First tooth; baby’s first haircut

First tooth; baby’s first haircut

They say that other people’s children grow up quickly, it seems to parents that the era of diapers, diapers and night shifts at the cradle lasts forever. And then dad and mom somehow unexpectedly find, instead of a baby in a cap, a bearded young man with headphones in his ears. And it will be so nice together sometimes to sort out simple, but absolutely invaluable testimonies of the time when an adult son was still a smart “slider”.

Almost every second children’s photo album begins with this black and generally obscure image. The medical gel on the belly of a pregnant woman after an ultrasound scan has not yet dried, as she already dreams of how she will show this picture to her family and friends. Some polite and tactful people assure that they can easily distinguish in these vague outlines both the head and the legs of the future new inhabitant of the planet Earth.

The first cap and tag from the hospital

In Russian maternity hospitals, they do not bother about the beauty of tags – it is just a square of brownish or dirty pink oilcloth, on it there is an inscription: the name and surname of the newborn, date and time of birth, gender, height and weight. It is tied to the child’s handle with a piece of bandage.

You can store such a “government” tag, or you can buy a beautiful pink or blue on a soft bracelet in advance.

The tiny first cap, chintz or flannel (or both at once), is also a touching little thing. By the way, both the tag and the cap can be placed in a split transparent plastic ball and made a Christmas tree decoration out of this composition.

It is unlikely that the child will keep the coin that the cunning Tooth Fairy will put under the pillow, but the first milk tooth that falls out can be saved in a small box. The beginning of a change of teeth is an important milestone in life. True, parental experience testifies that the first lost tooth is not always preserved in its original form throughout life. Often, after a few years, it simply crumbles into small pieces.

Curl after the first haircut

Traditional haircut in one year, the first “initiation”, the first line between infancy and childhood! A small lock of hair, soft, fluffy, tied with a ribbon, kept as a keepsake is very touching. Moreover, in children’s albums there are special pockets for such relics.

A person does not even imagine that he actually looks like a long cucumber with stick legs until one truth-teller scribbles a portrait of him.

Children’s drawings are a unique thing. If only it was possible to preserve everything that was drawn by a child’s hand in different years! To find a place to store a ton of paper, we select the funniest, funniest, most thoughtful drawings that are most characteristic of your child and save them carefully. Years from now, you will be looking at them together and laughing.

These are not just crooked sticks and hooks – these are the first steps of a person in search of himself. From the first day, when a little first grader goes to school with a bouquet and a portfolio, he steps on the path of education. The certificate of secondary education is its official document for the state. And the first school notebooks with pot-bellied letters and simple tasks are your own family document, your personal chronicle. And the children of your children will also be interested to see what the first notebooks of their parents were like.

The most unpretentious “Koloboks”, “Turnips”, “Ryaba Chickens” are your common memories of evening readings before bedtime. Even if they are a little shabby and even painted, it is even more interesting. Favorite books of childhood must be kept, they will serve for more than one generation. By the way, children’s books published during the era of the USSR still confidently compete with printed literature published after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In fact, favorite toys rarely live long, precisely because they are in great demand. Dolls, bears and rubber squeaky figures are carried away from the child’s life by a wave of growing up. Younger brothers, sisters, nephews are born, and all the colorful belongings are transferred to the new owners. But if loving parents noticed a special inclination of their child to any one toy, it is quite possible to keep it – this is no longer just a thing, but practically a friend. By the way, you can make an interesting decor item from your favorite toys, for example, place them in a deep one. the so-called “shadow” frame of many small dolls or cars – such a reminder of childhood can hang on the wall for many years.

When the “slider” stands on its feet – this is a grandiose, epoch-making event in the life of a family! The transition to upright posture suggests that now the child will not only drag everything he finds on the floor into his mouth, but also open all available cabinet doors and throw out all things. Let’s say right away: a rare child loves his first shoes. At first, the baby is trying to pull these alien covers from his feet, so fast and free. But if you keep the shoes, then there will be a reason to consider them and be touched: what a tiny leg it was!

Each religious denomination has its own sacrament of converting a new person to one faith or another. Baptism among Christians is the first and most important sacrament in a person’s life. The newly minted Orthodox Christian, as a rule, is dressed smartly before and after immersion in the font. Therefore, many mothers, even not churchgoers, keep this snow-white lace outfit all their lives. It is believed that the baptismal dress also bears the seal of holiness and can be a talisman for a person.

Every person born on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in any other state, from the first days has the legal right to have his parents record all the significant moments of his life for the family chronicle. In the USSR, “advanced” parents recorded the voice of their baby on a reel-to-reel tape recorder – then no one suspected that in some 30 years, photos, videos, and audio could be stored on one tiny carrier.

It is easier for modern dads and moms: you can shoot everything on your phone – the first steps, the first games, the first words, the first long journeys with the child, the first reaction to the first spoonful of applesauce, the first trip to the zoo and the first September XNUMXst, and much, much more. , which makes up the uniqueness of human life.

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