Among the numerous predatory trophies hunted by spinningists, the lord of the depth lurks – pike perch, which has sharp eyesight and wayward character. Pike perch leads a flocking lifestyle, so to attack his trail means to ensure a good catch. However, in a flock there can be active and passive individuals, therefore, out of 10-30 individuals, only a few fish can be obtained.
Fish activity and best time to fish
Based on the many years of experience of professionals in catching a predator, it can be argued that the “fanged” has 3-4 bursts of activity. The first zhor falls on the pre-spawning period, which lasts in the spring, depending on the season and water temperature.
The spawning ban in the regions of Russia has different dates. Keeping zander fishing to a minimum at this time of the year allows you to conserve natural resources by providing a spawning period without human intervention. A humane attitude towards a predator is a call for every angler, because the stock of fish is depleted quickly, and is not always replenished. The terms of the ban can always be viewed on the official website of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of the Russian Federation.
Spawning occurs when the temperature of the water reaches 10-18 ° C, so it is necessary to catch it immediately after opening from the ice captivity of rivers and reservoirs. At this time, a hungry predator leaves the pits, heading for shallow waters following flocks of roach and white bream.
Further, good results can be achieved already in August, when the temperature mark of the water is rapidly falling. Also, pike perch perfectly takes on the first and last ice. In the dead of winter, it is extremely difficult to lure out a fanged inhabitant of the depths, oxygen starvation greatly affects it.
Pike perch does not like sudden temperature changes and changes in the atmospheric front. Pike perch perfectly takes at high or low pressure, which is kept at the same level for several days. The weather does not affect the biting, it is worsened by a sharp change of sun to rain and vice versa.
Fishing for “fanged” at different times of the year
Many anglers believe that the best season to catch walleye is winter. Indeed, it is easier to look for fish from the ice: you can approach any point, catch in one place even on the current, and also explore promising areas in more detail. But in fact, zander is caught year-round, with several peaks of activity.
Early spring time is considered a difficult test for a spinner, as fishing conditions are changing rapidly. As the water level rises, the current intensifies, the flow of water inflicts snags on clean zones, and the water area becomes muddy.
At this time, the predator is active, but it is not easy to get it. One of the best options remains a heavy jig with bait overload. Large lead allows you to catch a zone with a strong flow of water in more detail, stop the nozzle in one place, luring a predator.
Promising places for catching zander in spring:
- exits from the pits;
- coastal edges;
- boundaries of flow and calm water;
- stony and shell braids;
- reach with a depth of up to 3 meters and a plentiful forage base.
In the spring, the predator prepares for spawning, so it actively gains weight. Spinning fishing is difficult, but possible, especially with a large load. Mandulas show themselves perfectly. Active and passive types of silicone also work well. Many anglers prefer twisters in lemon, bright green and red shades.
We offer to purchase sets of author’s handmade mandulas in our online store. A wide range of shapes and colors allows you to choose the right bait for any predatory fish and season.
The provocative tones of the nozzles are argued by the increased turbidity of the water, and although the pikeperch feels the movement of the prey by the lateral line, eye contact remains no less important, because the spring stream carries a mass of dead vegetation, snags and other objects washed off the banks. Jig fishing is dominated by slow retrieves: a step, dragging with periodic rises, single short tosses.
With the advent of heat, the bite ends abruptly, the pike perch goes to spawn and resumes activity closer to mid-May. After spawning, there is a pause of several weeks, during which time the fish moves away from spawning and gradually begins to feed. In the middle of spring, mainly small fish peck, trophy fishing is left behind.
From June to August, the predator comes across episodically. You can find it at night by the corresponding sounds of gill covers. It is at this time that the pike perch goes hunting.
For spinning players, it’s time for wobblers, spinners and oscillators. At night, it takes better in the thickness, so the jig becomes ineffective.
The best wobblers for night fishing:
- Lucky Craft Flash Minnow;
- Fishycat Jungle 140F and 140 SP;
- Major Craft Zoner Minnow 110SP;
- Evergreen Faith;
- Tackle House Node.
Suspenders work great in the dark. Many models have a special hole for a firefly, which is located either in the abdominal or dorsal part of the lure. Floating models are also good, they are best used before sunset and at dawn.
Spinners and turntables also have their place in the fishing box. We managed to achieve good results with Acme Castmaster and other running models. Spinners with an elongated petal, for example, Mepps Aglia Long, perfectly catch pike perch of any size at night.
