Taimen fishing: tackle, bait, bait and the rules for choosing a place are not known to everyone. To discover the secrets and find out the most promising places of capture, we offer further.
I would like to say right away that taimen is a representative of salmon and is listed in the Red Book. You can catch it only with permits, which are issued in very limited quantities, and only in certain districts of our country.
Promising places
Mainly fishing for taimen on spinning is carried out, but there are other methods of catching. Whatever the tackle, without knowing the habits and studying the most favorite places of residence, catching this salmon representative is impossible.
According to knowledgeable fishermen, namely, experts in catching this ichthy inhabitant, the most successful is fishing immediately after spawning and before freezing. According to the calendar, this is approximately the beginning of June and the first two decades of October. Taimen are caught in different parts of the rivers, with the exception of the upper reaches, where the fish goes to spawn and almost never bite.
Prospective capture sites are:
- areas with depths;
- shallows;
- whirlpools;
- sharp changes in depth;
- zones with ridges of stones;
- where small rivers flow into larger streams.
The basis of nutrition for taimen is smaller salmon, it eats grayling and whitefish babies with pleasure. According to the accumulation of these fish, experienced fishermen determine the parking lots of their larger relative.
As a rule, fish up to 7-10 kg gather in small flocks, but giants weighing 15 kg or more have their own personal space for life and hunting. The capture of a large specimen is carried out in places with rifts near shallows, sandy or pebbly spits. Even if the water level there is very low, a decent-sized taimen can choose this corner for an ambush.
Taimen habits
Successful fishing is impossible without a preliminary study of the habits and predilections of fish, taimen is no exception. This representative of salmon is considered one of the largest, but its habits are in many ways different from other relatives. Taimen is not classified as anadromous, fish does not enter the oceans and seas for spawning, spawning occurs in the upper reaches of freshwater rivers, and the entire life cycle takes place here. The exception is the Sakhalin branch, whose vital activity is mainly connected with the Sea of Japan.
Fish belong to predators, the basis of nutrition is animals. At the beginning of life, the main delicacies are small insects and aquatic larvae, the growing taimen gradually begins to eat their own kind, does not disdain small representatives of salmon. Upon reaching adulthood, it hunts from secluded places not only for aquatic inhabitants, small animals that accidentally fall into the water often become its lunch or dinner. Mice, rats and squirrels can be called a favorite delicacy.
It is not difficult to recognize taimen, outwardly it is similar to all salmon:
- according to the shape of the body;
- in the face;
- mouth with many small teeth.
A distinctive feature will be the size, the taimen significantly exceeds the length of the others. A fish of 5-10 kg is considered a fry, 20-30 kilogram individuals are classified as mature adults.
Among anglers specializing in taimen, there are stories about the capture of individuals weighing 50-60 kg.
Bait is practically not used to catch any kind of predatory fish, the situation is the same with taimen. He is served artificial, attractive to him during this period of time, baits, as a rule, they have neither smell nor taste.
You can additionally attract the attention of inactive or generally passive fish with the help of dry blood and flavorings and attractants identical to it. However, in the summer, at high temperatures and immediately after spawning, this is unlikely to help.
It is worth remembering that bait will not work to attract the attention of a predator. For a successful capture, it is better to take a more responsible approach to the choice of bait and choose the right wiring for it.
Lures and lures
The methods of catching and the nature of taimen involve the use of several types of lures, the most catchy among which is the spinner.
Spinners for taimen
Both oscillating and rotating options are used. It is impossible to single out the most successful, each has its own characteristics.
Those who hesitate choose according to size, the larger the product, the larger the individual will bite on it. Among the variety, preference is given to well-known pike, of which it is worth highlighting:
- atom of 21 g;
- pepper from 20 g;
- 24 year old pike
Twin skimmers will also work well, their special acoustic sound is annoying not only for pike and perch.
The classics work in colors: gold, silver, copper, depending on the lighting and weather conditions.
Spinners are also used quite often, but even here it is worth choosing from larger options. The most catchy are:
- aglia with petal 5-7 according to the Meppsian classification;
- long 4 or more for the same indicators.
Bright acid colors should not be chosen, it is better to give preference to the classics in gilding, silver or copper.
