Fitness bikini workout

Fitness bikini workout

Looking for a fitness bikini-style workout program that you can be one hundred percent confident in? This fat-burning workout combines cardio and strength training to tone your body.

Author: Courtney Prater



Every woman has problem areas, the appearance of which I would like to improve. The goal of training can be firm glutes, a flat stomach, or toned arm muscles. But not everyone understands that the key to modeling anatomical zones is working out the whole body. Full-body exercise uses all muscles and burns more calories than movement for one muscle group, which means you burn fat faster. After reading the article, you will see that this circular can be done anywhere. You don’t need gimmicky gym gadgets or a lot of time. Just get ready to sweat!

One-legged deadlift with raised knee

Build your glutes and strengthen your core with a movement that requires good coordination.

How to perform

Stand up straight, lift one leg off the floor. Bend your torso forward at the hip joints while lifting and straightening your leg behind you. Keep your back straight. Lower down until you feel a stretch along the back of your legs, or until your hands touch the floor. Return to starting position. Complete 10 reps, then repeat on the other leg.

Jumping lunges

This challenging plyometric movement burns a ton of calories, so give it your all!


How to perform

Starting position, as at the bottom of the lunges: legs staggered, knees bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Jump up and land, swapping your legs. The legs should be bent, the knee of the back leg should be slightly above the floor. The abdomen is tense, keep the body upright. Continue jumping, changing your legs each time. Do the exercise for 60 seconds.

Council. The cardio effect appears after 60 seconds. If you think it is necessary, after a minute, switch to alternate lunges mode (no jumps) and continue the exercise.


Crab Pose Straight Leg Raise

Let’s talk about a full body exercise! This movement works the abdominal muscles, triceps, glutes, and thighs.

How to perform

Take the crab pose: palms on the floor, fingers pointing towards the feet, buttocks are slightly in front of the hands. The body weight is distributed between the arms and the foot of one leg, the other leg is raised and extended parallel to the floor. Push off with your foot on the ground, tighten your abs and lift your buttocks up, while lifting your straight leg high up perpendicular to the floor. Do the exercise for 30 seconds, then switch your legs and repeat.



It’s time to raise your heart rate and pump up your firm buttocks.

How to perform

Take the sprinter pose: we transfer the body weight to the front leg, which is bent at the knee at 90 degrees. Keep your chest high, with your fingers touching the floor to the sides of your front foot, the other leg bent behind. Pushing off the floor with the heel of your front foot, jump up and in the jump, bring your other foot far forward in a controlled motion. After landing, return to the starting position by sliding your foot back and touching the floor with your hands. Jump again and repeat the exercise on the same side for 30 seconds, then switch your legs.


Downward facing dog and plank with knee adduction

Don’t be intimidated by the long name. The yoga-inspired movement will help you build strong, contoured muscles by engaging your whole body and incorporating flexibility-building elements into your workouts.

How to perform

Take the downward dog yoga pose. Lift one leg up, spread the hips until you feel stretch in the front thigh. In one smooth motion, lower your hips to the shoulder line and move into position. Pull the knee of your raised leg towards your chest. Engage your abdominal muscles. Return to the starting position, straightening and lifting up the same leg. Do 10 reps on one side, then switch legs and repeat all over again.


Jumping sumo squats

Test your capabilities with this wide-legged squat variation. The exercise targets the glutes and hamstrings.

How to perform

Starting position – standing, legs are wider than shoulders. The feet are turned outward at an angle of 45 degrees. Lean forward, place your hands on the floor, and jump into plank position in one jump. Immediately reverse the jump and lift your arms off the floor in the starting sumo squat position. While contracting the gluteal muscles, straighten up and raise your arms above your head. Keep your back tense and straight from start to finish. Do the exercise at a maximum pace for 60 seconds.

Alternate leg raises forearm plank

Let’s add to an effective abdominal exercise – the plank – a movement that pumps the gluteus muscles.

How to perform

Take a plank position with your forearms and elbows just below your shoulders. Tighten your abs, remember to breathe, and lock your head in a neutral position. Slowly lift one leg off the floor, keep it straight, and actively engage your glutes. Lower your leg in a controlled motion and repeat the exercise with the other leg. Continue for 60 seconds.

Jack Squats

It’s time to spur cardio one more time with the lower body plyometric exercise. Your feet may already be on fire by this time, but don’t give up! By forcing your body to move out of your comfort zone, you can change it.

How to perform

Starting position – standing, legs together, knees slightly bent. Jump, spread your legs wide and squat down, touching your left foot with your right hand. Jump again and bring your legs together, straighten up and repeat the exercise, this time touching the floor with your other hand. The back should be flat during the entire movement, and the knees should be in front of the feet during the lower phase of the squat. Work 60 seconds.

Side rotation bar

This exercise will work your waist and help you approach the beach season with a flat stomach!

How to perform

In the starting position, stretch out over the floor, distributing your weight between your toes and forearms. The elbows are directly under the shoulders, the body is stretched out in a string from head to toe. Keeping your body straight, roll onto your side, raising your arm vertically upward as you rotate. Pause, return to the starting position and repeat the rotation to the other side. The abdominal muscles should be tense. You must have complete control over the movement. Do 10 reps on each side.


The last dose of cardio is a skater exercise that targets the glutes and thighs.

How to perform

In the starting position, the legs are shoulder width apart. Leaning to the right, bend your right leg at the knee and transfer your body weight to it. At the same time, move your left leg diagonally back behind your right leg, and put your hands behind your right thigh. Jump to the left without pausing, changing arms and legs to complete one rep. Do the exercise for 60 seconds.

Almost ready for bikini season

So you have a fitness bikini-style body sculpting workout program to help you get ready for the beach season faster than you realize. Depending on your initial fitness level, do 1-3 laps and lift the load when you feel ready for it. Train with this plan 1-2 times a week if you already have a training program and want to make it more effective, or 2-3 times a week in combination with 30-minute cardio sessions if you want to create your own workout plan. Since you are training your entire body, you don’t have to think about how to work out different muscle groups. It is enough to make sure that you have at least one rest day between workouts. See you at the beach!

What do you think?

Are you already exercising to get ready for the summer? Are you going to integrate the suggested workout into your current program? What has helped you prepare for the summer season in the past? Which exercises for the whole body were your favorites, did they help to quickly tone the body? Leave comments and share your thoughts!

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