Fish oil: benefits and harms to the body
Fish oil has been known for decades, and in addition to its liquid form, it comes in convenient capsules. This tonic is used both for the prevention of rickets in children and against beriberi in adults.

History of fish oil

The pharmacist Meller in the XNUMXth century noticed the relationship between the health of the inhabitants of coastal regions and the large number of fish in their diet. People were less likely to suffer from anemia, rickets, and night blindness. Laboratory studies have confirmed the benefits of fish oil, and its sale in pharmacies has been established. Previously, red fat was used only for leather dressing.

But even before the first studies, many peoples intuitively felt the need for fish oil, digested it and ate it, applied it to the body. Northern peoples: Evens, Eskimos, Yakuts, still actively eat it, since the nutritional value of the product in harsh conditions is extremely important.

The main raw material for obtaining fish oil is the liver and subcutaneous fat of cod fish, sharks, rays.

The largest producer is Norway. It is also produced by Our Country, the USA and the countries of the South American continent.

The composition and calorie content of fish oil

Caloric value on 100 g902 kcal
Proteins0 g
Fats100 g
Carbohydrates0 g

The Benefits of Fish Oil

Fish oil contains omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, which the body cannot synthesize on its own, they come only with food. Also, this product contains fat-soluble vitamins A and D and trace elements: magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus.

Unlike many other fats, fish oil is practically not used by the body to “store in reserve” in the form of subcutaneous fatty tissue, but is used to build the lipid layer of cells.

Omega-3 increases insulin sensitivity, which speeds up metabolism and helps build muscle when you’re wasted and burn extra calories if you have any. Also, as a result of research, it turned out that taking fish oil reduces the level of cortisol, a hormone that destroys muscle fibers. Too high levels of this hormone slows down protein synthesis. The anti-inflammatory effect helps to restore muscles after intense workouts.

Thus, fish oil is useful during sports for building muscle mass, and for losing weight to reduce body fat by accelerating metabolism.

This product is also useful for a body weakened by diseases, the elderly and children, during the recovery period, for the prevention of beriberi. Vitamins A and D accelerate the growth of the body, the regeneration of skin, hair, nails, are responsible for bone strength and eye health.

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Harm fish oil

Despite the benefits of fish oil, there are contraindications for taking it.

– Fish oil can increase the risk of bleeding, therefore, with reduced blood clotting and taking anticoagulant drugs, fish oil is contraindicated. Take with caution in case of exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis. During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the use of fish oil. If the product is taken incorrectly or too much, a reaction from the stomach and intestines is possible: nausea, belching, diarrhea. When taking, be sure to observe the dosage, – advises Alexander Voynov, dietetics and wellness consultant at the WeGym fitness club chain.

The use of fish oil in medicine

The product is used as a dietary supplement for beriberi, rickets. Also based on fish oil produce drugs for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

The use of fish oil in cooking

Fish oil is used exclusively as a prophylactic for a number of diseases. Due to the specific smell and taste, it is not used in cooking.

However, the northern peoples have national dishes with fish oil. For example, fried palmpyrek pies are stuffed with fat and flour. The Alaska Natives used snow, fish oil, honey, and raw berries to make something like ice cream by churning the ingredients into tuesques.

How to choose and store fish oil

The product is available in two forms: in gelatin capsules and in liquid form.

Especially carefully you need to consider the choice of fish oil in bottles. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are rapidly oxidized, so the product quickly rancid when exposed to air. Pay attention to the expiration date and the dark glass of the package. Once opened, keep refrigerated and use quickly.

The taste of fish oil is very peculiar, besides it has a strong smell. Therefore, for many, the form of gelatin capsules is more convenient, which protects the fat from oxidation and lengthens the shelf life. Capsules should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, out of direct sunlight.

The packaging should indicate the percentage of omega-3 content – from 15 to 30%. The least polluted with chemicals and toxins, fish oil is obtained from subcutaneous fat and from the back of fish, and fat from the liver is less useful. Fish oil is a liquid product and ranges in color from amber to pale yellow. The lighter the fat, the greater the degree of purification it has passed and has a less pronounced specific taste.

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