In winter, the capture is made on sheer options, the color scheme may be different.
Other Lures
Recently, the capture of taimen is increasingly carried out not only on the classic bait, wobblers and other artificial baits work no less successfully.
The following options are in demand among fishermen:
- A minnow-type wobbler, they are suitable for catching many predators. The colors used are different, bright in the autumn, and more natural colors in the summer.
- Poppers have proven themselves in many rivers, their specific sound attracts a predator from afar.
- Artificial mice and rats work more in autumn. The color scheme should be chosen natural, and the dark color works great even in the dark.
When using a fly fishing blank, streamers, dry and wet flies, imitation beetles and other insects are used as bait.
Live bait blanks are equipped with small graylings and dace, they will become the most attractive for the taimen gourmet.
Features of fishing
However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Fishing is a delicate matter, and even more so for taimen. His capture is significantly different in many respects, and the seasons will play a significant role.
In the natural habitats of taimen, winters are quite severe, but this is not an obstacle for local fishermen. From the ice they catch on several types of gear:
- on baubles in a plumb line;
- on zherlitsy and supplies with live bait.
Each of the options, with correctly selected components, will certainly bring the long-awaited trophy.
For lure fishing, a blank of a relatively small size, about one and a half meters long, is selected. They equip it with a spinning reel with a spool up to 2000, but with good traction performance. As a basis, a fishing line with a diameter of up to 0,28 mm or a cord up to 0,12 mm is used. the leash may not be attached. But the lure is chosen carefully, for catching this representative of salmon, products with the following indicators are suitable:
- decent weight, from 15 g or more;
- colors silver or gold;
- high-quality sharp tee;
- you can use hooks with artificial flies and lurex.
As a rule, elongated versions of spinners work better.
Zherlitsy and postavushki do the same as for pike, but here the base is placed stronger. The best option would be a monofilament line with an average ductility, but the diameter should be taken at least 0,4 mm. As a rule, everyone puts a leash before bait, for this they use a fly up to 0,5 mm in diameter or a steel cable of medium size. The length of the leash is from 30 cm. A small fish is used as bait, a dace is perfect, which is the basis of the diet of taimen in natural conditions.
In the autumn, the taimen’s appetite increases, the fish is especially active before freezing. During this period, the fish begins to eat, it becomes less cautious, and it bites on almost any proposed bait. The most successful types of capture during this period are:
- spinning;
- fly fishing
For the first type of fishing, oscillating and rotating spinners are chosen as bait, wobblers, artificial mice, rats, and large squirrels will work well. Catching taimen on a mouse during this period will bring the greatest results, it is this bait, with skillful wiring and fighting, that will allow you to get a large specimen.
Catching taimen in spring is much more difficult than in winter or autumn. Immediately after the ice melts, the fish is sluggish, there is no pre-spawning meal as such, because food was regular throughout the winter. Then a representative of salmon goes to the upper reaches of the rivers for spawning, now it is unlikely that it will be possible to catch it for the next few weeks. The only option is bagrenie, but it is not legal, and is punishable not only by administrative penalties.
In summer, taimen fishing is active at the very beginning of the season, the fish has already been ill after spawning and is ready to actively replenish lost stocks. Post-spawning zhor begins in early June and will last 2-3 weeks, depending on weather conditions. During this period, the salmon representative responds well to both artificial bait and live bait.
The most acceptable fishing methods are:
- spinning with artificial lures, including a mouse;
- fly fishing blank with imitation of beetles and larvae of the region chosen for fishing;
- live bait rods with dace as bait.
Experienced fishermen say that during this period, the taimen can even peck at an ordinary worm.
Further, the activity of the fish will begin to fall rapidly, the trout, having had enough, becomes more cautious and picky, does not rush to everything in a row, waits and looks around before throwing.
Fishing methods
Among the many types of fishing for taimen, only a few are suitable, and even those do not always work. In order to be sure of the catch, and even get not just a fish, but a real trophy, you should decide on the method. Spinning and fly fishing are the most productive options, and we will consider them in more detail below.
