The Perm Territory is fast and full-flowing rivers, amazingly beautiful nature, picturesque mountains and taiga forests, gorges, lakes and reservoirs clear as tears with a huge population of forty species of fish. All these definitions characterize the Perm Territory as an attractive place for anglers. And the original culture, diverse landscape and a considerable number of animals and plants have become an attractive factor for visiting the region – tourists and hunters.
Fishing in the Perm region is possible all year round, due to climatic conditions, summer is moderately warm. Winters are long and characterized by a large amount of snowfall with the formation of a stable cover before the onset of a thaw. Such circumstances significantly complicate access to remote water bodies, but there is an opportunity to fish in the winter on the Kama River in the vicinity of Perm.
The most significant rivers of the Perm Territory in terms of area are designated – Kama and its tributaries:
- Višera;
- Chusovaya (with a tributary of the Sylva);
- Hair;
- Vyatka;
- Lunya;
- Lehman;
- Southern Celtma;
and also – the river Unya located in the upper reaches of the Pechora basin, the Northern Dvina and parts of the basin of the Asynvozh and Voch rivers, left tributaries of the Northern Ketelma.
The network of rivers of the Perm Territory, represented in the amount of 29179, with a length of more than 90 thousand km, rightfully ranks first among the regions of the Volga Federal District in terms of the density of water bodies and their length.
The slopes of the Urals give rise to the rivers of the region, which flow among the mountain ranges, wide valleys, foothills, subsequently creating flat rivers with a moderate course and winding channels. All these are desirable places for anglers and tourists, and therefore, in order to make it easier for the reader to choose a specific fishing place, in the course of our article we decided to describe the most promising places and created a map with the locations of these places on it.
TOP 10 best free places for fishing on the rivers, lakes of the Perm Territory
Four springs located in the central part of the Upper Kama Upland became the source of the largest tributary of the Volga, the Kama River. On the territory of the Perm Territory, the full-flowing and majestic Kama River flows over a 900-kilometer section, from the mouth of the Seiva River. The Kama basin includes more than 73 thousand small rivers, 95% of which are less than 11 km long.
Kama is usually divided into three different types of sections – the upper, middle and lower reaches. The lower course is located outside the territory of the Perm Territory and is represented in the main part by the confluence of the Kama with the Volga.
The upper reaches of the Kama are represented by a large number of channel loops with the formation of oxbow lakes, which serve as a shelter for fish during the spawning period. The widest area in the upper reaches, located in the vicinity of the village of Ust-Kosa and reaches a mark of 200 m, this area with its characteristic fast current and picturesque slopes of the coast.
Coastal zone in the middle reaches, with a constantly changing height of the left steep bank and the right part of the characteristic water meadows and gentle slopes. The middle section of the Kama is characterized by rifts, shoals and a large number of islets.
Of the 40 species of fish living in the Kama, the largest populations were: pike, perch, burbot, ide, bream, pike perch, bleak, roach, catfish, silver bream, dace, crucian carp, asp, spined loach, white-eye. The upper reaches of the river are considered to be the most promising places for catching grayling and taimen. In the middle reaches of the Kama, in the main part, representatives of predatory fish are caught – pike, large perch, chub, ide, burbot and pike perch are found in the by-catch.
The most visited recreation and fishing tourism centers located on the Kama are the hunting seasons guest house, the Lunezhskiye Gory, the Zaikin’s Hut, the Escape from the City, and the Pershino fishing base.
GPS coordinates: 58.0675599579021, 55.75162158483587
On the territory of the Northern Urals, the Vishera River flows, among the longest rivers in the Perm Territory, the Vishera rightfully occupies the 5th place, its length is 415 km, the width at the confluence with the Kama is greater than that of the Kama. Until now, there have been disputes, and many scientists wanted to reconsider the issue of hydrography and recognize the Kama as a tributary of the Vishera. The mouth of the left tributary of the Kama, the Vishera River, became the Kama reservoir. The tributaries of the Vishera, the largest in terms of area, are:
- Cape;
- Country;
- Ulcers;
- Wales;
- Niols;
- Colva;
- Lopi.
