Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

This article has a lot of useful information related to the intensity of fish biting, depending on various weather factors. In addition, here you can find out how and what to feed the fish, when it is better to catch it and how to choose a catchy place on the pond. An experienced angler will never go fishing until he analyzes the nature of the weather conditions: wind direction, atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature. Most novice anglers ignore these factors, go fishing and end up without a catch.

fish biting chart

Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • January is almost the height of winter and is characterized by the presence of harsh conditions for fishing. To be precise, the month of January is the height of winter fishing, which is radically different from summer fishing. As a rule, the most productive will be catching fish on mormyshki. In addition, in January you can fish with other baits, such as bloodworms. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in winter you can catch both predatory and peaceful fish, which requires the use of various gear. For example, pike is caught on baits, where live bait is used as a bait. The rest of the fish, especially perch, are more caught on artificial lures, such as mormyshka. It is better to catch peaceful fish on winter float fishing rods, putting bloodworms on the hook.
  • The biting of fish in January is characterized by its inconsistency and is accompanied by both activity, during the onset of thaws, and passivity, especially during sudden changes in weather, snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts. Although much here depends on the type of fish, as different fish react differently to external factors.
  • In the month of January, as mentioned above, any fish is caught, but burbot is considered especially active, as it is a cold-loving fish. By the way, burbot spawns precisely at the height of winter, when the rest of the fish lead a rather passive lifestyle. Despite this, not all fish refuse to eat, and if they are offered some kind of bait, they can easily bite.
  • It is believed that fishing in January is better in the morning or in the evening, preferring to go fishing on cloudy, calm days.
  • As a rule, fish go to deeper places for the winter, therefore, it is better to choose deep areas, with a depth of 5-7 meters. This is especially true in large reservoirs, where there are significant differences in depth.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • February is the month that symbolizes the end of winter, although it can be 20-degree frosts outside. At the same time, during the day, in the presence of the sun, the air begins to warm up actively. The fish feels this and begins to slowly become more active. Larger specimens may attack artificial lures such as spinners. During this period, a winter float fishing rod is used.
  • Fish biting in February is also not constant, but somewhat more active than in January, especially towards the end of the month. Until the first half of February, you should not particularly count on active biting, and by the end of the month the biting is activated, especially if you catch live bait.
  • In February, almost all types of fish are activated, but ruff and smelt will be especially active. In addition to them, more and more often roach, silver bream, perch, pike and pike perch will fall on the hook.
  • On rivers and lakes, especially in the first half of the month, using sheer lure, you can easily catch pike. As soon as the reservoirs begin to be freed from ice, and this is closer to the end of the month, almost all the fish become active. During this period, in areas where there are a lot of snags, perch are actively pecking.
  • Fishing is especially active in February on non-freezing reservoirs. Here the water temperature begins to rise gradually, especially in the shallows, which naturally attracts many species of fish.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • With the onset of the month of March, which symbolizes the arrival of spring, both fish and anglers are activated. As a rule, some reservoirs, although partially, are freed from ice, which leads to the activation of spinners. While the water is still clear, you can try your luck using various artificial lures and use slow retrieves. And yet, in March, fish prefer baits of animal origin, for a quick recovery of strength and energy after a long winter. If at this time you catch worms and bloodworms, then fishing can be very productive.
  • In the month of March, the fish, being pretty hungry for the winter, bite quite actively. During this period, you can not use bait. In this case, you should choose a warm sunny day and fish throughout the day.
  • With the advent of spring, the fish begin to prepare for spawning. Pike, for example, spawns in the month of March, so if you fall into the spawning period, then fishing may not take place. But the perch can be caught easily, since it actively feeds during this period. In addition to him, you can count on the capture of roach, which begins to stray into flocks, preparing for spawning.
  • In March, fish can be caught throughout the daylight hours, especially if weather conditions contribute to this. During this period, burbot is still active.
  • The most effective fishing in March may be on large lakes and reservoirs. In most cases, when the ice is already cracking, flocks of roach are located in the area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe cracks and wait until the reservoir is free of ice. The fact is that through cracks oxygen penetrates into the water, which is very necessary for fish. Not a bad bite can be observed on the border of clear and muddy water.

