fitness club St. Petersburg one-time visit

What should be the ideal fitness trainer? Smart, tactful, patient, courageous? Or just cute and unmarried? It’s up to you to decide! Voting results – on the last page !!!

Gym instructor, personal trainer

Age – 39 years, growth – 190 cm the weight – 115 kg.

Job: FOK «Tauras fitness».

Family status: single.

Ideal girl: “The one with whom you want to be.”

About Me: “I have been going in for sports since October 1990. I have been working as a coach for 10 years. Alas, there is very little time left for hobbies. And before he was a music lover, he listened to rock, both ours and foreign ones: Pink Floyd, Depeche Mode, Mike Oldfield, Deep Purple. I love reading books by Mikhail Weller.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Alexander Sviridenko

Advice to girls: “The most important advice is to work out with a coach! Success will come much faster. In the gym, cardio load should not be neglected: its meaning is to warm up the body, “excite” the nervous system before training, since any training is stress for the body. The heart also needs to be trained, so ideally you need to combine cardio and strength training. You can eat even after 6 pm, the main thing is that the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime – and no “snacks” for the night! They can please the body once a week – otherwise it will be psychologically difficult. “

Vote for Alexander on the last page!

Personal trainer of the gym, instructor of group programs

Age – 28 years, growth – 177 cm the weight – 78 kg.

Job: ALEX FITNESS “Kudrovo”.

Family status: not married yet.

Ideal girl: “What should be the ideal girl? And a girl owes nothing to anyone, and ideals are not eternal! Be yourself anytime, anywhere! And don’t forget to squat (kidding). “

About: “I have been involved in sports for more than twenty years – I started at the age of 6. My very first and favorite sport is football. It still remains so, but fitness has come out on top in terms of employment! I specialize in all types of training, from Pilates to stretching, functional training, pump and cycle. I am a trainer-expert of the ALEX FITNESS network in functional and strength areas. Presenter of Russian and European fitness conventions. He also did weightlifting, swimming and athletics. Almost all game sports. In general, different types of activity. I have been working as a fitness trainer for over 5 years. Prior to that, he worked for 5 years with children – a football and weightlifting coach. It’s always fun with them. In addition to sports, I love music very much, I play drums, draw, write poetry, however, I have not composed anything for a long time. I repent! “

Photo Shoot:
the chain of fitness clubs ALEX FITNESS

Tips for girls: “Start with simple exercises. Don’t be afraid to ask your coach what interests you. Everyone started once, and even the coolest pros once did not know and a third of what they know now. The main thing is technology. No diets, just proper nutrition. Diets cause great harm to all systems of the body, from the digestive to the hormonal. Everything is individual! Not everyone can eat a particular diet. But by the way … fewer sweets and minus fast food – and you are already halfway to the body of your dreams. “

Vote for Dmitry on the last page!

Swimming coach, gym instructor

Age – 32 years, growth – 190 cm the weight – 98 kg.

Family status: single.

Ideal girl: “She must be loved!”

Job: Club “Planet Fitness – Marine Facade”.

About Me: “I went in for swimming from the age of 6 to 21, then three years – rowing, then returned to swimming, and in 2006 I came to the Planet Fitness club as a client, and then started working here as a coach.”

Photo Shoot:
club “Planeta Fitness”

Advice to girls: “Try to eat 4-5 times a day. Focus on the carbs you need to feel good in the morning, and eat more protein and high-fiber foods in the evening. But most importantly, get enough sleep before training and come to it with a positive attitude! “.

Vote for Igor on the last page!

Personal trainer running a fitness club

Age – 29 years, growth – 168 cm the weight – 92 kg.

Job: Endorphin Club.

Family status: married.

Ideal girl: “The beloved should be unique and inspiring! An interesting companion, a reliable partner, a like-minded person (which plays a big role in our sport), caring, smart, beautiful. After all, only for the sake of loved ones and relatives, we are becoming better today than yesterday. “

About: “He started his sports career in his hometown of Surgut. From the very beginning, he was fond of power types, including able to achieve high results in arm wrestling. Bronze medalist of “Arnold Classic – 2012” in classical bodybuilding, champion of Russia 2009, champion of St. Petersburg – 2009, two-time vice-champion of St. Petersburg – 2009/2011, finalist of the Russian Cup in bodybuilding – 2011, bronze medalist of the Cup of St. Petersburg. At this stage of my life I devote time to my family, work and preparation for bodybuilding competitions on the international stage. “

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Yuri Berger

Advice to girls: “It is necessary to observe the diet, exercise, rest and sleep. To make the result more visual, I advise you to keep a training diary and take photos every month. You should not be afraid of strength training, at least 2-3 per week, and include cardio sessions for 45-50 minutes. The dietary recommendations are very simple: each meal should not exceed 300 calories. And in the daily menu you need to include 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits, choose the safest way of cooking food – steaming or stewing. Consume the amount of pure water the body needs daily (1,5–2 liters) and exclude flour and sweets in the evening. And the most important thing is to enjoy small victories and daily, even small joys ”.

