Karaganda is located in the central part of Kazakhstan, the region is rich in water resources, a large number of inhabitants live in reservoirs, which are enjoyed by many. Fishing in the Karaganda region is interesting not only for local residents, people from all over the country and even neighboring countries come here for an excellent holiday.
Where can you fish?
The Karaganda region has an excellent location, it is spread in the very center of Eurasia and roughly corresponds to the middle zone in Russia. There are plenty of different reservoirs here:
- on the territory of the region there are several reservoirs at once, where various types of fish are actively farmed;
- there are also plenty of large and small rivers, their total number exceeds a hundred;
- big fishing in the Karaganda region takes place on the natural lakes of the region, of which there are more than 80;
- there are also a large number of artificial reservoirs throughout the country, each of them is specially stocked with fish and allowed to be caught regardless of the spawning period.
The Saptaev Canal has newly formed ponds on all sides, in which there are also a lot of fish, and fishing is absolutely free.
Fishing in reservoirs
There are quite a few artificially created reservoirs on the territory of Kazakhstan; reservoirs are often vital for those cities that are located on their banks. Enterprises not only take water from them, often reservoirs serve as excellent places for recreation for local residents and guests of the region.
This reservoir has recently become very popular and not only among local residents. More recently, on its banks, the World Championship in ice angling was held. It took place in March 2018 and quite successfully. Many guests returned to Temirtau by open water to fully experience all the delights of fishing on the pond.
In the summer, both peaceful fish and predators are fished here. At the same time, the bite will be good both from the coastline and from boats.
There are many recreation centers on the shore of the reservoir, where you can stay for a few days or weeks with your family or friends. You can fish here only by paying a certain amount, usually it is offered to buy a ticket, and its price will vary according to several factors.
It is not at all difficult to get to this reservoir for fishing, there are signs in Astana and almost throughout the central part of Kazakhstan. Fishing here is paid, but the catch is always good.
You can fish in many ways, just an hour’s drive from Karaganda you can take your soul with any rod in your hands. On the territory of the reservoir you can see:
- spinners on the coastline and on boats;
- a walk along the shore in open water promises more than one meeting with lovers of feeder fishing;
- in spring, fly fishers are frequent guests here;
- there are fewer floats on the pond, but still this method of fishing is found here.
This reservoir boasts paid fishing, but the catch will not always be able to meet expectations. The cost of pleasure is standard, a ticket must be purchased in advance, fish spectators are regularly checked. Fishing here is carried out with different gear, mainly fishing on a feeder and a float. Catch different fish:
- crucian carp;
- lentils;
- breeze;
- underbream.
A carp caught on a hook is considered a real trophy. In Zhezkazgan, located not far from the reservoir, you can buy a ticket, find out in more detail who and when to catch, as well as stock up on everything you need for successful fishing.
The reservoir is quite capacious, here you can catch different types of fish, both peaceful and predatory. To do this, you must first pay for a ticket, and only then go to your favorite pastime.
As in most reservoirs of this type, lovers of almost all types of fishing can find something to do here:
- pike, perch, pike perch are fished on spinning blanks;
- feeder and hooks will lure bream, crucian occasionally carp to the hooks;
- fly-fishing enthusiasts can find asps in the spring;
- floaters will also have something to do, crucians, rafts, ruffs peck excellently.
An important point will be the use of complementary foods when fishing with a feeder, in the warm season it is worth choosing sweet options, cold water will require the use of meat and fish flavors.
On the shore, you can camp in tents as savages, or you can book a house in advance and settle in it with your family.
But besides reservoirs, there are many other equally interesting reservoirs in the region, fishing on which will bring pleasure.
In Kazakhstan, namely in the Karaganda region, more than 100 large rivers and small streams flow. They also have residents who are periodically fished. There are many interesting water streams, the rivers are recognized as the most beloved among local fishing rod lovers and visiting fishermen:
- Nura;
- Serum;
- Kulanotpes;
- Childbirth;
- Poor;
- Taldy.
Each of them has quite rich water resources, there are plenty of representatives of the ichthyofauna in them. Most often, small pike and perches are fished here, pike perch is extremely rare. Burbot is not found in the region; it comes across extremely rarely and only in the northern part of the country.
On the banks of the above rivers you can meet spinners, float fishing enthusiasts, and fly-fishers. Feeder fishing along the rivers is not particularly developed, but still there are hunters before that.
