Fishing for salmon and trout on spinning, equipment and bait

Fishing for salmon and trout on spinning, equipment and bait

Spinning fishing is becoming more and more common type of fishing today. This is most likely due to the versatility of this fishing tackle, and the use of the most modern, durable and lightweight materials in its production puts it in first place among many fishing tools. Lightness, ease of handling, reliability when fighting – these are the main criteria that determine its widespread use. Anglers use it when catching perch, pike, pike perch and catching such fish is not limited to its use. It is used for catching large representatives of salmon: salmon, trout, pink salmon, coho salmon and chinook salmon.

Fishing for salmon and trout on spinning, equipment and bait

As you know, salmon prefer fast and swift rivers with clean and cool water, and the presence of rifts, clean, without vegetation, the bottom strewn with pebbles and stones – this is their real habitat. Such fast rivers are characterized by the presence of a large amount of oxygen in the water, which is very fond of salmon.

Salmon bite best in the early morning or in periods before a thunderstorm or rain. This increases the number of insects that are pressed by atmospheric pressure to the water itself. It is during this period that salmon begins to actively feed, not missing various baits and baits.

Where to catch

For fishing to be effective, you need to know some features of spinning salmon hunting:

  • This fish practically does not approach the shore, and, therefore, it must be sought further from the shore.
  • Salmon are cautious and shy fish, and require careful, low-profile actions. When fishing, it is advisable to use clothes that match the color of the environment.
  • During the bite, he takes any bait.
  • A long-range but accurate throw is required. If the fish took in one place at least once, then you should make accurate casts in the same place and the result will not be long in coming.
  • This fast fish very often misses and gatherings are possible, and in order to minimize such gatherings, it is necessary to choose the right bait.

Trout on spinning

Trout can be caught on fast, swift rivers of the Far East and mountain rivers of the North Caucasus. She prefers cool and clean water rich in oxygen.

Trout habitats

The trout loves snarled places, and therefore there it is most of all. She loves places where the river is enriched with oxygen, and these are various rifts or small waterfalls. It is in these seething streams that it must be sought. Closer to the south, it can be caught all year round, but on the northern rivers, fishing for trout is a seasonal matter. Depending on the nature of the reservoir in which it is found, it is divided into brook, lake and rainbow trout, and its size depends on the richness of food in this reservoir.

Rod characteristic

For trout fishing, a long spinning rod up to 3m is used. This is due to the fact that the trout keeps a distance from the shore and it is necessary to cast the bait far. It is advisable to choose a rod of medium hardness and fast action in order to respond to bites in a timely manner. This fish takes the bait sharply and quickly, and therefore a quick hook is needed to minimize the loss of fish. When fishing on small rivers, where you can “wad” you do not need a long rod, 1,5-2 meters are long enough.


The choice of fishing line or cord is also a crucial moment in organizing effective fishing. Here it should be borne in mind that salmon fish are fast and strong, and therefore, it will be a pity if the fishing line cannot withstand its pressure. When fishing for trout, you can take monofilament fishing line with a diameter of 0,2 mm or braided line with a diameter of 0,15 mm.

Fishing for salmon and trout on spinning, equipment and bait

Preference can be given to “braided” because of its small specific stretch. This allows you to instantly transfer the moment of bite to the rod. To catch salmon, you will need a more powerful fishing line, and, possibly, a more powerful rod with a non-inertial (or inertial) reel. To catch big fish, more and more often fishermen use multiplier (marine) reels. They are more reliable and designed specifically for big fish fishing. The fishing line is usually chosen braided, not less than 0,25 mm. Fishing salmon requires great skill and patience. With inept actions, this fish is able to break or break any tackle. This fish is fighting for life to the last, and therefore it is necessary to be prepared for a desperate struggle.

Video with a wobbler and silicone for trout:

The angler is an expert. With a wobbler and silicone for trout.