Fishing season for peaceful fish – fishing calendar


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • The month of April is characterized by the presence of muddy water, which is associated with flood waters. During this period, it is desirable to use flavored additives, since it is difficult for fish to find bait in the water. In the month of April, fish still prefer baits of animal origin. At the same time, any gear, both bottom and float, will be used. It is better to arm yourself with light gear so that your hands do not get so tired.
  • Compared to the previous month, the fish are not as active, but bite regularly if not attracted by bait.
  • In the month of April, any fish is caught, including silver bream and ruff, as well as chub and carp. No less productive can be fishing for pike, perch and burbot. During this period, active fishing for crucian begins.
  • The most productive fishing is at the beginning of April, when the fish have not yet had time to recover from wintering. In early April, when the water is still clear, you can fish in the wiring. This ideal period does not last long and soon the conditions will change dramatically.
  • On rivers and small lakes, fishing can be more productive, as there may still be ice, but there are areas of open water. Fishing in April is characterized by the beginning of the ban on fishing, which will be valid until the beginning of June. The ban is associated with the beginning of the fish spawning period. Although during this period you can fish with a float rod.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • The month of May is the end of spring, when some species have already spawned, and some just go to spawn. During this period, you can switch to fishing with artificial lures, such as wobblers or spinners. Fishing can be catchy if you use small dead fish. In May, the water level already drops and you can start fishing not only from the shore, but also from a boat. At the same time, one should not forget about the ban, especially fishing from a boat. Usually, in the month of May, fishing from a boat is prohibited everywhere, and with only a few exceptions regarding some wild waters, fishing from a boat is possible.
  • One fish in May, having gone to spawn, refuses to peck at all, and the other, having spawned, grabs everything that is offered to it. Therefore, fishing in May is notable for its unpredictability.
  • In the month of May, when dandelions bloom, the post-spawning zhor of pike begins. Therefore, pike hunting can end up with the capture of impressive specimens. No less successful can be hunting for perch and zander. Somewhere in the middle of May and closer to its end, roach and bream, as well as carp and tench, begin to be actively caught.
  • Fishing in May is characterized by several positive factors. The main one is the rapid growth of all types of vegetation, both in the water and on the shore, which leaves an indelible impression in the memory of the angler. During this period, positive emotions simply go over the edge not only from the revived nature, but also from effective fishing. Fish are caught in the month of May from morning until late evening.
  • The best places may be large rivers and large lakes, as well as reservoirs. Tench can be caught in shallow waters, and pike can be found in small bays.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • In the month of June, when the fish are already full, they do not mind trying plant-based baits. From the beginning of summer, fishing becomes the most interesting, especially since you can use any gear for fishing, naturally not poaching. During this period, crucian carp is perfectly caught on an ordinary float fishing rod. Bottom gear is also used, for catching bream, silver bream and roach. They begin to catch the predator with the help of spinning, using artificial baits. during this period, night fishing also becomes effective, especially when catching catfish.
  • With the advent of summer, when the weather sets in and the water warms up, the fish becomes more lethargic and does not require much food to support its life, especially since other food sources, such as insects and insect larvae, as well as bugs, are enough for it. and worms. Therefore, the biting of the fish is somewhat reduced. Despite this, in the month of June, rudd and tench go to spawn. During this period, it also takes ide well.
  • Closer to the middle of June, the flight of mayflies begins, which makes it possible for the fish to eat enough. Therefore, fishing during this period is not very effective. During this period of time, it is better to focus on catching perch, pike or zander. At night, you can count on catfish bites.
  • In the month of June, it is better to fish from early morning until 10 am, and also from 16 pm until sunset. With the onset of the heat of the day, the main representatives of the fish world go into thickets or snags, and also go to the depths, where they escape from the heat. As soon as the water begins to cool, the fish immediately enter the open spaces of reservoirs.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • The month of July is the height of summer, which means the height of the heat, and sometimes the real July heat, when the fish can refuse to eat at all. During this period, she may not respond to any kind of bait.
  • When the water temperature reaches the maximum values ​​for the fish, it tries to move to areas where the water is less warm. In other words, you will not meet fish in open areas, but in the shade of large trees, thickets or at a depth, the fish feels great. Therefore, it is better to arm yourself with bottom gear or spinning and try to cast baits closer to the thickets or carry out deep-sea wiring.
  • Particularly pleased in July is the biting of bream on the feeder (bottom tackle), as well as regular bites of roach, crucian carp or carp. Pike during this period is caught with great difficulty.
  • In July, it is better to go fishing on cloudy days, characterized by slight coolness. During the period of rains or cooling (relative), the fish migrates more in the reservoir, being closer to the surface.
  • The best results in July can be expected from deep water areas, as well as places closed from direct sunlight. Carp can be caught in areas with a muddy bottom, where he prefers to feed.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • August ends the summer period, and the water begins to cool down gradually, forcing the fish to feed more actively. This month, fishing can be productive, regardless of the nature of the bait. worms, flies, wobblers, poppers, bread crumbs and boiled peas can be used.
  • The biting of fish in August is activated, as it no longer has enough natural food that can be found in the reservoir. By the second half of August, it is increasingly difficult for fish to find various bugs and worms. Therefore, if you offer fish worms, maggots or bloodworms, then you can fully count on success.
  • In August, almost all the fish that is found in reservoirs is caught. She is already beginning to feel the breath of winter and she just needs to eat regularly and often.
  • Toward the end of August, you can fish, basically, throughout the day. At night, catfish or burbot can peck. At the same time, the nights in August are already cold, therefore, you will have to take warm clothes with you.
  • This month, algae blooms are observed in ponds with stagnant water, which affects the activity of the fish. Therefore, during this period it is better to go to the river, where such problems are not observed.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • What fish are caught in September? September is the beginning of autumn and the water temperature drops rapidly. With the advent of autumn, the fish completely switches to food of animal origin. Worms, bloodworms and live bait, not large in size, are suitable for catching it. You can secure a good catch for yourself if you arm yourself with a spinning rod.
  • The bite of fish in the month of September is characterized by inconstancy. Bursts of activity are noted on warm days, when the water begins to warm up a little. The Indian summer period, when warm weather sets in, can please the angler with a good catch.
  • In September, a variety of fish are caught, such as perch, bream, roach, catfish, chub and pike. But towards the end of the month, there is a deterioration in the biting of carp and bream.
  • As mentioned above, warm days can be the most catchy. As for burbot, he prefers cold, cloudy days. It is in the month of September that he begins his activity, having rested during the summer heat.
  • With the advent of autumn, the fish begins to move away from the shore, so it is better to fish from a boat. Pike are well caught in small water bodies. If it is warm, then you can try your luck in shallow water, and if it gets colder, then you need to look for fish at a depth.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • The month of October is the middle of autumn and the water temperature in the reservoirs drops to the point where almost all fish are looking for deep places and prefer to be there. Therefore, in order to catch fish, you should opt for a feeder (bottom gear). During this period, it is desirable to use bait, which has an attractive smell of animal origin.
  • During this period, the activity of the fish drops noticeably, the water becomes more and more transparent, which allows the fish to behave cautiously. Therefore, the bite can be very unstable.
  • As for the variety of fish, in October you can still catch crucian or silver bream. In the second half of October, it is better to set up gear for catching predatory fish such as asp, pike perch, pike, etc.
  • In October, you should not go fishing early in the morning, because the bite can start at 9 or 10 in the morning, depending on the degree of water heating. This period continues until sunset.
  • This month it is better to fish at some distance from the coast, as well as in deep water areas of reservoirs.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • November is the month that ends autumn. This month, some reservoirs are already covered with a reliable layer of ice. Therefore, depending on the conditions, both summer and winter gear will fit for fishing. During this period, a predator is well caught on spinning, if you use large baits. spinners and widespread silicone baits, aggressive colors are also suitable.
  • The month of November is characterized by a period of autumn zhor of many predators, especially pike. Therefore, in November, you can take a spinning rod and go for a pike. The result will not be long in coming.
  • This month, in addition to pike, you can hunt for perch, which flocks and migrates around the reservoir in search of food. In addition to perch, you can get pike perch from the depths. No less actively behaves and roach. From the depth, you can also catch bream.
  • Fishing in the month of November begins from the moment the sun rises and the water begins to warm up actively. In the afternoon, small fish begin to appear closer to the shore. During this period, you should not count on successful fishing at night. But to catch roach during the day is not a problem at all.
  • Toward the end of November, winter ice fishing begins. At the same time, not large reservoirs are covered with reliable ice first, but the largest ones are the last. With the advent of the first reliable ice, it is possible to successfully catch roach, which does not lose its activity, but some fish species reduce their activity for about a couple of weeks, as if adapting to new conditions.


