What to choose – diet or vigorous exercise? Eating on schedule or only when you want to eat? Experts from the Weighted People reality show on STS answer the most pressing questions of those who are losing weight – the vice-champion of Moscow in body fitness, the author of her own exercise method for weight loss, weight control and correction of problem areas Irina Turchinskaya and a fitness expert, the author of the most popular video blog about training and nutrition Denis Semenikhin.
Irina Turchinskaya and Denis Semenikhin
Weighted People is the first Russian analogue of the world famous reality project The Biggest Loser, in which men and women in the 100+ weight category take part. In four months, under the guidance of trainers and nutritionists, they will go through a severe weight loss school. How to maintain weight, why exercise has no effect, what foods are unhealthy? These and other most popular questions of those who are losing weight were answered by the coaches of the reality show.
Why can’t you lose weight once and for all in a couple of months, following a diet and intense training?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– The main mistake of express weight loss for the beach season is relying on magic. You go on a diet and hope that in a very short time you will get rid of the extra pounds that have been accumulating over the years. Keeping your body healthy and beautiful is a way of life, not something temporary. If your lifestyle has made you feel bad and look ugly, then it is impossible to change that in two weeks or a month. You must completely reconsider your eating behavior, and only then the weight will not return. People are very susceptible to a variety of advertised weight loss drugs that promise quick results with a minimum of personal effort. Magic berries, the bark of a rare tree and other additives that promise to get rid of excess weight forever are a myth. Even if such a placebo works, its effects are only temporary and reversible. Change your attitude to food, and you will not need any berries.
Is it possible to lose weight and tighten up, only by limiting yourself in nutrition, or vice versa, only by playing sports?
Denis Semenikhin:
– The second is more probable and durable than the first. If a person exposes himself to serious physical exertion, then his body itself begins to require more proper nutrition. He needs to recover from training and prepare for the next lesson, and this requires certain substances. Agree that during the hike, when you walked at least 30–40 kilometers with a backpack in a day, no one wants to have a hearty supper with rolls and sweets. The body will require normal and nutritious food!
Irina Turchinskaya:
– On a diet, you can lose weight, but at the same time get not a healthy and fit, but an ugly, flabby body with weak muscles, which is as unattractive as fat. What was previously hidden behind body fat will be outside. It is impossible to tone the muscles only by eating in a special way, the only way is physical activity: swimming, running, fencing or dancing, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym. Any sport has its own methodology, its own goals. If you want to form beautiful muscles, a figure, then you can’t think of anything better than bodybuilding, it’s not for nothing that this translates as “body building”.
Correct loads and proper nutrition are closely interconnected: there will be no success without the first or without the second. It is impossible to put yourself in order if a person exercises and at the same time eats whatever is horrible. After exertion, the muscles require the right substances, and not sausage, in which there is a minimum amount of natural protein. It turns out an excess of calories, from which it is impossible to build muscle tissue, they turn into fat deposits.
There are two popular and completely different opinions on nutrition. What to do: eat only when you really want or in small portions throughout the day, even when you are full?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– There is no single optimal diet, just as there are no completely alike people. There are a number of things given to man by nature – a certain type of metabolism, carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Therefore, the task of anyone who seeks to lead a healthy lifestyle is to choose their own from the whole variety of nutrition methods. Someone needs a hearty breakfast and a minimal dinner, someone needs an “Italian version”: a cup of coffee for breakfast and a full dinner. We must not be afraid to try new things and experiment. The same rule applies to training. There is a muscle predisposition in relation to a certain type of load: someone is a sprinter, and someone is a stayer. For example, I like to do my best in a short period more.
Denis Semenikhin:
– You need to eat fractionally, in small portions of the right foods, never overeat. It is easier for the digestive tract and optimal in terms of energy metabolism. Any plentiful meal slows down all processes in the body, causes drowsiness, so many people want to eat some dessert after dinner – a source of quick energy that is needed to digest what has been eaten. It is highly advisable not to bring yourself to this.
In addition, it is important that food intake is deliberate and planned. Everyone is familiar with the situation when, carried away by a conversation at some social event, you can, without noticing, eat something not very useful. You should always be aware of what you are eating, never eat automatically.
What products actually provoke the appearance of extra centimeters, and which ones are they sinning in vain?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– Products that are prepared by you personally are useful: a piece of boiled, fried or stewed meat, chicken, fish, simple side dishes. Avoid freeze-dried and processed foods. I do not see anything criminal in boiled pasta, questions arise only after adding sauces to them, which may include unhealthy fats.
Separately, I will say about mayonnaise. There are high quality fats that the body needs – for example, olive oil, and there is mayonnaise, which is supposedly made from natural ingredients, the same oil or quail eggs. But if we compare their cost and the price of this ready-made sauce, the cost of advertising it, it becomes obvious: the achievements of the chemical industry are on the shelves, and not natural products.
Denis Semenikhin:
– First of all, all foods rich in fast carbohydrates are harmful, only in the second are fatty foods. Many experts put bold in the first place, but my observations speak of just such a rating. There are almost no foods safe for weight gain, but large portions are even more dangerous, do not overeat! Unambiguously healthy food includes low-fat and simple things: cottage cheese, turkey or chicken fillets, lean fish, egg whites. Regular fiber-rich vegetables are very beneficial.
