First aid in case of frostbite
Frostbite is a cold injury, as a result of which, under the influence of low temperature, the blood supply to tissues is disrupted. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” tells what first aid should be provided if a person is faced with this problem

You can frostbite hands, feet or nose not only in severe frost. Zero temperature, high humidity and cold piercing wind – all this taken together can also lead to frostbite. For example, a child can get frostbite on his fingers even at a temperature of a couple of degrees above zero, if he is outside for a long time in wet mittens.

So we don’t relax and find out what first aid should be given to a person with frostbite, and what absolutely cannot be done.

What is frostbite

Frostbite is a cold injury, as a result of which, under the influence of low temperature, the blood supply to tissues is disrupted. Namely: the capillaries narrow and the blood flow through them stops. This leads to tissue damage, and in severe frostbite – to their necrosis up to the bones and joints. Unfortunately, in the most severe situations, frostbite can result in the amputation of fingers or limbs. Therefore, it is very important to quickly and correctly provide first aid.1.

The nose, ears, cheeks, entire face, fingers, toes and entire limbs are most susceptible to frostbite.

Types of frostbite

There are four degrees of frostbite according to severity and consequences. The longer you are in the cold, the higher it can be.

1-ISlight burning and numbness, tingling, blanching of the skin, itching.After warming, the skin turns red. With timely first aid passes without a trace
2-ISame symptoms as the first. Plus swelling and blisters filled with clear fluidWith timely first aid, healing can last several weeks, but leaves no traces.
3-IThe formation of blisters filled with bloody fluid. Burning, numbness and sharp pain in the affected area.  After warming, a person may feel pain. Healing after first aid can last about a month, and scars remain in place of the blisters.
4-ISevere pain in the affected area with a complete lack of sensitivity. The necrosis of soft tissues, and sometimes bones, joints. The limb acquires a dark bluish color, and when it warms up, edema develops.Part of the tissue dies, and it is no longer possible to restore them. Affected and dead tissues are subject to amputation.

For frostbite of the second degree and above, you should consult a doctor. At the third or fourth stage, this is already simply necessary, because lesions at these stages are associated with necrosis, tissue destruction.2.

Important! Some symptoms may not appear immediately, but only after warming.

What can you do with frostbite

First aid includes the following steps.

  • Move the victim to a warm room.
  • Carefully remove outer clothing and shoes from the affected area.
  • Lay the victim down and cover with a warm blanket.
  • Give a warm drink – hot tea (if possible, a drink with the addition of cinnamon, honey or ginger would be ideal), cocoa, fruit drink.
  • Apply a sterile cotton-gauze bandage to the affected areas (it is recommended to do it in 7 layers to prevent too rapid warming of the tissues and prevent temperature differences between superficial and deep tissues).
  • If the sensitivity of the affected areas has not recovered, immediately call a doctor.

What not to do in case of frostbite

With all the desire to help a person warm up as soon as possible, it must be borne in mind that some actions “for good” can harm him. Therefore, when frostbite is impossible.

  • Rub the affected areas with anything – hands, snow, mittens. Such “help”, in addition to injury, also contributes to the formation of blood clots in the vessels.
  • Rub ointments, oils, alcohol. With frostbite II-IV degrees, this can contribute to the development of infection.
  • Drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Apply very hot objects to the affected areas (for example, a heating pad).
  • Warm up at the battery, stove, heater. With severe frostbite, the skin is not sensitive and such heating can cause a burn.

Popular questions and answers

Can I heat frostbitten areas with a hair dryer?

– Not. Dry heat can burn sensitive skin. The same effect from applying a hot heating pad or warming the battery.

Is it possible to warm frostbitten limbs in water?

– If this is the first degree of frostbite and there are no blisters, you can immerse your hands or feet in cool water (temperature +20) and gradually increase its temperature. But no more than 40 degrees. It is important that warming is smooth. On frozen skin, even water at room temperature can feel hot, so the degree of heating should be increased gradually.

What are the consequences of frostbite for the whole body?

– First of all, frostbite damages the skin. Through damaged skin and blisters, soft tissues can be infected with the development of gangrene. Circulatory disorders associated with frostbite may have separate consequences – inflammation of the respiratory system, nerves3

Does a frostbitten area become less sensitive to cold?

– Vice versa. The area of ​​skin that has suffered frostbite becomes more sensitive to the effects of cold. Therefore, it must be especially protected from repeated frostbite, which can occur even with slight frosts and lead to even more serious consequences.

Why can’t frostbitten areas be treated with goose fat?

– Goose fat was used as a prevention of frostbite. Now for these purposes there is a special winter cosmetics. And ointments help to accelerate healing, which accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, relieve swelling and inflammation. But a doctor must prescribe them.

Sources of

  1. International guide to first aid and resuscitation.
  2. Microcirculatory disorders in the pathogenesis of local cold injury. M.I. Mikhailichenko, K.G. Shapovalov.
  3. Changes in the rhythm of the heart and breathing in acute general cold injury. D. Yu. Konnov, T. Yu. Konnova, S. A. Lukyanov, K. G. Shapovalov.

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