Salmon for spinning

Salmon can be safely attributed to the queen of salmon, and in size it surpasses trout. This fish is caught in medium and large rivers of the North and Northeast. It practically does not enter small rivers. It can be caught all year round, but the best time is when it enters rivers to spawn. During this period, she does not feed, but takes the bait purely instinctively.

Fishing for salmon and trout on spinning, equipment and bait


The rod is selected up to 3,5 m, depending on the latitude of the river, the rod can be smaller. It is better to catch with a non-inertia reel, but it is also possible to use an inertial “meat grinder”. The braided cord should be fairly reliable, with a diameter of 0,25 mm.


For salmon fishing, you can use any bait: oscillating and rotating lures, wobblers, vibrotails, poppers, etc. The choice of bait depends on the nature of the reservoir and fishing conditions, as well as the preferences of the fish itself. Given the fact that fishing is carried out on large currents, you should choose heavy baits or weight the existing ones with a soldering iron and solder. On the rivers, oscillating and spinning baubles proved to be very good, and on lakes, wobblers, poppers and “silicones” can be successfully used. It is impossible not to mention silicone baits, especially baits made from edible silicone. These “silicones” have an undeniable advantage over other types of baits, as they have a more natural character of the game.

Fishing for salmon and trout on spinning, equipment and bait

When going fishing, you should stock up on a set of lures, due to the inevitability of cliffs due to the nature of the bottom of the reservoirs. On large rivers, timber is rafted, and therefore there are many sunken logs at the bottom, which are the main cause of hooks. Very often, anglers use home-made bait designs that are in no way inferior to purchased ones in terms of characteristics, and in some ways even surpass them.

The castmaster oscillating lure has proven itself very well. This spinner, like no other, is most suitable for salmon fishing. Having the shape of a blank, it flies very well over long distances, and the jewelry and precise technology of its manufacture allows this lure to play appropriately and make it very catchy.

Of the spinners, you can offer the spinners of the Mepps company. This company specializes in the production of such spinners and, as a result of many years of findings and solutions, they produce high-quality and catchy baits. In Mepps spinners, everything is proportional, and the size of the petal, and the amount of loading, and the number of the tee, and the thickness of the wire on which these components are placed. The shape of the petal may be different, but this shape does not affect the quality of the spinner – it starts with a half turn. This is the case if you purchased the original, and not a cheap Chinese fake.


When playing salmon, remember:

  • this fish always goes against the current. You should not immediately start a fight, but after releasing the line, let it swim further, because after a while it will stop;
  • if it goes with the flow, then the line should be constantly kept tight. At the moments when the fish ceases to rest, the reel should be rewound;
  • you do not need to give this fish the opportunity to rest, otherwise it will take a very long time to fight. Having rested, she will fight for her life with renewed vigor.

You can watch a duel with salmon on the video:

Salmon of Varzuge May 2013

Fishing as a hobby

More and more salmon fishing takes on the character of extreme fishing and takes massive, but organized forms. To catch such a fish and feel its power when playing is the ultimate dream of every amateur angler and sport angler. Such fishing has become available not only to local fishermen, but also to fishermen of other, more remote regions, in which there are no salmon. Given such huge demand, some local businessmen are ennobling water bodies and growing trout in them to organize mass fishing trips for anglers to catch trout. Such businessmen work together with travel companies that organize such trips.

But people are more attracted to extreme sports, and they are happy to go to wild rivers with wildlife. This is a unique type of outdoor activity, when in search of trout, salmon or salmon, you need to walk tens of kilometers, pushing through dense thickets, while fighting off insects.

A real extreme and a huge adrenaline rush will come at the moment when the spinning rod, almost breaking into two parts, will bend under the weight of a large fish and you will need to put together patience, strength and skill. The pleasure will be complete if, along with cries of joy, a specimen of salmon weighing, like, 10-15 kilograms, appears on the shore. At this moment, feelings will overwhelm and the amount that will be paid to the travel company will seem like a real trifle.

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