On April 4, 2015, the Open Bodybuilding Championship of the Chelyabinsk Region will be held in Magnitogorsk. Fitness bikini is one of the nominations. Woman’s Day invites you to follow how six participants from Chelyabinsk are preparing for the holiday of the body. We divide our observation into three stages. First, vote for the tastiest menu! Second – vote for the most effective exercise! Third – vote for the most beautiful body!
In order for the jury to be able to fully assess the proportions of applicants for victory, the Chelyabinsk participants in the fitness bikini nomination must minimize the percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body. The drying menu is very meager, and everyone tries to diversify it as best she can. Vote for the most delicious diet of the participants!
Vote for the tastiest menu on page 5. What author’s menu do you choose for the day?
Favorite drying dish: salmon baked in foil with vegetables, sometimes seasoned with peas and lemon juice. For lunch, you can add some rice there. I steam it, adding a little flaxseed oil – it is good for the stomach, and still with the addition of salt, but at the later stages of drying, it will need to be abandoned. Sprinkle with Provencal herbs for aroma.
Menu of the day:
1. Breakfast – buckwheat with garlic, Indian herbs, sugar-free soy sauce.
2. Snack – steamed rice and fish.
3. Lunch – chicken.
4. Snack – slightly salted salmon.
5. Dinner – fish and vegetables (usually one apple).
6. Late supper – cottage cheese.
During breaks, you need to drink plenty of water, in addition, the menu is complemented by sports nutrition and vitamins.
Favorite drying dish: oddly enough, this is low-fat cottage cheese. I don’t have time to cook the dishes that I have seen in numerous blogs about healthy lifestyle. Therefore, I taught myself to understand and love the taste of food without additional “tuning”. And with pleasure I discover more and more new tastes of the products I have known for a long time.
Menu of the day:
The day starts with taking a fat burner pill.
1. Breakfast – oatmeal in milk, milk fat content 0,5%, milk is diluted with water.
2. Second breakfast – buckwheat, steamed turkey cutlet.
3. Lunch – fat-free cottage cheese, boiled turkey breast.
4. Snack – isolate, glutamine, vitamins, oatmeal, fruit (usually a green apple).
5. Afternoon snack – boiled beef, stewed vegetables, vegetable salad without dressing and salt.
6. Dinner – sea bass fish and cucumber.
7. Late supper – cottage cheese.
During breaks I drink water, use vitamins, fat burners and sports nutrition. I train twice a day.
Vote for the most delicious menu on page 5. What author’s menu do you choose for the day?
Favorite drying dish: steamed chicken with vegetables. Peel the chicken breast of bones, fat and skin and cut into pieces. Put in a deep frying pan with a lid, pour in water. Coarsely chop the carrots and broccoli later. Simmer until tender. Add hot chili peppers at the end.
Menu of the day:
1. Breakfast – oatmeal in water without oil.
2. Snack – egg white or veal (flesh without fat).
3. Lunch – chicken and buckwheat or quinoa.
4. Afternoon snack – green vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, green beans.
5. Dinner – protein.
Favorite drying dish: “Zebra” made from cottage cheese and egg whites. Beat the cottage cheese with yolks and sweetener. Beat the whites separately into a firm foam. Spoon the proteins into the curd mass. Divide the mixture into two unequal parts: larger and smaller. Add cocoa, cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of starch and baking powder to a large one. In a small part, add a jar of pudding and 2 tablespoons of starch. Then, one by one, pour the dough into a mold and bake. In thirty minutes, the dish is ready!
Menu of the day:
At half past five in the morning I wake up and take one fat burner pill.
1. Breakfast – a portion of protein, vitamins and Omega-3 supplements.
2. Snack – porridge “Five cereals”, cooked in water.
3. Snack – buckwheat and steamed turkey breast.
4. Lunch – quinoa, veal and vitamins.
5. Snack – protein.
6. Snack – protein, glutamine and oatmeal with fruit.
7. Dinner – steamed pink salmon and vegetable salad, vitamins.
8. Late dinner – a portion of chicken or cottage cheese.
In between meals – a glass of water and sports nutrition.
Vote for the most delicious menu on page 5. What author’s menu do you choose for the day?
Favorite drying dish: baked salmon fillet with cauliflower. The simplest dish without any special frills, I cook in a double boiler.
Menu of the day:
1. Breakfast – oatmeal in water without sugar with kiwi.
2. Snack – fat-free cottage cheese and a little pomegranate, so that it is not so dreary to eat.
3. Lunch – durum wheat pasta and roe deer or seafood or fish.
4. Afternoon snack – an apple with protein, a little cottage cheese.
5. Dinner – chickpeas and red fish.
6. Late Dinner – Protein.
Favorite drying dish: curd casserole. Preheat the oven. Grind the oatmeal in a blender, add half to the bottom of the baking dish. Put the cottage cheese in a large container and knead it slightly. Beat the whites with sugar substitute into a cool foam and combine it with cottage cheese, very quickly transfer the resulting soufflé into a mold with rolled oats, sprinkle evenly with the second half of the rolled oats on top. Place in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
Menu of the day:
1. Morning – a teaspoon of flaxseed oil, a little later a cocktail in a blender: half a pack of cottage cheese, rolled oats, sweetener, water.
2. Snacks from 10:00 to 16:00 – 3 egg whites, buckwheat or rice, a small green apple or grapefruit.
3. Snacks from 18:00 to 22:00 – 3 egg whites, vegetable salad or just vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, herbs, cabbage, lettuce.
4. Dinner at midnight – half a pack of cottage cheese.
Vote for the most delicious menu on page 5. What author’s menu do you choose for the day?
Here are some miracles that happen on a show with the participation of bikinists – the Chelyabinsk bodybuilder Mikhail Koklyaev demonstrates.
What author’s menu do you choose for the day?
Tatiana Borchaninova’s delicious day
Anastasia Gavrilenko’s delicious day
Delicious day of Polina Elkhovskaya
Tatiana Rechkalova’s delicious day
Victoria Spyasheva’s delicious day
Olga Fedonenkova’s delicious day
Voting for the menu of the participants takes place until March 8, 2015 inclusive.
According to the results of the first stage of voting, the winner will receive a prize – “A Practical Encyclopedia of Japanese Cuisine”, as well as branded souvenirs from Telesem and Woman’s Day.
Irina Fisher, Lina Lisitsyna