Vishera has several sources, the first is located on the Yany-Emeta ridge, the second on the territory of the spurs of Parimongit-Ur, on the top of the ridge is the Belt Stone. Only at the foot of Mount Army, on the north side, the streams merge into a wide mountain river with a large number of rifts and rapids. On the territory of the Vishera Reserve, located in the upper reaches, fishing is prohibited.
The middle part of the Vishera, as well as its upper reaches, has a huge amount of coastal rocks, but stretches appear in the water area, and the width increases from 70 m to 150 m. The lower reaches of the river are characterized by overflows, the width of which reaches 1 km.
The population of fish species on the Vishera is smaller than on the Kama, 33 species live here, the main of which are taimen and grayling as an object of fishing. Until the 60s, grayling fishing was carried out commercially, which indicates its quantity. For the most part, the grayling population is located in the upper reaches of the Vishera, some trophy specimens reach a weight of 2,5 kg.
On the middle section of the river, or as it is commonly called the middle course, they successfully catch asp, podust, ide, pike perch, bream, chub. In the lower areas in the ostriches and adjacent lakes, they catch blue bream, sabrefish, pike perch, asp, and white-eye.
The most visited recreation centers and fishing tourism located on Vishera: the Vremena Goda guest house, the Rodniki recreation center.
GPS coordinates: 60.56632906697506, 57.801995612176164
The left tributary of the Kama, the Chusovaya River, was formed by the confluence of the two rivers Chusovaya Midday and Chusovaya Zapadnaya. Chusovaya flows through the territory of the Perm Territory for 195 km, with a total length of 592 km. The rest of the journey, 397 km, passes through the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. Above Perm, in the bay of the Kamskoye reservoir, there is the Chusovskaya Bay, the Chusovaya flows into it, the total area of the river is 47,6 thousand km2.
Cutting through the rocky shore by 2 meters per year with the rapid streams of its waters, the river expands its water area, and the water area is filled with the waters of the Chusovaya tributaries, there are more than 150 of them. The largest tributaries in terms of area are:
- Big Shishim;
- Salam;
- Serebryanka;
- Koiva;
- Sylva;
- Revda;
- Science;
- Chusovoy;
- Daria.
In addition to tributaries and neighboring lakes, there are more than a dozen small reservoirs in the Chusovaya water area.
The upper reaches of the river should not be considered as an object for fishing, according to information from local fishermen, in these places the fish were chopped, grayling and chub are practically not found. In the spring, things are a little better, here you can catch chebak, perch, bream, pike, burbot is very rarely caught in the by-catch. In the section of the river below Pervouralsk, due to regular discharges of sewage into the river, there are practically no fish, in rare cases perch and bream are caught.
In the mountainous sections of the river in autumn, burbot pecks well. To catch trophy specimens – chub, asp, pike, grayling, preference should be given to a site near the village of Sulem and the village of Kharenki. In winter, the most promising places are located at the mouths of the Chusovaya tributaries.
The most visited recreation centers and fishing tourism, located on Chusovaya: tourist center “Chusovaya”, “Key-stone”.
GPS coordinates: 57.49580762987107, 59.05932592990954
Kolva, taking its source on the border of the watershed of two seas – the Barents and the Caspian, overcomes a path 460 km long in order to bring its waters to the mouth located in Vishera. Kolva in its widest part reaches a mark of 70 m, and the total area of its basin is 13,5 thousand km2.
Access to the coastline by own transport is difficult due to the impenetrable taiga forest, both banks of the Kolva have a structure of cliffs and rocks, consisting of limestone, slate and reaching a height of 60 m.
