Fitness                                  Cross training

Fitness Cross training

Fitness                                  Cross training

Cross training is one of the training that has been gaining the most followers in recent years. It is a formula that combines different high intensity exercises, both strength and cardiovascular. The main objective is to work all muscle groups to enhance physical condition and thus achieve better sports performance. This physical activity is a great ally for athletes and favors physical condition for the best execution of other sports disciplines.

In addition, it has the advantage of being practiced in relatively short and intense sessions, between half an hour and an hour, which means that it can be inserted into the complex daily routines of most people. An intensity that is given by the load or by the execution speed. Each workout is divided into a warm-up with muscle activation, cardio and muscle-building exercises, and a cool down with stretching to cool down at the end.

Each session is very dense since it includes a lot of exercises and few breaks in between. The exercises can be done depending on the repetitions or the time, depending on the session and the recovery between exercises can be complete, in which you rest twice the time that has been dedicated to work, or incomplete, the one that is done In most cases. In addition, it works all physical abilities: strength, agility, flexibility, coordination, speed, cardiovascular resistance and precision.

Although some consider it to be the same as functional training, it nevertheless has some differences. The functional integrates all the movements of the human body and involves all the muscles, enhancing the movements that are carried out in daily life. For its part, cross training is usually done in a circuit and with exercises that do not have to resemble those of the day to day. Although considerably improve strength, which also helps to face everyday life with more energy.

Main exercises

  • Squatting
  • Strides
  • Burpees
  • Planches
  • Climbers
  • Pushups
  • Jump rope


  • It is based on overcoming and posing challenges and overcoming them
  • They are short sessions which favors the optimization of time
  • Works the whole body
  • Overcoming challenges favors motivation and adherence
  • Improves physical condition
  • Prevent injuries
  • Helps improve metabolism

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