Vote for Yuri on the last page!

Group program instructor, fitness tour organizer

Age – 33 years, growth – 183 cm the weight – 83 kg.

Job: clubs Hard Candy Fitness, Planet Fitness.

Family status: single.

Ideal girl: “The most important thing is a healthy lifestyle, no bad habits, modesty, a sincere look and honesty, an athletic and fit figure. The family for her should be in the first place, and the beloved man is always right. “

About: “I have been involved in sports since early childhood, at first it was swimming and sports games. He became interested in martial arts at the age of 11. Graduated from P.F. Lesgaft, Department of SBE (sports and combat martial arts). Prize-winner of the All-Russian Universiade in kickboxing: spent 30 fights, won 24 victories. Participant of Russian and international fitness conventions. Since 2006 I have been working as an instructor in the “Planet Fitness” clubs: boxing, kickboxing, taibo, TRX, functional training, strength training, gym. My hobbies: winter swimming, dietetics, visiting a Russian bath, development and training, not only professionally, but also in terms of personal growth, a healthy lifestyle and attracting people around to this – to improve the health of the nation. Orthodoxy for me is an integral part of spiritual life. “

Photo Shoot:
клуб Hard Candy Fitness

Advice to girls: “Nutrition is extremely important in the training process. I advise avoiding sweet and savory, especially in the evening. It is advisable to replace sugar with honey or fructose. Salt intake is best kept to a minimum, but not completely eliminated. I also advise you not to get carried away with strict diets – unless you are a pro of bodybuilding or fitness. Try to combine strength training with cardio and functional training. On training days, try to eat more carbohydrates, it gives energy and improves metabolism! “

Vote for Sergey on the last page!

Senior Trainer and Owner of Sever Crossfit

Advice to girls: “If you are not a professional athlete, try to eat a healthy diet without being overly enthusiastic. Visit the sports club 3-4 times a week. ” And most importantly, love yourself, your body. If you like yourself, then others will admire you. “

Vote for Eugene on the last page!

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Evgeny Kanunnikov

Age – 27 years, growth – 193 cm the weight – 95 kg.

Job: Sever Crossfit.

Family status: married for 3,5 years, have a child.

Ideal girl: “She must have a good sense of humor, look solid, have her own opinion and sometimes be a little crazy!”

About Me: “I have been friends with sports since childhood, when at the age of 5 my parents sent me to the swimming section, where I studied for two years. Then there were six years of playing football, 2 years of basketball and volleyball. I tried my hand at tennis, both big and table tennis. In his student years, as expected, he went to the rocking chair. I worked out for four years myself, at the age of 22 I began to train people in the gym. Worked in SC “Olympus Dalnevostochny”, NA Crossfit Nova Arena Fitness. After a couple of years, having tried it on myself, I fell in love with CrossFit. I train to this day, introducing new people to this. CrossFit is a new worldview in the field of sports, training methodology and simply in the way of life. CrossFit is merciless about one-sided, uninteresting and primitive workouts. He constantly turns you inside out and tests you over and over. Crossfit workouts include elements and movements from athletics, powerlifting, weightlifting, plyometrics, kettlebell lifting and gymnastics. “

Personal trainer, trainer of group programs

Age – 28 years, growth – 181 cm the weight – 82 kg.

Job: Hard Candy Fitness Club.

Family status: married, daughter Arina 6 months.

Ideal girl: “I don’t want to say trivial things: beautiful, smart, and so on. For me, the ideal girl is the one next to whom you become stronger, the one who understands and inspires you to new feats and achievements, the one next to whom you want to live, breathing in unison and with full breasts! “

Photo Shoot:
клуб Hard Candy Fitness

Advice to girls: “Beauty is in harmony. Therefore, I believe that the training should be multifaceted. It is necessary to pay equal attention to all components: strength, endurance, flexibility, plasticity. I am convinced that, first of all, training should bring pleasure and health – focusing on these “beacons”, you will definitely achieve results, because doing what you love, you are doomed to success! “

Vote for Alexander on the last page!

Professional Bodybuilding & Fitness Trainer

Age – 24 years, growth – 171 cm the weight – 82 kg.

Job: Fitness House Club on Kolomyazhsky Ave.

Family status: single.

Ideal girl: “She should be modest and well-groomed, these are, perhaps, the main qualities.”

About yourselfe: “I started to play sports at the age of 5-6, I tried a lot of things. But he devoted most of his time to fighting. And then to the gym. He served in the army, in the sports company. Now I’m preparing for a bodybuilding competition. Candidate for Master of Sports in Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling. Coaching experience over 5 years. I am well versed not only in fitness, but also in nutrition. Repeatedly recognized as the best employee of the Fitness House club. My specialization is: women’s fitness (fat loss, weight loss, aerobic training); bodybuilding (harmonious balanced development, building up lean muscle mass); powerlifting (development of strength qualities, powerlifting); general physical fitness (for all levels, from beginners to professionals). Development and composition of diets, recommendations for the use of sports nutrition; assistance in developing individual training and nutrition programs ”.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Evgeny Susloparov

Tips for girls: “Don’t look for universal diets on various forums. The nutrition program is a very individual thing, and is made taking into account many of the nuances and characteristics of your body. The same goes for training. Contact competent qualified specialists, and you will save your time, money and nerves. “

Vote for Eugene on the last page!