In the morning, the advantage is given to the front-loaded turntables, which are more effective during daylight hours, when the fish goes back to the depth.
Catching a predator in the summer is not only the time of spinning. In the warm season, rigging with live bait from the shore works great. A donka for a live fish, or in simple words, a “snack” sometimes brings a larger fish than a spinning rod.
Tackle consists of several elements:
- rods or reels;
- fishing line with a diameter of 0,25-0,3 mm;
- sinker 30-70 g;
- fluorocarbon leash;
- single hook.
You can collect tackle on the shore of the reservoir. Easy mounting works great if you use a rigid fluorocarbon leader that won’t tangle when you cast. The length of the leash varies within a meter, the nozzle is either a live fish, or a carcass, or a bunch of mussels or creeps.
Where there is a lot of pike perch, the predator also takes on a dead fish, its sliced, gutted carcass. A single hook cuts through a hard mouth better than a tee. Live bait is planted by the upper lip or tail, as the walleye attacks the fish from the head.
They are caught in the same places as when fishing with spinning. It is also possible the option of fishing from a boat in a plumb line. For this kind of hunting for the “fanged” they choose a section of the river along which the pit passes. The boat is installed at the entrance, after which the rafting goes downstream. It is important to change the depth of the bait after every 20 meters, thus examining the entire promising part of the water column. The predator attacks the bait near the bottom or a few meters from it.
From September to the end of October, the predator can be successfully caught in shallow areas, where the fish prefer to go out in the morning. In autumn, pike perch bites throughout the daylight hours, and also responds at night. During this period, the opportunity to meet the trophy grows, especially at night.
For fishing in the fall, they use spinning tackle with articulated mounting, tokyo rig, jig rig, drop shot. Unlike spring, when large artificial nozzles are used, in the fall, smaller silicone is used. However, its type does not change: long models work more successfully, since the predator has a narrow mouth structure and it is inconvenient for him to attack broad-bodied fish. There are also bites on silicone with a wide body, but the percentage of sales is much lower.
The best silicone lures for catching walleye in autumn:
- Vibrotail Bugsy Shad;
- slag Sexy Impact;
- vibrohost Easy Shiner;
- Swing Impact vibro-tail;
- Dragonfly larva X-Larva.
They equip silicone with articulated mounting with a ribbed sinker in different colors. Experienced spinners claim that colored sinkers increase the chance of a bite, especially on a bright day. Closer to November, when the water becomes clear, the colors of the sinkers change to darker ones: black, brown, dark blue. In the boxes of anglers, matte shades of rounded “cheburashkas” prevail. The color of silicone is selected according to the conditions of fishing and the transparency of the water area.
For fishing at a depth of 6 meters, even in clear water, bright provocative tones can be used:
- matte lemon;
- red or white;
- translucent green peach;
- purple with glitter.
In sunny weather, resort to dark and natural shades. By the end of autumn, they completely switch to natural colors: silver, black with glitter, ultraviolet, etc. The color of the ultraviolet baits plays a huge role. Some walleye hunters use it in all weather, considering it a reliable “all-time” color scheme.
Spinning on cold water in winter is possible only in the thaw, when the rivers open up from ice, and the rims become minimal. At this time, pike perch is active in the morning and evening hours.
The low temperature of the water makes the inhabitant of the depths remain in an inert state, therefore, active search is considered the main weapon of a winter spinner. The more promising places you manage to cover, the higher the chances of finding fanged brethren and getting a few bites.
In cold water, the type of wiring also changes, now the main ones are:
- slow broach near the bottom with stops;
- smooth rises of the bait in the thickness and free fall;
- tapping on the bottom in one zone;
- classic short step.
In the cold season, it is important to pause, allowing the bait to lie on the bottom. The main type of nozzles is edible silicone with a high salt content in the composition. Salt is used to give positive buoyancy to the silicone nozzle.
When falling, the sinker remains at the bottom, and the bait rises and stays upright. In this position, it is easier for the fish to pick up prey than from the bottom. Table salt in the composition of silicone directly affects the implementation and quality of bites, as well as their number.
