Fitness bracelets: benefit or harm?

The boom of fitness bracelets, when they were bought and worn by absolutely everyone, has passed. Let’s figure it out: is it worth taking it out into the world, or let it quietly live out its life in the dark?

The fitness bracelet became a viral gadget at the beginning of the last decade. A miracle device that reads the number of steps, calories and sleep phases instantly gained popularity among people of all ages. 

The main phase of the popularity of fitness bracelets has already passed. Someone left the gadget in the packing box gathering dust, someone walked around with it on his hand and stopped. There are those who still use it. Why do you still need a bracelet? How to choose it for yourself? Is there any risk in using? Let’s figure it out.

A fitness bracelet is needed for the systematic monitoring of the physical parameters of the body.

Everything you need to know about fitness bracelets

The gadget captures many important indicators. Measures distance traveled (in steps and kilometers), measures heart rate, counts calories burned and tracks sleep phases. In fact, this is a counter that impartially shows how well you are working on yourself.

Also, it can perform the function of a smart alarm clock and notify you of notifications in instant messengers and social networks. In fact, everything is hidden in the details. You need to choose a fitness bracelet according to your own goals.

Are fitness trackers useful?

  • The system shows the user how he slept, whether he is active enough, whether everything is in order with the heart rate and, based on the information collected, tells how to behave. That is, a fitness bracelet helps to improve health.
  • Plus, a person’s motivation increases (because progress is in front of his eyes) and self-discipline improves. This helps a lot with the Plateau effect.
  • For some people, data from fitness bracelets literally opens their eyes to their own lifestyle. Encourage him to change.

The most important plus is that a person really begins to monitor his health.

How to choose the right fitness tracker?

Choosing a fitness bracelet depends on your goal. For example, for pool visitors, models with increased water resistance and the ability to work at a depth of more than 1 meter are suitable. There are fitness bracelets for running, they help maintain the desired pace of training. For those who are losing weight, gadgets that analyze calories consumed and burned are ideal. The only difficulty is to systematically add the amount of food consumed.

If you are a professional sportsman, then you need a gadget that will analyze the effectiveness of training, and not just measure the number of steps and calories burned.

Characteristic disadvantages of fitness bracelets

  1. Measurement inaccuracy. When connecting, we set our height, weight and age. Based on this, the fitness tracker counts steps, calories and other parameters. There is always the possibility that violent gestures can be counted as physical movement.
  2. Same recommendations. The firmware of the application contains recommendations of the same type, which are issued based on the data received. No fitness bracelet can replace a personal trainer. For example, all users are set to 10 steps per day by default, but not all of them can pass it. The device does not understand the full physical and moral state of the user.

How useful or useless is a fitness bracelet

Consider objectively – it all depends on you! The fitness bracelet will benefit you with the systematic use and independent analysis of your data. The fact is that counting steps for the sake of steps is ineffective, and once a week to analyze the data and, based on them, adjust activity and nutrition is just that.

Can’t be worn 24/7. If you constantly wear a bracelet on your hand, then irritation may occur on the skin.

The harm from a fitness bracelet may be due to absolute faith in the indicators obtained. For example, to calculate calories burned, you need to know much more data than weight, height and heart rate. As practice shows, a fitness bracelet is a cool thing that can become both a good helper and just a trinket. The choice is yours.

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