First pet: dog

First pet: dog

I wonder which animal was first tamed by man and what do the researchers say about it? Scientists believe that the very first pet was a dog. The history of the domestication of dogs goes back to the deep past (the last centuries of the Stone Age). Therefore, 15-14 thousand years ago, people already kept tamed domesticated dogs. At that ancient time, people were still engaged in cattle breeding, so the main occupation was hunting wild animals. Dogs guarded a person, helped him in hunting and thus became good helpers in finding food and loyal friends, as well as guides for people.

The question of the origin of the domesticated dog has not yet been fully studied, so there is no exact information. Some researchers believe that her ancestor was a gray wolf or an extinct species of wild dog.

The homeland of the ancestors of the modern four-legged friend of man is South Asia (in China, in the mountains of Tibet and on the plains of Siberia). Scientists have counted about 14 dog breeds whose genotype is similar to that of wild wolves.

The first pet for a child: choice

Many parents are interested in what first pet can be purchased for a child so that it is interesting for him to play with and easy to care for. Before buying a pet, you need to weigh the pros and cons well.

The child needs to be told that a pet is not fun, but a serious responsibility. A person should be responsible for the animal that he has tamed. Otherwise, the animal or bird can quickly get bored with the child, and taking care of the pet will fall on the shoulders of older family members.

If the lifespan of the selected animal is short, then parents recommend buying animals of standard colors. In the event of their unexpected death, you should immediately buy the same animal, while the child does not know anything. Small children are very painful to experience the loss of their beloved animal, and such “dishonesty” and “substitution” will help not to injure the child’s psyche.

The first pet must meet the following requirements:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • undemanding food;
  • gentleness and complaisance;
  • minimum difficulties in the adaptation process.

Kids love hamsters, parrots, kittens and dogs. With fish, of course, it is more difficult. Keeping an aquarium is not easy, so this is an activity for older children. The main condition is for the child to like the animal or bird, and he, in turn, must understand that he is responsible for their life.

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