Fish biting schedule: what to fish for and what kind, how the fish bite and where

  • In the month of December, winter reliably comes into its own, therefore, you can safely leave gear for summer fishing and arm yourself with gear for ice fishing. As a rule, you can count on a good result if you use bait. Most anglers switch to fishing with mormyshkas.
  • Biting in December is not very effective, because the fish stocked up on nutrients as much as they could. In addition, she has not yet fully adapted to the new conditions. Under certain conditions, the fish falls into a winter stupor and practically stops eating. Crucian generally falls into a state of suspended animation and burrows into the silt.
  • It is not particularly worth counting on the fact that crucian carp, catfish or tench will bite in winter. Unless it is possible on large reservoirs, where there are no appropriate conditions in order not to show any activity. But such fish as pike on vents, perch on mormyshka, pike perch on a balancer – this is a common occurrence for December.
  • The best period for fishing in December are warm sunny days, without the presence of wind. Moreover, this statement is valid in the first half of December, as they say, on the first ice.
  • In shallow waters, where there are low oxygen reserves, active biting does not last long, but in large waters, where there is enough oxygen for fish, you can always count on the catch.

In conclusion, it should be said that the effectiveness of fishing largely depends on the knowledge of the fisherman as the behavior of the fish, and the ability to link its behavior to certain weather conditions.

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