Some experts argue that only cardio loads are effective, others that power ones. What really helps you burn fat?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– If we reduce all these numerous programs to the level of physiology, then there are two modes of providing the body with energy: aerobic and anaerobic. In the first mode, the breakdown of energy occurs with the participation of oxygen, and, as a rule, fat deposits are burned immediately. These are long-term, low- to medium-intensity activities: jogging on the treadmill, walking uphill. 20-30% of energy muscle resources are involved, the body has time to transfer new portions of strength from adipose tissue to the working tissues. The slimming effect is felt immediately, but when the workout ends, it disappears. In the second mode, energy is taken from the muscles themselves, or from the blood or liver. Intensive work takes place at the limit of strength, there is no time to burn fat. Thus, during anaerobic exercise, we do not use fat reserves immediately, but then replenish the spent reserves at the expense of adipose tissue – the effect will be felt after a while.
Both aerobic and anaerobic loads are good, ideally they should be combined in an individual proportion, which depends on the training goals: to burn extra pounds or develop muscles. When losing weight in the first stage, it is better to focus on aerobic exercise, and then shape the body with anaerobic ones.
Denis Semenikhin:
– When a person comes to a supermarket, he sees a huge amount of goods on the shelves. The same is true in the field of fitness – the choice is huge, and it is important to understand what you need among this abundance. It is necessary to choose activities that suit your temperament: someone likes to study in a group, he needs a collective spirit, someone prefers meditative solo workouts. It is necessary to study all the proposals, ask the instructors, try the maximum number of programs that interest you.
In the classics, you need to get:
1. Power load (exercise equipment, free weights)
2. Cardio load (heart rate is high for a long time)
3. Complex coordination load (playing sports, skiing, snowboarding, longboarding, surfing – everything that makes the body work harmoniously)
4. Exercises to increase mobility and amplitude – flexibility, stretching.
How many times a week do you need to exercise to see the effect?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– If we are talking about a radical restructuring of the body, then we need to start with four to five workouts a week. Do not think that you do not have enough strength: all overweight people constantly carry on themselves huge reserves of “fuel”, which is fat. Let it be a low intensity workout, but the work should be frequent and regular. Further, by increasing your endurance, you also increase the intensity of the exercise. The number of workouts can be reduced to three. If you have achieved an ideal result, you have a perfectly trained body, then you can go to the gym twice, but giving yourself very high loads. So do not envy people with a beautiful figure who spend only one hour in the gym – they have done a great deal of preliminary work on themselves and their bodies!
Denis Semenikhin:
– It all depends on the physical condition of a particular person, but the golden rule is that to see progress, you need to practice at least four times a week for an hour and a half.
Quite often people have been going to the gym for years, but in the end they quit because they do not see the desired relief. What is the reason?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– If the cubes still do not appear, you are not training hard enough. Observe your behavior in the hall. You do not strain, do the exercises with pleasure, walk slowly along the path, swim relaxed? You are not finalizing and cannot expect a good result. Any workout is overcoming, going out of the comfort zone into the difficult growth zone.
How to maintain the effect and not slide back to the old volumes?
Denis Semenikhin:
– Achievement of good physical shape is given much more difficult than keeping it. Let’s say you start out with eight hours of training per week. Then four or five hours will be enough for you. But in order to maintain the achieved level, you cannot quit classes for a long time. You need to adhere to a simple principle: 80% of correct sports behavior and 20% for unforeseen circumstances and violations of the regime. You can go to some feast and eat. If you are in great shape, then the next morning you will not wake up fat, you will only be physically hard and a little ashamed, but you will eliminate all the unpleasant consequences in a day or two.
What methods of losing weight are completely ineffective?
Irina Turchinskaya:
– Any exercise implies that a person is working on himself. He can run, jump, swim – the main thing is that there is movement. Another thing is that different methods can lead to different results. I doubt the effectiveness of any very fluid yoga or slow dancing, because the intensity of such loads is very low. The criterion for effectiveness is simple – after every workout, you should get genuine, honest fatigue.
Denis Semenikhin:
– We live in a world of advanced marketing and big fanaticism, so I won’t go deep into criticism of the programs. But still there are frankly absurd messages. For example, adjusting some specific problem areas. Tell me, have you ever seen a full person, but with embossed abs? Funny and absurd. But why then so many questions, how to remove exactly the stomach? Friends, “remove”, or rather, reduce the amount of fat will have to be everywhere – and then you will have a relief press. Lose weight with massage? Perhaps if you are a massage therapist and not a massage therapist.
Is it possible to lose weight, sitting only on squirrels or kefir, and what is the threat? An expert of the show “Weighted People”, a nutritionist, a specialist in gastrointestinal diseases, Yulia Bastrigina, tells about the mistakes of those who are losing weight.
– People perceive their own diet subjectively. Often those who are losing weight stop eating a kilogram of dumplings, stop at half a kilo, and then wonder why this weight does not go away. It is important not only what you ate, but also how much. For example, oatmeal will be useful, but provided that you do not consume it 250 grams at a time.
– Eating only rice or kefir for a week, you do not lose weight forever, but only for those seven days that you observe rice days. All this time, the body, deprived of energy, will accumulate hungry potential. The higher it is, the more indifferent you are after the kefir week, how fat is the sour cream with which you swallow the dumplings. If you are malnourished, you run the risk of sweeping away everything in your path.
– Carbohydrate-free diets are a ticking time bomb and lead to fatty liver, type XNUMX diabetes and atherosclerosis.
– The method of losing weight for a friend may not suit you. To find your nutritional system, go through the genetic typing procedure, and you will find out which balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is right for you. Or contact the Institute of Nutrition, where they will select the right diet for you with the help of a metabolograph – an apparatus that evaluates health parameters.