The bottom of the river is mostly stony, with formations of riffles and shoals; closer to the middle course, the stony riverbed begins to alternate with sandy. The fastest access to the river bank can be obtained from the settlements of Pokchinskoye, Cherdyn, Seregovo, Ryabinino, Kamgort, Vilgort, Pokcha, Bigichi, Korepinskoye. The upper reaches of the river are practically uninhabited, most of the settlements were abandoned, access to the upper reaches is possible only with special equipment.
It is the upper reaches of the river that are considered the most promising for catching trophy grayling (specimens over 2 kg). The middle and lower parts of the river, and especially the section with the mouth located on it near the Vishera River, are considered the best for catching dace, asp, pike, burbot, and sabrefish.
The most visited recreation center and fishing tourism, located on Kolva: the Northern Ural camp site located in the lower reaches of the river near the village of Cherdyn.
GPS coordinates: 61.14196610783042, 57.25897880848535
The Kosva was formed by the confluence of two rivers – the Kosva Malaya and the Kosva Bolshaya, whose sources are located in the Middle Urals. Of the 283 km long river, the third part falls on the Sverdlovsk region, and the rest of the Kosva flows through the Perm region to the Kosvinsky Bay of the Kama reservoir.
On the border of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Perm Territory, near the village of Verkhnyaya Kosva, the river begins to multiply into channels with the formation of shallows and islands. The current weakens compared to the upper reaches, but the Kosva is rapidly gaining width, here it is more than 100m.
In the area of the Nyar settlement on Kosva, the Shirokovskoye reservoir was built with the Shirokovskaya hydroelectric power station located on it, beyond which the lower part begins. The lower reaches of the Kosva are characterized by a calm current with the formation of islands and shoals. The lower section of the Kosva is the most accessible for fishing, as there are a large number of settlements on its banks, this site is chosen by fishermen to relax in comfort. You can get to the settlements in the lower reaches of the Kosva along the railway line laid from Perm to Solikamsk.
The most visited recreation and fishing tourism base located on Kosva: “Daniel”, “Bear’s Corner”, “Yolki Resort”, “Houses near the slope”, “Pervomaisky”.
GPS coordinates: 58.802780362315744, 57.18160144211859
Lake Chusovskoye
Due to the area of 19,4 km2 , Lake Chusovskoye became the largest in terms of area in the Perm Territory. Its length is 15 km, and its width is more than 120 m. The average depth on the lake is no more than 2 m, but there is a hole that reaches more than 7 m. Due to the shallow depth of the reservoir, the water in it freezes completely in frosty winters. Siltiness of the bottom contributes to the death of fish in the hot months, as well as in winter from a lack of oxygen.
But, despite all the negative factors, the fish population is constantly replenished in the spring due to spawning from the rivers – Berezovka and Visherka.
The territory of the upper part of Chusovsky is marshy, which makes it difficult to approach the shore. The most expedient approach to the lake is from the south side of the Chusovskoy settlement.
In the warm months, perch, large pike, pike perch, burbot, bream are caught on Chusovsky, sometimes golden and silver carp come across in the by-catch. In winter, on the lake, due to its freezing, fishing is not carried out, they are caught in the mouths of Berezovka and Visherka, grayling rolls down there.
GPS coordinates: 61.24095875072289, 56.5670582312468
Lake Berezovskoe
A small reservoir with a large number of fish, this is how Berezovskoye can be characterized, it was formed due to the right-bank part of the floodplain of the Berezovka River. With a length of slightly more than 2,5 km and a width of 1 km, the depth is not more than 6 m, of which 1 m or more, silt deposits.
The coastline is difficult to access due to swampiness, access is possible from Berezovka with the help of boats. As in Chusovskoye, fish come to Berezovskoye for spawning and feeding. The main objects of fishing are pike, ide, perch, crucian carp and bream. In winter, they are caught not on the lake itself, but on Kolva or Berezovka, in the tributaries, which the fish leaves for the winter.
