While glutes, quadriceps or biceps are muscles that are well known to the general public and practically everyone could do some exercise to work them, there are others, however, that seem more unknown and are even given little importance. An example can be the pyramidal. However, we train it much more than we imagine every time we do abductor exercises.
To begin with, it is necessary to differentiate between abductor muscles and adductor muscles. Although with this name we refer to the hip muscles, actually with abductor and adductor are defined as a muscle by the type of movement it performs. That is, the abductors perform lateral movements away from the vertical axis of the body and the adductors, closer. And that can happen with the arms, neck or fingers, although the name is used to generically refer to the muscles involved in opening the legs (abductors) and leg closure (adductors).
Each filtering bag hip abductors They are found on the outer thigh and hip, and the main muscles are the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and pyramidal muscle.
Weak abductor muscles can cause postural and health problems in addition to making training in different sports disciplines ineffective. Muscles do not work in isolation so weakness in these muscles causes others to have to work harder to compensate. In the most severe cases, it causes an increase in the adduction and internal rotation of the leg, giving the sensation that the legs are in the shape of an X and increasing the lateral forces on the patella, which favors its displacement.
For its part, strengthen abductors specifically helps reduce injuries, increases the efficiency of athletic work in athletes and improves physical capacities as well as general well-being in daily life.
Side extension with rubber bands: In quadruped position, with a rubber band on the knees, extend the leg laterally overcoming the resistance of the rubber band.
Leg lift: Lying on one side with legs straight, raise the upper leg. The intensity can be increased with an ankle weight.
Side stride: Can be done with or without sliding.
Side scrolling with rubber: known as monster walk, it consists of walking in a sideways squat position with a rubber band above the ankles.
Plank with leg glide: In plank position, open and close your legs with your feet on sliding discs.
Seated: Stretch one leg and cross the other bent over it. With the arm, push from the thigh until you feel the proper tension of the stretch.
Lying down: With one leg straight, turn the trunk slightly in the opposite direction to that of the straight leg and pass the other over it bent at 90 degrees.
Standing: You need a bar or a good grip for your hands. Then sit in the air with one leg crossed over the other in a 90 degree flexion.