First aid kit at the cottage
Going to the country, it is important not to forget about safety. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” has compiled a list of the most necessary first aid equipment. So what should be in a first aid kit?

Of course, everyone’s first-aid kit is different: depending on the composition of the family, age, health characteristics, and so on. Someone will first of all put “heart” drops there, someone will be a remedy for allergies to mosquito bites. But there are universal recommendations for filling a first-aid kit for a summer residence, for all occasions: from a runny nose and cough to minor injuries – like cuts or burns.

List of required medicines for adults and children

Means for the treatment of wounds and burns

When collecting a first-aid kit for the country, check if it is there:

  • Iodine (can be in the form of a “pencil”).
  • Zelenka
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (3%)
  • Chamomile (this is a good antiseptic for skin treatment, including for children, for gargling).
  • Alcohol wipes.
  • Harness
  • Bandages of several types, sterile and not.
  • Adhesive plasters.
  • Wadding or cotton wool.
  • Sterile gauze pads.
  • Hemostatic wipes.

Remedies for diarrhea and intestinal infections

Dacha is barbecue, food in nature, unwashed berries from the garden and cucumbers from the greenhouse. And … here it is! Intestinal upset!

In the first-aid kit in the country, in such a case, it would be nice to have the following drugs:

  • Activated carbon is a sorbent.
  • Saline solutions (to prevent dehydration).

Remedies for joint pain

Familiar story. The woman asks: “Darling, please dig the garden bed! Help move the seedlings to the greenhouse. Bring water!” The cute one actively takes up the shovel, boxes and buckets. And after half an hour he can neither bend nor unbend. Or he goes to play football with the kids and comes back with a sore knee. It often happens that this happens: in nature, the neck “blew out”, and it’s hard to turn your head. So, in the country first-aid kit you need to put:

  • Pain relief creams, ointments and gels.

Remedies for insect bites

Do not forget that a trip to the country is a meeting with nature with all the ensuing consequences. On the site or in the house, you can stumble upon a wasp, a bumblebee or a bee. Mosquitoes also do not give a quiet life. And adults and children can also be allergic to their bites.

We send to the country first-aid kit:

  • Antihistamines.

Cold remedies

In the country, you can also catch a cold or catch an infection.

With a cold, accompanied by fever, headache and nasal congestion, complex remedies for the treatment of colds will help alleviate the condition.

So let the first aid kit be:

  • Paracetamol. Helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms, reduces the temperature.
  • Analgin. Paracetamol may help if the temperature cannot be relieved. But there are age restrictions.
  • Antiviral drugs.
  • In case of a cold, use the standard “grandmother’s” remedies. Raspberry tea will help bring the temperature down a bit. Tea with chamomile and honey soothes, is a good antiseptic. If the throat is very sore, gargling with infusions of chamomile, sage or eucalyptus will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Here, perhaps, is the entire necessary minimum for a first-aid kit in the country.

When to see a doctor

  • If serious burns, deep cuts, severe allergic reactions to insect bites are received.
  • If the temperature is 38 ° C or higher for two days – including with a cold.
  • If there is a significant disorder of the stool (5 or more times a day), recurring nausea and vomiting. It is better not to joke with poisoning and immediately consult a doctor.
  • If the pain in the joints and muscles lasts longer than four to five days and does not subside.
  • If a small child is ill or seriously injured.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about options for storing medicines, the possibility of leaving them in unheated country houses with gastroenterologist Valeria Trapeznikova.

How to store medicines in the country?

Medicines in the country are best stored in resealable plastic or metal containers.

Be sure to read and keep the instructions for medicines – it contains the rules for storing the medicine, as well as the packaging, as it may indicate the expiration date of the drug.

Where to store medicines in the country?

The place for storing medicines should be inaccessible to small children or animals. In addition, it is important that medicines are stored in a dry and dark place.

Medicines should be stored separately depending on the dosage form. For example, tablets are separate from liquid medicines and from ointments.

Is it possible to leave medicines in the country for the winter in an unheated house?

It is undesirable to leave drugs for the winter in an unheated room, as they can deteriorate under the influence of low temperatures.

Always pay attention to the appearance of the drug and read the instructions again before use, which always indicates the proper type of drug, shelf life, storage location and required temperature.

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