GPS coordinates: 61.32375524678944, 56.54274040129693
Lake Nakhty
A small lake by the standards of the Perm region has an area of less than 3 km2, the water area of the reservoir is replenished due to the flow of water from the swamps surrounding it. The length of the reservoir is no more than 12 km, and the depth does not exceed 4 m. During the flood, a channel appears at Nakhta, connecting it with the Timshor River, the waters of which give a muddy brown hue to the lake.
The most convenient way to the shore of the reservoir lies from the village of Upper Staritsa, but from the villages of Kasimovka and Novaya Svetlitsa, you can get to the reservoir only after crossing the Ob. Despite the villages located near the reservoir, and its fishing past, the pressure from anglers is small and there are enough fish for an unforgettable fishing trip. In Nakhty you can catch trophy pike, ide, chebak, perch, chub, bream and large asp are found in the by-catch.
GPS coordinates: 60.32476231385791, 55.080277679664924
Lake Torsunovskoe
The reservoir of the Ochersky district of the Perm Territory, surrounded by a taiga forest, has received the status of a botanical natural monument of a regional scale.
Located in a geographical triangle between the city of Ocher, the village of Pavlovsky, Verkhnyaya Talitsa, the reservoir became available for anglers who like to relax in comfort and unacceptable difficulties on the way to the reservoir. On the way to Torsunovsky, you can try fishing luck at the Pavlovsky Pond, which is connected to the lake by a sleeve. The water in the reservoir is crystal clear and cold, due to its filling due to underground springs.
It is better to fish for large perch, pike and bream from a boat, as the coastline is surrounded by pine forests and wetlands, which makes it difficult to move around in search of a promising fishing spot.
The most visited recreation and fishing tourism base, located near Torsunovsky: the guest house-cafe “Region59”, here you can get a comfortable stay and a hearty meal.
GPS coordinates: 57.88029099077961, 54.844691417085286
Lake Novozhilovo
The north of the Perm Territory has become the place where Lake Novozhilovo is located, the reservoir is very popular with anglers hunting for trophy pike and perch. Despite the inaccessibility due to the wetlands surrounding the reservoir, located between Timshor and Kama, fishing is carried out all year round by anglers living in the south-west of the Cherdynsky district. The water area of the reservoir is 7 km2 .
In winter, the possibility of catching a trophy specimen is significantly reduced, since most of the fish population moves to the Kama for wintering and only with the advent of a thaw returns to its former habitat.
The closest settlements to the reservoir from which access is possible are Novaya Svetlitsa, Chepets.
GPS coordinates: 60.32286648576968, 55.41898577371294
Terms of the spawning ban on fishing in the Perm region in 2022
Areas prohibited for extraction (catching) of aquatic biological resources:
in the lower pools of the Kamskaya and Botkinskaya HPPs at a distance of less than 2 km from the dams.
Forbidden terms (periods) of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources:
all harvesting (catch) tools, with the exception of one float or bottom fishing rod from the shore with a total number of hooks not more than 2 pieces on the harvesting (catch) tools for one citizen:
from May 1 to June 10 – in the Votkinsk reservoir;
from May 5 to June 15 – in the Kama reservoir;
from April 15 to June 15 – in other water bodies of fishery importance within the administrative boundaries of the Perm Territory.
Prohibited for production (catch) types of aquatic biological resources:
brown trout (trout) (freshwater residential form), Russian sturgeon, taimen;
sterlet, sculpin, common sculpin, white-finned minnow – in all water bodies, grayling – in the rivers in the vicinity of Perm, carp – in the Kama reservoir. Prohibited for production (catch) types of aquatic biological resources:
brown trout (trout) (freshwater residential form), Russian sturgeon, taimen;
sterlet, sculpin, common sculpin, white-finned minnow – in all water bodies, grayling – in the rivers in the vicinity of Perm, carp – in the Kama reservoir.