First summer aid: what to do if …
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Summer is the time for vacations. Probably, everyone has already planned a recreation program for themselves. However, sometimes we relax so much that we forget about everything, and summer carelessness turns into unpleasant consequences. In order not to join the ranks of those who answered the question “How is your summer?” pulls “Well-oo-oo … so-so”, we have prepared a special memo. It will help you to quickly and confidently say “stop” to the main summer troubles.
So, what to do if you or someone from your family …
- Heatstroke (symptoms: weakness, nausea, dizziness) – immediately start cold rubbing of the body (ideally, this is a cool shower, but a towel soaked in cool water will do), make a cooling bandage on the head (on the forehead and under the back of the head). Drink cold, slightly salted water (2 tsp salt per 1 liter of water). It is advisable to give the victim a mint lollipop or validol (they should be placed under the tongue).
- An insect bite and an allergic reaction (symptoms: swelling, redness, itching) – taking an antihistamine, an ice compress on the bite site. If the victim has difficulty breathing, be sure to put him on his back to provide the brain with better blood flow, in addition, it is necessary to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose.
- Sunburn (symptoms: skin redness, soreness) – a cool compress (for example, a wet towel), use moisturizers with panthenol, aloe extract. Drink more water (up to 2,5 liters per day).
- Food poisoning / intestinal infection (symptoms: diarrhea, cramps, bloating, nausea) – stopping the infectious process in the intestine (not everyone knows that pathogens of diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms are often pathogens) *.
Vacation or … diarrhea? Diarrhea … or vacation?
Let us dwell on food poisoning separately, since this is the leading problem associated with the vacation period. Diarrhea dramatically and mercilessly changes the scenario of everything that happens … “Prisoners of the toilet rooms” cannot enjoy the gentle sun and the sound of the waves, cannot afford to drink a cooling cocktail, cannot support a cheerful company and travel excitingly, feeding their gaze with beautiful views. We specifically described this offensive moment so colorfully, because each of us can be in the place of such a vacationer. According to research, up to 75% of travelers face this problem on vacation. That is, if you are going to rest in hot countries with a family of four, then three of you have very real chances to get to know the hotel bathroom very well and very superficially – with the sea, sun and other amenities. In this case, the period of diarrhea duration is from one day to ten.
To know how to cope with the problem of upset, nausea and loose stools, you need to understand one important thing: in most cases, this is only a consequence of bacteria entering the gastrointestinal tract. What we call poisoning, eating something wrong, etc., doctors call an intestinal infection, which is most often caused by a bacterium such as E. coli.
Knowing this, you can make an absolutely logical and correct conclusion: in order to get rid of diarrhea, it is necessary to eliminate its causes, namely foreign bacteria.
An interesting fact: most of the currently popular diarrhea remedies that we are used to using only act on the symptoms, and not on the cause of the disease.
Drugs that slow down intestinal motility
These include, for example, drugs that inhibit intestinal motility. How it works? The intestines slow down their activity, as a result of which you do not feel such frequent urge to use the toilet. But all the contents of the intestinal tract, including the harmful flora, remain in the body. From the intestines, toxic substances are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body with the blood stream. The result of such “therapeutic” manipulations can be a banal headache and exacerbation of chronic diseases (each has its own weak point). Fearfully? U.S. too.
Another fashionable way to treat diarrhea is the remedies that restore the intestinal flora, namely the beneficial bacteria. Wonderful remedies if used for dysbiosis, as well as for maintaining a healthy internal environment of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in an emergency with acute diarrhea, these drugs are not a priority. First, you need to eliminate the provocation in the form of infection, and then you can already restore the disturbed flora.
Perhaps the most popular drugs are various adsorbents. Undoubtedly, they are able to help the body by removing toxins. But toxins are the waste products of the same bacteria. Toxins are eliminated – bacteria produce new ones. Such treatment can take a long time … And on vacation every day counts!
So, we come to the question: what drugs are the right choice for diarrhea caused by bacteria? We answer: antibacterial drugs.
In an amicable way, at the first attacks of the disorder, you need to see a doctor, do an analysis, wait for laboratory results and understand which bacteria caused the diarrhea. Then the doctor will prescribe a suitable antibacterial agent for you. But … The practice of vacationers usually fits into one phrase: “What to take in order to recover as soon as possible?”
Take at least some antibacterial drug? Not the right decision. For example, drugs of systemic action, which are absorbed into the blood, are now recommended by doctors only for serious infections; their use in milder forms of the disease is considered unjustified, since they can cause general toxic effects and further disrupt the microflora. Also, the selected drug must be active against a wide range of pathogens, because there are a lot of them. Of course, it is better that the drug is suitable for the whole family: for adults, and for children, and for the elderly.
We can recommend a new drug Stopdiar that meets all of the above requirements. First, the drug has a high safety profile: it acts locally, that is, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and therefore does not have a general toxic effect on the body. It is also important that it does not disturb the normal microflora. Secondly, the drug is highly active against a large number of pathogenic bacteria, including mutant strains that are resistant to the effects of many other drugs. This means that with a high probability it will cope with the cause of your intestinal infection. Thirdly, you can count on Stopdiar if the plans that have been prepared for a year, or even more, are under threat. The effect of using the drug occurs within the first hours after administration. And of course, Stopdiar is a convenient drug for the whole family, as it is recommended for both adults and children.
Remember: the presence of the “right” drugs in the holiday medicine cabinet is a guarantee of a good rest for the whole family!