Fish oil – properties, recommended consumption, indications. What does fish oil help?

Fish oil is an oil obtained from the liver of fish, of the cod species, most often from Atlantic cod, and the name fish oil does not refer to other oils obtained from fish, e.g. from whale or shark. The fish oil has been known for centuries. Initially, it was used as a food supplement, but also as a preservative for wood and fuel for lamps. In the eighteenth century, the beneficial effects of fish oil in the treatment of rheumatic diseases were noticed. However, only studies conducted in the XNUMXth century showed its pro-health activities.

What’s in the process?

Fish oil is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6 in the right proportions, and vitamins A, D and E, which affect many systems and are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Properties of fish oil

The fish oil supports the skeletal system. Vitamin D contained in fish oil supports the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract and directly influences bone metabolism (releases calcium from the skeleton). Therefore, it is important during the growth period, when bones and teeth are being shaped. Tran is helpful in treating rickets in children and, in the elderly, it prevents osteoporosis and osteomalacia (adult rickets).

The fish oil supports the immune system. Vitamin D activates antibacterial peptides, and vitamin A seals the mucous membranes, thus protecting the body against pathogenic microorganisms. In turn, fatty acids provide the building blocks for the formation of anti-inflammatory hormones. Consumption of cod liver oil is especially recommended in the autumn and winter season, when poor sunlight causes vitamin D deficiencies, and at the same time during this period there is an increased activity of various viruses and bacteria.

Fish oil also improves eyesight. Vitamin A, contained in the trout, has a particularly beneficial effect on the eyes. It improves the quality of vision, prevents the occurrence of night blindness, macular degeneration and drying out of the conjunctiva and cornea. However, omega-3 acid is a component of the eye’s retina. Its deficiency causes some eye defects.

Tran also affects the vaso-circulatory system. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in the fish oil reduce the concentration of “bad” LDL cholesterol, and at the same time raise the level of “good” HDL cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and blood clots. Vitamin E, on the other hand, seals blood vessels and prevents premature breakdown of red blood cells. In turn, vitamin D indirectly reduces the risk of hypertension and heart failure.

Tran and the mental condition

Omega-3 acids affect the flow of stimuli between the gray matter and the white matter of the brain. The conducted research clearly showed that in children who systematically took fish oil, concentration improved, the ability to think logically and the ability to remember increased. Tran is recommended during periods of intense mental work and the elderly, at risk of Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Tran improves the condition of the skin

Vitamins contained in crack oil firm the skin and make nails and hair more elastic. It is especially recommended for psoriasis, calluses and dry skin. Crude oil is used to treat difficult-to-heal wounds, bedsores and frostbite.

Who Should Take Fish Oil?

Due to its pro-health properties, fish oil is recommended in particular to: children in the period of strong growth, the elderly, convalescents after injuries and bone fractures, people with reduced immunity, people who are stressed, physically and mentally exhausted, smokers, alcohol abusers.

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