To catch taimen on spinning, you need to be able to choose the components of the gear, including baits. This representative of salmon is considered one of the strongest, therefore, the tackle must be formed from the appropriate materials. To catch taimen, spinning tackle is formed from:
- a form, with a length of 2,4 m, while the lower test indicators must be at least 20 g, and the upper ones up to 100 g;
- inertialess coil, with a spool of 4000-5000 and good traction performance;
- it is better to put a cord as a basis, a thickness of 20 mm or more;
- carabiners, swivels, clockwork rings are chosen of medium size, but with high breaking rates, they must withstand sharp blows and jerks of fish when biting and playing;
- leashes are made of fluorocarbon or steel, while the breaking indicators should be slightly less than that of the base of the tackle.
It should be understood that the base should be as thin as possible, but strong enough. Too thick a line will scare away the fish, it will not even fit the bait, and a thin line simply will not withstand strong fish.
The most catchy baits for taimen are:
- vibrations;
- turntables;
- wobblers minnow and poppers;
- artificial mouse, squirrel, rat.
Silicone for taimen is not attractive, but, as an option, in the absence of bites, you can try it. It is worth choosing large options for lures from 6 inches or more, and equipping them with appropriate hooks and weights.
Fishing is carried out both from the coastline and when rafting on a boat, the second method will allow you to catch even the most inaccessible places. For successful fishing, you need to be able to correctly determine the parking lots of fish and hold the bait as close to the bottom as possible. Fishing with spinning gear is carried out at any time of the year in open water.
fly fishing
Fly fishing involves the use of tackle with the following components:
- form from 3 m long 10-12 class;
- inertialess or inertial coil;
- base, preferably fishing line, with a diameter of 0,35 mm;
- leash made of fluorocarbon or high-quality steel, slightly inferior to the base in terms of breaking loads.
Flies, both dry and wet, artificial beetles and larvae, streamers, nymphs are used as baits.
The most successful will be fishing in this way in the summer and autumn, fly fishing is especially relevant at dusk and in the dark.
How to catch taimen
I would like to remind you once again that the taimen belongs to the rare species of salmon fish, is listed in the Red Book, so its fishing is allowed only in a few regions and only with the purchase of a license. For unauthorized fishing without proper documents, each violator faces a fine and criminal liability. Rybnadzor recommends using the catch-and-release method, this will help to preserve and increase the number of fish in natural conditions.
For successful fishing, you need to know and apply many tricks, among which the most attention should be paid to the moment of biting and fighting.
Like all predators, the taimen attacks its potential prey, including artificial baits, from the shelter. It happens at lightning speed, and the impact force is always impressive. Light twitching and poking from this predator is not to be expected. It is recommended to immediately serif and hold the blank firmly from the very cast, this will be the key to successful fishing for both fly fishing and spinning.
Playing begins immediately after the giant’s notch, the slightest delay can cause the predator to leave. The cord or fishing line must be constantly kept in a strong tightness, otherwise the trophy will simply spit out the hooks and go home. It is important not to let the fish go into the shelter of deadwood or stones, few people managed to roll it out from there.
It is necessary to bring the fish out gradually, tiring it and not giving it the opportunity to go into cover. The roll-out is carried out by the simultaneous operation of the coil and the blank itself, this will double the chances of a successful outcome.
Mouse fishing technique
Almost everyone can catch a taimen on a mouse, but here you need to know some secrets. Successful fishing with such a bait lies in the ability to choose a promising place and correctly conduct a specimen.
The mouse is caught after dark, therefore, even during the daytime, a gentle coast without vegetation is chosen and several spinning casts are made to determine the required amount of base. Then they wait for darkness, while they behave quite quietly and carefully.
In the dark, the fishing itself is carried out, for this the bait is thrown and carried out with twitches. At the first poke, it is not worth making a notch, the taimen examines its prey, then it will jam it with its tail, the angler will be able to find out about this by characteristic sounds. But with the next attack, you can safely pinpoint the trophy. Next comes the removal of the individual.
You can use a flashlight after the serif has been made, before that it is better not to shine either on the water or along the coastline.
Taimen fishing is interesting and exciting, by choosing the right tackle and bait, everyone who has bought a license in advance will be satisfied with the catch.