viewers, and for those who like to watch a movie in a small company, new VIP-halls with leather armchairs with electronic tilt adjustment will be excellent options. Before the show, do not forget to look into the cinema bars and choose one of the combo sets.
Charlie Gold is the only bar in the city with a unique collection of chairs: none of the 80 chairs are repeated, each one is exclusively designed in Italy. Luxurious interior, exquisite menu, high-quality show content, excellent service provide the establishment with the status of an elite class bar. Karaoke evenings are held here every day. Throughout the week, except Monday, the show bar offers its guests a rich evening show program, every evening is unforgettable and wonderful in its own way. Charlie Gold show bar is a place where there is always a celebration.
Both professionals and amateurs of billiard sports will appreciate the Sportclub and Dynamic2 tables offered by the billiard club “BILLIARD PLAZA” from the leading manufacturers of billiard equipment. If you are playing recently and feel insufficiently prepared, or your friends are late for some reason, an experienced marker is at your service. He can become your partner in the game and, perhaps, will open up something new for you. For the convenience of visitors, the billiard club has a bar with exquisite European and Japanese cuisine, as well as a wide range of drinks.
The Voyage hotel offers accommodation in one of four comfortable bath rooms: Monastyrskiy, Derevenskiy, Fairytale or Barskiy. Here every guest, be it a tourist or a city dweller, will be able to satisfy their needs. The rooms are cozy and beautiful in their own way, which, undoubtedly, will pleasantly complement the idea of uXNUMXb uXNUMXbthe rest. You can take a steam bath in the sauna! Working hours – around the clock.
Dental Center “Delight” is your perfect smile!
The doctors of the center provide a full range of services: artistic restoration of teeth, orthopedics, periodontology, therapeutic dentistry, implantology, surgical dentistry, X-ray diagnostics, aimed at maintaining the health and whiteness of teeth. All specialists have extensive experience and are always ready to answer all questions, provide all information about the risks, indications and hygienic procedures for dental health at a face-to-face consultation.
The Irina Antonova massage salon is an atmosphere that takes you into dreams of beauty. Subdued light, relaxing music, delicate aromas. All specialists have been uniquely trained to offer clients the best. Exclusive massage techniques are an integral part of the salon’s work.
Irina Antonova massage salon is a quiet oasis of pleasure in a bustling city.
Do you work as a fitness trainer and would like to talk about it? Then send your questionnaires based on the sample of the instructors in the material,