First the heat, then the storm. Your body can now “go crazy”

Violent atmospheric phenomena have become a permanent feature of the Polish summer landscape. Record-breaking heat, lasting even several days in a row, interrupted by strong storms, are not the best conditions for functioning. No wonder the body rebels. What is the typical reaction of our body to sudden changes in weather? Check! These symptoms are very characteristic.

  1. The body’s most common reaction to a change in weather is a headache
  2. It occurs most often in meteopaths, i.e. people who are particularly sensitive to aura-related solstices
  3. Meteopathy may be as high as 50-70 percent. adult Europeans, especially in the middle of the continent
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage


«I had a headache again. I think the weather is changing »- who of us has not heard this sentence from a loved one? Headache is indeed one of the most common signals our body sends us when weather conditions change. It is most common in meteopaths, i.e. people who are particularly sensitive to any weather solstices and sudden changes in the aura. Contrary to appearances, this is not a small group. Throughout Europe, this condition may affect up to 50-70 percent. adults.

It is worth remembering that a headache can occur both in people who do not experience this ailment too often, and in migraineurs – those on days with a change in weather may become worse. Interestingly, this ailment may also appear when the lightning strikes occur at a distance (up to 50 km) from the place where we are.

Feeling tired and sleepy

The heat alone can make us extremely tired. Even with limited activity (physical, mental, intellectual), the body gets tired faster at high temperatures. When the weather changes, your well-being noticeably worsens. We get tired faster when performing simple, everyday activities, we do not have the strength for additional duties, we put off those tasks that are not prioritized. In short, we turn on the “survival mode”. In this way, the body prepares itself to change the conditions in which it lives, including atmospheric pressure and sunlight.

On days when the weather changes rapidly, we can also feel extremely sleepy. This can happen even if we have slept on the “regular” (that is, according to our needs) amount of sleep (on average from six to eight hours), and the previous day we gave ourselves time and space to regenerate. For some people, however, sleepiness is the result of a poor night’s sleep disturbed by their motives.

The rest of the text below the video.

Concentration problems and irritability

Difficulty concentrating is often related to previous complaints, but it can also be spontaneous. On hot and stormy days, we may feel distracted by thoughts, have trouble solving more difficult tasks, but also coping with everyday tasks that require concentration. We feel broken and reluctant to make an intellectual effort.

Concentration disorders are often accompanied by anxiety and irritability. We are prone to disputes, we get irritated quickly, we lack patience and peace. We have the impression that everything is going wrong as we planned and it is difficult for us to accept the fact that there are any limitations ahead.

L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that helps to improve concentration and performance of the body. You will find a dietary supplement with its content at an attractive price in Medonet Market.

Exacerbation of ailments

A separate group of ailments that we feel during a sudden change in weather is the exacerbation of the symptoms of diseases we suffer from. It can be “normal” knee pain, “dormant” inflammation of the gums or long-fused torn muscle, but also symptoms of chronic diseases, especially cariological, neurological and rheumatic diseases, as well as asthma and allergies.

An organism that suffers chronically “likes” peace. Stable conditions are ensured by pharmacotherapy, rehabilitation and avoidance of factors that may condition the development of the disease (e.g. improper diet, stress, lack of physical activity, etc.). A separate group is the changes that we have no influence on, i.e. the weather conditions.

Who will be most affected by the change in weather?

A sudden change of aura is a difficult time, especially for meteopaths. They include both men and women, although it is women who suffer from meteopathy much more often (younger and older people are affected, although middle-aged and mature women are more susceptible).

The challenge of changing the weather is także for people suffering from heart and circulatory diseases. The electromagnetic waves that arise during such violent atmospheric phenomena as a thunderstorm have a negative effect on the operation of this system.

People from high risk groups of any health-related changes are also sensitive to aura, i.e. the elderly and pregnant women. Although they are two different groups of people, they share their body burden (diseases and various ailments in the case of seniors and the effects of hormones, and the energy the body needs to support the developing fetus in the case of expectant mothers).

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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