Fitness room: motivation to exercise, myths, gaining confidence. Beginner’s outfit.

Fitness room: motivation to exercise, myths, gaining confidence. Beginner’s outfit.

What brings a newbie to the gym? Of course, my own solution. As a rule, the result depends on what motivates a person when he intends to do something.


Figuratively speaking, all beginners can be divided into two categories – they are young people, initiative people, and people who have health problems who go to the gym out of urgent need.

Consider these two groups of people in terms of initial motivation.


So, the first group is healthy people who dream of improving their figure. People who somehow realized that diet alone cannot be enough, and the effect of restricting food is temporary. Well, I call such people lucky, because they made the right decision; you can only be glad for them!

Unfortunately, it is impossible to build muscles with the power of thought alone, and at the same time get rid of a beer belly or flabby muscles. It is a well-known fact that if you want to gain weight, you need physical activity and proper nutrition, or rather, proper sports nutrition. Alas, no options.

And the second group of people – people with osteochondrosis, VSD syndrome, bad blood vessels, shortness of breath due to excess weight, hypo- and hypertension, various joint diseases, etc. These people are less concerned with their circumference in centimeters.

Rather, they are driven by the prescription of doctors about the need for physical activity. Let me emphasize that this is especially true for persons with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

For the second group of people, when going to a fitness room is a conscious need, the motivation is, of course, clear. You should not just drag your body, as if on a scaffold, turning your sad thoughts in your head about inevitability.


Everything is wonderful indeed! I hasten to congratulate you too – there are many discoveries and achievements ahead. Exercising on a regular basis, you will be pleasantly surprised and even delighted with how your body can be – strong, elastic, enduring, light and flexible!

So – go ahead, and less doubts.

The doubts on which the newcomer to the sports hall concentrates most of his time can be briefly expressed as follows: “How many different pieces of iron, and incomprehensible. What if I fall into dependence on them and can no longer part with them? “


The addiction myth dissipates very quickly, if only because the first few sessions generally take place without any adaptations. Sometimes it is sometimes very important to realize that you have a core, abdominal muscles, broad back muscles, oblique muscles of the back, and the first task is simply to make certain muscle groups work.

Your body will be pleasantly surprised together with you.

One of the extremes a fitness newbie is capable of is running on the treadmill for an hour or two.


If you are overweight, running in the gym is contraindicated for you. And it will not work: any instructor on duty who respects himself and the company will make a remark to you and stop the tape. At first, heroism is an absolutely thoughtless thing.

“It’s good to argue, but if I want to lose… twenty kilograms in a month? If I have a vacation in May and need to appear on the beach in a decent form, so that nothing hangs on the sides and does not pull in the front? “

Please answer the question: How long have you been building up your excess weight or acquiring your own sores? Not a year or two. There are no wizards in the gym, and hope not.


And if you urgently need to get rid of 10-50 kg, then you have come to the wrong address. For here one of the main rules is gradualness, a dosed load, a comfortable state both during training and after it. Another important rule is sports nutrition, such as whey protein.

Where can I get the system? Go to a large bookstore; you will not leave empty-handed.

It is important to understand one thing – to have an idea of ​​your training and – preferably! – an action plan is one of the prerequisites before coming to the gym.


The next newbie myth is “a suit for training should be super expensive and pretty.” You will be disappointed as soon as you start practicing regularly, because the people next to you will be dressed very simply. The main requirement for clothing is that it absorbs sweat and does not restrict movement.

But the requirements for shoes, on the contrary, are high. It should not only be comfortable, but also fix the ankle well, always with a grooved sole and strong laces. It is advisable that these are only fitness shoes (not for jogging on the street, not for football). Vietnamese slippers and rubber sneakers won’t work. What can you do, you have to spend money.

If you’ve never played sports, don’t start with aerobics.

One hour and a half lesson with a bench gives a tremendous load not only on the whole body, but also on the joints as well. If the joints are weakened (and you don’t know what condition they are in), the very first training session may result in injury. Check with your doctor.

Your personal trainer can give you an even better recommendation. Its services are not cheap, but for you it is sometimes like a lifesaver in an unfamiliar world of stress and relaxation.

It so happens that there is no money for a personal trainer, but there is a craving for classes.

Start with this. Draw up a general detailed lesson plan for the next three months, and write down each month (especially the first) in detail. You can divide each lesson into two pages: the first page is the outline, the second page is the fact.

If something doesn’t work out, we correct the first part. To lie down exhausted on the floor and cry: “I can’t take it anymore” is not worth it. Just record what you did in each session. Yes, with a pen and notebook in the gym. “They will laugh at me,” perhaps you thought. Strange, but most of the people in the audience don’t care about you at all.

PS Good lighting, friendly staff, freedom of your own movements, dynamic music, the knowledge that you are acquiring useful skills for yourself – that’s why classes in the gym are great!

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