La asthenia o Chronic fatigue It is the feeling of lack of energy or vitality that is maintained over time, for no apparent reason and that is perceived even at rest, although it increases with exercise. The intense fatigue that does not improve with rest is the main symptom that produces a great disability for work and social life. In addition, it can have minor symptoms that vary between some patients and others, among them, it can give a few tenths of fever, usually, in the afternoons.
In most cases, a cause can be found that can be organic or psychic because asthenia can be a common symptom that may have to do with different diseases. Asthenia can be more or less long-lasting and varies in intensity. This sensation can be a symptom of depression, inadequate sleep or overwork, but also of heart, lung, digestive diseases, anemia, hypotension, of an infectious type such as hepatitis or inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
However, there is also a percentage of patients in whom the specific cause cannot be identified. In fact, there is no diagnostic test but the medical professional performs the necessary examination according to their criteria. Chronic asthenia syndrome is considered if this fatigue lasts more than six months and leads to a reduction in the ability to do normal tasks.
This disease mostly affects previously healthy people between the ages of 20 and 50 and is predominant among women. Although the causes are not known, it may be due to chronic viral infections or mild alterations of the immune system or muscle cell dysfunction, but these theories have not been able to be proven with certainty.
Spring asthenia
With the expected arrival of spring after the long winter nights, the body needs extra energy. Spring asthenia causes changes in the body to which is added the changes in behavior because you go out more and participate in more activities. In addition, the time change accentuates the change in routines. In this case, its effects do not usually last beyond two weeks until the body adapts to changes in temperature and schedules.
In either case, asthenia can be mitigated in a way with a life that is as healthy as possible by taking care of diet and hydration.
For the treatment of asthenia without recognized organic cause, the treatment is based on medicinal plants or vitamin complexes with a balanced diet, rich in nutrients and antioxidants, adequate consumption of water and respect for the hours of sleep. In addition, you must include moderate exercise.
In cases where there is another cause and it is diagnosed, the treatment will be that of the underlying disease of which asthenia is another symptom. Likewise, the recommendations on healthy living are maintained.
As we have indicated, the main symptom is physical fatigue, although you can also suffer from intellectual fatigue. Other symptoms are:
– Difficulty concentrating
– Sleep disorders
– Appetite disorders
– Memory problems
– Feeling of apathy