Fishing for omul on Lake Baikal: tackle for summer omul fishing with a bait from a boat

Where and how to catch omul, what baits and tackle are suitable for fishing

Omul refers to semi-through whitefish. Omul is surrounded by an areola of mystery, most people believe that this fish lives only in Lake Baikal. In fact, two subspecies of this fish and several residential forms live in Russia. In addition, omul is also found in North America. The largest subspecies is the Arctic omul, its weight can reach 5 kg. The Baikal omul is smaller, but there are cases of catching individuals weighing about 7 kg. Arctic omul occupies the northernmost habitat of all whitefish. Omul is considered a slow-growing species, at the age of 7 years it has a size of 300-400 grams.

Ways to catch omul

Omul is caught on various gear, but they have one thing in common – bait. Omul feeds, like most whitefishes, on invertebrates and juvenile fish. Most fishermen use artificial lures that are the same size as the main food. “Long casting rods” increase the fishing distance, which is important on large bodies of water, therefore they are popular with whitefish anglers. Catching omul on spinning lures, such as spinners, is possible, but such fishing will be ineffective. Particularly interesting and prolific omul fishing takes place in winter. Many gear and fishing methods are quite original.

Catching omul on winter gear

In winter, the most popular omul fishing is held on Lake Baikal. A large portion of bait is loaded into the hole, which attracts flocks of omul. Amphipods, which local fishermen call “bormash”, serve as complementary foods. Omul, in the lake, usually lives at great depths, but portions of bait make it rise closer to the holes. The fisherman observes the level where the omul stands through the hole and thus controls the depth of the tackle. Therefore, this method of fishing is called “peep”. Fishing rods are, in fact, voluminous reels with a large amount of fishing line, on which several decoys are attached to leashes. At the end of the line, a spindle-shaped sinker is attached, with two loops, at the second end of which a leash with a front sight is also attached. Tackle must be played up. Fishing requires a certain skill, because the snags are knitted on hooks without a beard. The by-catch may also include graylings.

Catching omul on spinning and float gear

Fishing for omul in summer is considered more difficult, but local anglers are no less successful. For fishing from the shore, various gear “for long-distance casting”, float rods, “boats” are used. More successful can be called fishing from boats. Omul is sometimes caught on small spinners, but various tricks are also the best baits. It is always worth having a supply of tricks and flies, especially in the case of grayling bites. This fish bites more sharply and can tear off the bait.


Basically, omuls feed on various invertebrates in the water column, the so-called. zooplankton. The methods of fishing and bait depend on this. On Baikal, lures of various shades of red are considered the most popular. According to some anglers, carrot and orange blends are more suitable for arctic omul. For spinning fishing, medium-sized spinners are chosen, while it must be borne in mind that casts must be made far and the bait must go deep.

Places of fishing and habitat

The Arctic omul for feeding uses not only the areas adjacent to the mouth of the rivers, but also goes far into the sea. At the same time, it can live in water with high salinity. It also feeds on crustaceans and young fish. The distribution area is located in the interval between the Mezen River basin along the entire Arctic coast to the rivers of North America in the Kornation Bay. The Baikal omul lives only in Baikal, and spawns in the tributaries of the lake. At the same time, different herds of the Baikal omul may differ in habitats, in the lake, and in the timing of spawning.


The omul becomes sexually mature at the age of 5-8 years. The Arctic subspecies always develops later than the Baikal one. Arctic omuls rise to the rivers for spawning quite high, up to 1,5 thousand km. It does not feed during the spawning run. Spawning in the middle of autumn. The spawning herd is represented by individuals 6-13 years old, spawning does not take place every year. The female spawns 2-3 times in her life. Baikal omul larvae roll down the lake in spring, where they develop.

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