Often, large perch and even pike come across in by-catch, so in winter you should not refuse a leash. Fluorocarbon with a cross section of 0,35-0,4 mm gives odds to the spinner. It must be inspected after each bite and changed in case of notches on the fishing line. It is also worth remembering that the fluid does not tolerate an abrasive surface, and in winter there is plenty of it: the sharp edges of stones and shells at the bottom, the ice edge near the coast.
Pike perch fishing in winter is a separate type of fishing practice for the extraction of a predator. For fishing, specialized winter rods for lure and bait are used.
For sheer fishing, several types of lures are used:
- metal spinners;
- pilkers;
- balancers;
- mormyshki-stukalki.
For a better effect, a piece of dead fish or a salted sprat is hung on the hook of the bait. The same approach is used when catching burbot, which sometimes becomes an unexpected trophy in zander hunting.
Sheer baubles for zander have an elongated shape, equipped with a single or triple hook with or without plumage. The color of the bait on a sunny day is selected darker, on a cloudy day – brighter. Classic metallic tones work great: silver, gold, brass, and copper. Many anglers make their own spinners by cutting out a form from non-ferrous metal and filling it with lead. The attack spot in the tail section is a mandatory attribute for accented bites.
The game on the winter spinner consists of several elements:
- single tosses;
- short and long stops;
- tapped on the bottom;
- smooth rises and falls;
- mormyshinga on the spot.
A variety of animations allows you to quickly pick up the key to the capricious fish.
Fishing for vents is another way of fishing for a fanged robber. In a severe frost, when flashing becomes impossible, the set comes to the rescue with its effectiveness.
Zherlitsy put up around promising areas:
- snags at a depth of 5 meters;
- channel edges;
- exits from the pits;
- depth differences in wintering pits;
- at the bottom of the slopes.
On a wild pond, one angler is allowed to use no more than 5 vents. This approach allows you to control the catches and does not completely knock out the predator in the waters. Exceeding the norm of gear is considered poaching.
The most popular spinning equipment for zander
Bottom shore equipment is not always effective. Many anglers prefer sport fishing with the help of spinning. Over many years of fishing practice, a sufficient number of equipment has been created for any season and conditions on the reservoir.
Hinged mounting
The classic split lead rig remains the most popular choice for beginners and advanced anglers alike. Thanks to the free movement of the hook with a wide eye on the wire in the sinker, the lure gets additional opportunities for animation, it behaves more naturally in the water.
As mentioned earlier, in the summer, variations in the colors of the sinker are possible, as well as its shape: there are triangular models, faceted and rounded balls. Any type of lure can be used with the articulated mount.
Jig Rig or Tokyo Rig
An advanced hinge mount is a jig rig. For this rig, you will need a carabiner, a hook with a wide eye and an elongated sinker in the form of a banana. Lead, as a rule, has a center of gravity shifted to the bottom. First of all, a bait is put on the carabiner, so that if the carabiner is opened during the fight, the sinker will fly off, and not the hook with the fish.
The jig rig significantly increases the casting distance due to the shape of the load, so it should be used when fishing for walleye on the coast.
Tokyo Rig is a modern take on the previous rig, developed in Japan. Tokyo rig differs by the type of sinker. It has an elongated shape and a long needle. This installation has the maximum passability and is used in places with a snarled muddy bottom.
Spaced rigs
The most popular installation in this category is considered a branch leash. The essence of the rig is to separate the bait from the lead, giving it a more natural game. However, this equipment option also has a drawback: when biting, the angler does not see the approach of the predator, so the notch occurs by chance when the fish has already grabbed the nozzle.
In addition, zander often swallows silicone deeply and it is impossible to pull it out without damage. The retractable leash allows the bait to fall freely in the bottom layer, because the distance to the load is 1-1,5 m. In this case, you can use a larger lead, which will allow you to control the nozzle better, play it in one place even with a strong current.
Also referred to as spaced installations:
- Carolina-rig.
- Texas rig.
Two difficult tackles differ from each other in the location of the sinker relative to the hook. In both cases, a sliding weight is placed on the leash, which rests on the bead. In the first case, between the bait and the lead bullet there is a piece of fishing line, reminiscent of the action of a retractable leash. In the second version, there is no such gap.
When fishing with a Texas rig, the load is collected together with the bait when reeling in, but during pauses, parts of the structure are separated, the lead falls to the bottom, and the hook with silicone continues to float in the thickness.
If the question arises of how to catch on the current, then the best answer would be a spaced installation that allows you to use large sinkers.