Fitness sets – what is it and what are the benefits of training?

Fitness sets are more intense workouts of 1-6 exercises performed without rest. Despite their effectiveness, they are not shown to everyone. Even experienced athletes perform sets only from time to time.

Fitness sets are workouts aimed at working out antagonist muscles (biceps – triceps, etc.) or one muscle group. Exercises are performed without interruption, which is why they are called sets.

Features of fitness sets

With sets, you can increase endurance and work out muscles when conventional training is ineffective. One or more exercises can be combined into a complex. The main thing is to perform them without interruption, determining the number of approaches before the start of the workout.

Benefits of fitness sets:

  • Due to the fact that the load on the muscles increases, you can reduce the training time.
  • Sets are effective even when using minimal weight, since the main advantage is in multiple repetitions.
  • After a workout, muscles recover faster. This means you will be ready for a new approach almost immediately.
  • Muscles are more actively supplied with oxygen.
  • When performing monotonous exercises, the muscles quickly get used to it, and muscle mass stops growing.
  • Sets are a good way to diversify your workouts and achieve better performance.
  • Fitness sets allow you to effectively burn excess fat.

With the behavior of training, the muscle being trained should not be brought to the limit. Sets should be included in training only from time to time, because the load on the cardiovascular system increases. The recommended execution time is 1 time per week.

Types of fitness sets

With sports terminology, everything is not so clear due to the peculiarities of the translation. It is difficult for beginners to understand incomprehensible terms, so we explain:

  1. Superset – Or just a set – this is the implementation of two exercises aimed at developing antagonists. Stress training allows you to work out the relief, as well as gain mass. More than 3-4 approaches are not recommended.
  2. Three hundred – Set of three exercises. It is possible to work one muscle or antagonists. The complex allows you to work out the lagging muscle. In one workout, you can do one type of triset.
  3. Drop set – A set of 2-4 exercises with weight reduction on each subsequent exercise.
  4. Giant set – Performing a complex of 3-6 exercises without rest. Suitable for advanced level only.

A classic fitness set is a set of exercises that is performed without a pause. But it is believed that a short break of 30 seconds is acceptable when you go from one projectile to another. Between sets take a longer break than between other exercises – 4-5 minutes.

Examples of training sets

There are a large number of sets for working out various muscle groups and designed for different levels of physical fitness.

  • Divorce dumbbells and bench press at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • Incline Dumbbell Press and Incline Bench Press.
  • Horizontal row and row with one dumbbell on the bench.
  • Vertical pull on the block and the classic bench press.

Beginners should not do sets without control. The first trainings should be carried out with the participation of a trainer. Active stress training may be contraindicated in cardiovascular disease. Therefore, when switching to exercises for strength and endurance, you should consult a doctor.

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