First aid in emergency situations – can you handle it? Check before you start your vacation! QUIZ

Various unforeseen situations and accidents may happen to us on vacation or vacation. Our reaction may then depend on the life of ours, of a loved one, of a stranger. Check if you can handle an emergency before your vacation starts and you go on vacation. Our quiz will help you with that. Ready?!

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1.The European emergency number is:

112 Next question
112 is one pan-European emergency number, you can call it from a landline or mobile phone throughout the EU (it also works, for example, in Switzerland and South Africa). This is a toll-free number. It directs you directly to emergency services, police, ambulance and fire brigades. Source:

2. You are witness to an accident. How will you start first aid?

Calls for emergency services
Securing the scene of the accident and taking care of your own safety
Resuscitation of the injured
Securing the scene of the accident and taking care of your own safety Next question
The most important thing is to keep yourself safe and secure the scene of the accident. After the condition of the victims is initially determined, we call for help.

3. You have to call the fire department. Which number will you choose?

998 Next question
The emergency number of the fire brigade in Poland is 998. We can also call 112, we also use this number when we want to call for help abroad. However, we should remember to call only in emergency situations requiring the intervention of emergency services. By calling without justification, we block the emergency line.

4. When to stop resuscitating the victim?

If the CPR does not work after 15 minutes, we give it up
When the rescuers arrive and take over the rescue operation
We recover even when the injured person regains vital functions
When the rescuers arrive and take over the rescue operation Next question
We conduct resuscitation until the arrival of emergency services, if our forces allow it. It is good to have another person to help and change when we run out of strength. If the victim’s condition improves, we suspend resuscitation, but keep the victim under control.

5. The thermal blanket, also known as the foil of life, has two layers: silver and gold. Which side will you wrap the victim when you want to keep him warm?

The silver side to the body
The silver side out
The silver side to the body Next question
The silver side reflects the heat. When it is next to the body, we will protect the patient from hypothermia.

6. You see a storm is coming. The best you can do then:

Take cover in a closed room / car
I wait for the storm to start, only then do I look for shelter
I hide under the tree
Take cover in a closed room / car Next question
Storm Hunters remind you, the best thing you can do when a storm is brewing is take cover in a locked room. «Sheds, tents, covered porches and other makeshift shelters do not provide adequate protection against lightning. If there is no solid building in the area, look for a covered metal vehicle, get in it, close all windows and stay in it during a storm »- they advise. Source:

7. Adult resuscitation is as follows:

20 compressions and 5 breaths
30 compressions of the chest and two breaths
First a strong punch to the chest, then a cycle of 10 compressions and 5 breaths
30 compressions of the chest and two breaths Next question
If we are rescuing an adult, we start by compressing the chest. Place the clasped hands in the middle of the breastbone and use the weight of your own body to compress 30 times. The rate is 100 per minute, which is roughly three compressions every two seconds.

8. Do you have to tilt your head back during a nosebleed?

It does not matter
No Next question
During a nosebleed, do not tilt your head back or lie down – there is a risk of choking or choking with flowing blood. So how do you stop nose bleeding? We sit down, leaning forward, pinch the wings of the nose, it is worth using cold compresses on the neck and frontal area. If, despite this, heavy bleeding continues, we call an ambulance.

9. Would you give a person with heat stroke a cold drink straight from the refrigerator?

Yes, thanks to this, the body cools down quickly
No, a warm body can experience a shock
No, a warm body can experience a shock Next question
We cool down the warmed up body slowly. Gradually and slowly we serve liquids, give up drinks with ice and those taken straight from the refrigerator.

10. When you are caught by a storm outside, avoid:

Undeveloped open spaces
Tall trees, masts, power and telephone poles
Staying in a river, sea, lake and other body of water
All answers are correct
All answers are correct Next question
Out in the open, you’ll be the highest point in the area – as storm hunters remind you, lightning tends to hit the tallest objects in an area. For the same reason, avoid tall trees, power poles, or telephone poles. In the case of water reservoirs – water conducts electricity, hence, in the event of a lightning strike in the water surface, it may be struck by lightning. Source:

11. What will you do when a tick bites you?

Before removing it, I smear it with something greasy – it will make it easier to pull out
I remove it as soon as possible – grab it as close to the skin as possible and pull it out firmly
I quickly remove it by twisting it
I remove it as soon as possible – grab it as close to the skin as possible and pull it out firmly Next question
Grasp the tick as close to your skin as possible. We pull it vigorously along its line of piercing into the skin. We do not wrap the tick – then we run the risk that part of the arachnid will remain in our body. Disinfect the bite area and wash your hands.

12. When bitten by a viper, you must not:

Drain the venom
Press and massage the bite sites
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
Do not put pressure on the bite site, do not squeeze or suck out the venom. Also, do not give the patient alcohol, strong painkillers or stimulants of the nervous system. If possible, wash the bite site with soap and water. Try to immobilize the bitten place – this will slow down the spread of the venom. Transport the bitten person to a doctor as soon as possible / call an ambulance.

13. You see someone is drowning. What should you not do during a rescue operation?

Throw the melting branch, stick or towel
Shake hands with him
Shake hands with him Next question
If we help a drowning person, we do not shake his hand (and if there is no need to do so, we do not go into the water). A person who drowns and fights for life behaves unpredictably, and his strength is enormous. There is a high risk that we will not be able to free our hand and will be pulled under the water. If the drowning man is close, give him a towel, T-shirt, branch or anything that has buoyancy in the water and which we can let go if necessary. Of course, we call or call for professional help as soon as possible.

14. When can the casualty be placed in a safe side position?

If he is breathing and has no spine injuries
If he’s not breathing
If he is breathing and has no spine injuries Next question
It is forbidden to use the recumbent position in people with suspected spinal cord and spinal cord injuries. We also do not use it when the injured shows a lack of breathing and circulation – then we do artificial respiration and heart massage as soon as possible.

15. The so-called Heimlich’s maneuver is used in the case of:

Bee bites
Electric shock / lightning
Choking Next question
The Heimlich maneuver / maneuver is a first aid method for choking. To perform it, stand behind the injured person, embrace them at waist level, leaning slightly forward. Clench one hand into a fist, embrace it with the other hand and press the diaphragm very vigorously towards you and slightly upwards. This should compress the air, pushing the foreign body out. More at https: //www.medTvoiLokony/zdrowie/zdrowie-dla-kazdego,rekoczyn-heimlicha—czego-jest—jak-go-wykonac-iw-jakich-sytuacje-moze-sie-przydac-,artykul,1733719.html
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