First aid measures: in which cases?
Bumps and bruises: the ideal is the cold
Most of the time without gravity, thebumps are common in our children and can be impressive. Sometimes it is a hematoma, which is a pocket of blood formed under the skin due to the crushing of the skin against the bone. Two solutions: the appearance of a bruise or a bump. In the latter case, it means that the blood bag is larger. What to do? The first thing to do is to cool the painful area with a wet glove.. You can also dab with a tea towel in which you have previously put ice cubes. After the pain has subsided and if there is no wound, deflate the lump by applying an arnica-based cream. If you have it, give him homeopathic granules of arnica 4 or 5 CH at the rate of 3 every 5 minutes.
Small wounds: with soap and water
It is most of the time the price of the game of perched cat or a tumultuous escalation. Scratches are generally harmless. A medical consultation is necessary if they affect the eyes or the cheekbone. First, wash your hands well to avoid contaminating your child’s wound during treatment. Then the easiest way is to clean the wound, starting from the heart towards the periphery, with water and Marseille soap. You can also use physiological serum before generously rinsing this small wound. The objective: prevent possible infection. Then dry the wound with a clean towel or sterile pad while dabbing gently. Finally, disinfect everything with a colorless and painless antiseptic which will therefore not sting. Ban alcohol-based products that hurt a lot and are not so effective, contrary to popular belief. Cover the scratch with a ventilated adhesive bandage and as soon as the healing process begins (2 to 3 days), leave the wound in the open.
Splinters: with tweezers or a needle
If he often walks barefoot, he is more likely to injure himself with a splint. This should be removed as soon as possible as it can quickly cause infection or inflammation. THEhen the splinter is planted parallel to the skin, just pass a disinfectant so as not to sink it deeper. It must then be extracted using tweezers. If the splinter has entered deep into the skin, more sensitivity is required. Take a sewing needle disinfected with alcohol and very gently lift the skin. Then squeeze the skin between your thumb and forefinger to squeeze out the foreign body. And grab it with tweezers. (If this is not possible, consult your doctor.) After the operation is performed, on disinfect the wound with a transcutaneous antiseptic solution and we leave in the open. Watch for the injury, however. If it remains red and still painful, talk to your doctor because there is likely an infection.
Blisters: we do not always pierce
Wearing shoes without socks can cause blisters to appear. A repeated rubbing, and we see appearing a small bubble full of serosities. What to do ? If it’s small and not too painful, you don’t need to pierce it. Apply only an antiseptic and cover it with a semi-occlusive dressing (containing a dermo-reconstituting gel). It has the particularity of creating a second skin around the blister, which causes it to heal painlessly. If it is larger and more sensitive, it is better in this case to pierce it. As if removing a splinter, take a pre-disinfected needle. Make two or three holes and quickly apply a compress so that the serum flows out smoothly. Be careful not to tear off the small covering skin, as this will interfere with healing. You can then put on a so-called “second skin” dressing to protect the lesion and speed up the healing process.
Burns: it all depends on the severity
Iron, hot dish or sunburn? a burn quickly happened. It is most often of the 1st degree: a small redness forms on the skin. If it is accompanied by a blister, it is said to be of the 2nd degree. At the 3rd degree, the skin was destroyed in depth. What to do ? For 2nd and 3rd degree burns, no hesitation: go to the doctor for the first case and emergencies for the second. If it is a small-scale 1st degree burn, care can be taken at home. Immediately run the affected area under cold running water for a minimum of 10 minutes to stop the extent of the injury. Gently dry the skin and apply a large amount of anti-scalding ointment such as Biafine. Read also: “How to treat burns? “
Nose bleeding: pinching of the nostrils
While playing ball at the prisoner, he received his comrade’s ball in the face and his nose started to bleed. Do not panic, this flow must stop within half an hour at the most. What to do ? The cold key in the back or the head tilted back are not good remedies. Instead, try to calm the child down, sit him down and pinch his nose with a cotton ball or handkerchief. Then tilt her head forward and squeeze the bleeding nostril lightly to stop the bleeding by pressing under the cartilage at the junction with the cheek. Hold the position as long as the nose is bleeding or insert a special hemostatic cotton pad. If this fails, take the child to the hospital. See also the “Your vacation pharmacy kit” file