Personal trainer, fitness consultant

Age – 21 year, growth –164 cm, the weight – 80 kg.

Job: company, which provides fitness coaching services in the following areas: dietetics, strength training, sports medicine.

Family status: not married.

Ideal girl: “It must be harmoniously developed, and for this you need to continuously work on the development of the soul and body.”

About: “Candidate for master of sports in bodybuilding, candidate for master of sports in powerlifting, in fitness for 5 years, coaching experience – 4 years. Hobby – active rest: snowboarding, skiing, cycling, traveling. “

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Ilya Slabenky

Advice to girls: “The main advice is to watch what you eat: the composition of foods, their appearance. Eat small meals as often as possible. For all my charges, I use a simple rule: “you eat six times” (you sing # 6), following only it, you can already get a good figure and look slimmer every day. Separately, based on work experience, I want to wish the girls to take care of their health and body regularly. Agree, it is better to always keep the house clean than to accumulate unnecessary rubbish in it and do cleaning every six months. It’s the same with our body. “

Vote for Ilya on the last page!

Age – 24 years, growth – 180 cm the weight – 92 kg.

Job: a network of sports clubs Fitness House.

Family status: there is a favorite.

Ideal girl: “My ideal is my girlfriend. She is very beautiful, athletic – she has achievements in professional sports. She’s smart. He cooks very tasty. It’s always interesting to be with her, and she supports my hobbies, helps me in my work. This is the person on whom I can always count on in any situation, my support and support ”.

About Me: “One of the leading and coaches of the Fitness House and Fitness House Prestige network of sports clubs,” The best coach of 2014 “. In sports for over 14 years. Candidate for Master of Sports and medalist of the Russian Athletics Championship; to. m. with. and winner of the Northwest Cup in classic bodybuilding. Experience in fitness and personal training for 7 years. Professional skills: bodybuilding, strength fitness, TRX, functional training, dietetics, weight gain and weight loss, individual training and nutrition programs, body shaping, recovery from injuries and surgeries, preparation for sports competitions, motivation to achieve set goals. Author and host of webinars on his own fitness YouTube channel. Organizer and presenter of the fitness projects “Transformation”, “Fitness at home”. Chief assistant of one of the most famous illusionists in Russia – Alexander Murataev. My hobbies: football, outdoor activities, snowboarding, reading, self-development. “

Tips for girls: “It is a mistake to think that if you practice for less than an hour, there will be no sense in it. The result does not depend on the time of the classes, but on the load. It is better if you have a personal trainer so that he correctly distributes this load and the duration of the classes personally for you. Strength training should not be ruled out – exercise bikes and treadmills alone will not bring the expected result. And after training on weights, the muscles come to tone, become elastic.

More often women are dissatisfied with certain places, and not with the whole body as a whole, and they begin to stress the problem areas with emphasis. This is a serious mistake. It is necessary to strengthen the back, and abs, and legs, and arms, and chest. Be sure to give up fatty, fried, harmful, high-calorie. And it happens, I worked out in the gym, came home – and ate cakes and tea. Sweet, if your diet allows, you can only for breakfast and only natural. Fruits and carbohydrates – only until 17:00, because in the evening the body’s metabolic processes slow down significantly, our physical activity decreases, respectively, the need for carbohydrates disappears. You need regular 5-6 meals a day: breakfast – snack – lunch – snack – dinner. Dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime. And at least 8 glasses of clean water a day. “

Vote for Alexey on the last page!

The counting of votes is completed on March 3 at 15:00 Moscow time, but you can still express your opinion.

Congratulations to the leader of our vote – Alexander Osipov, personal trainer and trainer of group programs at the Hard Candy Fitness club, who at the time of summing up the results of 1620 votes (35%). This is a real sports record and an undisputed first place!

Although the victory was not easy for Alexander: in second place is Alexei Stolyarov, a fitness trainer of the Fitness House chain of sports clubs, with 1436 votes (31%).

So the gap between the leaders of our race is quite insignificant! Woman’s Day is happy to congratulate both Alexander and Alexey! Guys, you are the best! And you won!

Here you can read the final interview with the winners! And also Woman’s Day plans to present Alexander and Alexey with certificates of honor and mementos! Which ones are still a secret, otherwise the finalists will not be interested.

Which one is the coach of your dreams? Take your pick!

  • Alexander Sviridenko

  • Dmitry Popov

  • Igor Solodun

  • Yuri Berger

  • Sergey Morozov

  • Evgeny Kanunnikov

  • Alexander Osipov

  • Evgeny Susloparov

  • Ilya Slabenky

  • Alexey Stolyarov

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