Fitness: Five common misconceptions.

Fitness: Five common misconceptions.

The fitness world has already formed its own mythology, which seriously interferes with people to exercise. But knowledge is power. By studying these myths, you will be able to spend your energy more efficiently.


Minus ten kilograms

Within a week after class, you will be able to: fit into old jeans, tighten the tailor’s meter on your hips, it is easier to climb to the fifth floor. But! Your scale will display the same weight. Muscle is much denser tissue than fat, so you are more likely to lose volume than weight, especially if you exercise with weights. Therefore, do not get discouraged.


Chest high

Exercising your upper torso will not increase your breasts. It is a fact. The bust is completely devoid of muscles, so no exercise in the world can affect its size. However, doing a lot of exercises for the chest, upper back, and arms can help it tighten and become firmer. These exercises will improve your posture and strengthen your back. And all this together will make the breasts more attractive.

Legs in “oranges”

Regular exercise does not guarantee complete and permanent elimination of cellulite. Cellulite is a feature of the structure of adipose tissue in women. Fat cells in the beautiful half of humanity tend to increase, accumulate fat and preserve it – this is how nature cares so that a woman can always feed a child. Therefore, fat reserves are located in those places that work little and lose weight last. For example, at the junction of the leg with the pelvis, where there are no muscles at all. And yet, active (but not exhausting!) Training is slowly moving things off the ground. If you also add massage and special creams, eating all this with a diet …

Water is not fat


“Swimming is good not only for strengthening muscles and cardiovascular system, but also for cutting excess weight.” This is not entirely true. Indeed, it is in the pool that we have the confidence that we are finally losing weight. We do lose a little weight, but the main weight loss occurs due to the fact that under the pressure of water, excess fluid in the body begins to circulate and be excreted from the body. Swimming is somewhat akin to lymphatic drainage. Such a shake is good for the body, but the relief effect disappears after a couple of cups of tea.

Not “two in one”

No little candy an hour before a workout will give you more strength. Only a little, for the first two minutes of class. Only natural nutrients eaten at least two to three hours before starting your workout will provide good support over time. That is why you should not go on a low-calorie diet and start sports at the same time. Instead of a charge of vivacity, you will feel severe exhaustion. And this is no longer a joy.


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