When making a forecast for fish biting in Karaganda, one should not forget about lakes, both natural and artificial. Any local fisherman will tell you that there are also quite a few lakes in the region, a little more than 80 got from nature, the remaining 400 people built themselves. In most cases, artificial reservoirs are rented, they are regularly stocked with fry of various fish species, then, accordingly, a certain fee is charged for the catch.
On natural lakes, fishing for free is also unlikely to succeed, but the catches here will be more serious.
The most popular among the local population and visiting tourists-fishermen are:
- Balkhash;
- Tight;
- Kiyakat;
- Shoshkakol.
On the banks of each of these reservoirs there are a large number of recreation centers and fishing cottages. Fishermen often come here on vacation with their families; their favorite pastime is often combined with outdoor recreation with relatives and friends.
It is mandatory to buy a ticket, its cost is usually not included in the rental of a house or a place for tents. Children will find their own entertainment, riding a catamaran, hiking in the forest, and just a walk along the lake will remain in the memory of the child for a long time.
Features of fishing
The calendar of the Karaganda fisherman is no more than five days, during this period the weather may change, pressure surges will negatively affect the bite of aquatic inhabitants. Each season of the year makes its own adjustments to fishing, open warm water will become an ally in the search for fish, but freezing, especially the dead of winter, will not always please you with catches.
Summer fishing
Revival on ponds and other water bodies begins in the Karaganda region with an increase in air and water temperatures. Melting ice allows fish to feed more actively; in many species, pre-spawning zhor sets in. It was during this period that a large number of anglers can be seen on rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
Before leaving for the reservoir, you should not be too lazy and clarify the timing of the spawning ban on fishing. Penalties do not please anyone.
Pike and perch are great for spinning during this period, the main thing is to choose the right bait. The most effective according to anglers are:
- small turntables;
- silicone baits with taste and smell;
- small wobblers.
The equipment is made light, but the leash is put more powerful. On such a tackle, pike perch are also fished.
Fly fishing attracts the attention of asp, which in the region can be found on almost any body of water. This aquatic inhabitant will respond well to artificial flies, dragonflies, bugs.
An important element of the equipment will be the coil, its power indicators should be high.
With an increase in temperature, most of the fish go into the water column, it will only be possible to lure it out of there in the early morning or after the evening dawn. Catfish fishermen are often found on the shores of many reservoirs on warm summer evenings. Until the very autumn, they will come to their places in the hope of catching a large individual, and most of them succeed quite well. As bait, live bait caught in the same reservoir, pieces of liver, and rotten meat are most often used.
At the end of spring and from the second half of summer, many will be able to boast of trophy carps or grass carps, they are best caught during this period. To accurately be with the catch, you need to know such tricks:
- choose the right bait;
- use different types of bait, both vegetable and animal;
- explore already known places.
First you need to feed the carp or grass carp for several days, after 2-3 days they will come to the feeding place by inertia and, without suspecting anything, will swallow the baited hook. It makes no sense to throw tackle far during this period, all representatives of this type of fish go to the shallows.
On the paysites you can indulge yourself with trout or sturgeon fishing, many farms are engaged in growing sterlet, its capture is very interesting.
Winter fishing
In winter, there are fewer swimmers on the reservoirs than in summer, but still they are. I would especially like to note fishing on the first ice, in Karaganda, as in other cities of these latitudes, during this period, the fish bite best.
A predator on ice is taken on vents and stands, live bait, a small fish from the same reservoir, is used as bait.
Roach, crucians, small perches are lured with a mormyshka. It will be good to react to a sheer lure on a rod for pike and perch, and pike perch also comes across.
The lack of food in reservoirs makes fish in winter sometimes react to baits that are not characteristic of it, often carp, grass carp, and carp are fished with lures. A mormyshka without a nozzle will also be an excellent option, bloodworms on a hook are offered at the very least.
How to catch more fish
In order for the fishing to be definitely successful, the catch pleased both the fisherman and his relatives, it is necessary to first find out the following nuances:
- find out the weather conditions for the next few days;
- the phase of the moon is also important for this, experienced anglers follow this strictly;
- collect high-quality gear;
- choose the right and effective bait;
- establish the best place for fishing.
Further, everything remains in the hands of fate, the hope for good luck has never let anyone down.
Fishing in the Karaganda region is quite diverse, but before you go to the reservoir, you should learn in more detail all the subtleties of fishing in order to avoid unpleasant situations.