Fish in the oven: how to cook fish in foil? Video
Many housewives prefer to use this method for cooking fish – bake it in the oven. This process is quick and simple, but in order for the fish to be juicy, aromatic and tender, you need to know some secrets.
How to bake fish in the oven
The main features of the baking process
This technology for the preparation of any product is good in that it allows you to maximally preserve their useful and nutritious properties. But they also prefer to cook fish in this way because frying in a pan is accompanied by strong odors, splashes of hot oil in contact with raw fish pieces. By wrapping it in foil and sending it to the oven, you can avoid such unpleasant moments. In addition, when baking, the entire fish carcass is cooked at the same time – both from the bottom and from the top, evenly. Therefore, the process of cooking it takes less time and allows you to preserve its integrity – after all, tender meat does not need to be turned over.
The fish can be baked open by simply placing it on a baking sheet, but most often it is wrapped in foil. The foil envelope allows you to protect the meat from burning, and in addition, to preserve all the aromas that the filling exudes inside, usually consisting of vegetables with spices.
In order for the fragrant steam to circulate freely in such an envelope during the baking process, enough free space is left in it.
What fish to choose for baking
For this method of heat treatment, both sea and river fish, which contain a lot of fat, are best suited. From river fish, most often baked carp, carp, bream, and from sea fish – trout, salmon, sole, telapia. Large sea fish, such as salmon or salmon, are prepared in the form of chopped large transverse pieces – steaks. But, of course, there are no strict restrictions, so a delicious dish will turn out from both pike and pike perch, especially if you add a spoonful of olive or butter to the filling and grease the foil from the inside with vegetable oil.
A universal seasoning for baked fish – salt, freshly ground black pepper and a little lemon juice, emphasizing its natural taste. But some people like to add other spices as well – ground coriander, nutmeg, ginger
The fish, in order for it to remain tender and juicy, should not be baked for a long time, this principle is perfectly suited to vegetables, which also do not need long heat treatment, and are also capable of giving the dish their delicious aroma. Therefore, most often fish is baked with vegetables, using them as a “pillow” for a fish carcass and as a filling for it. The composition of the vegetable filling can be anything, but it is desirable that it contains onions, sometimes housewives are limited only to them.