First aid for traumatic shock

The word “shock” is often interpreted as a feeling of surprise, indignation, or associated with other similar emotions. But its medical significance has a completely different character. This medical term first appeared in the early eighteenth century, thanks to the famous surgeon J. Latt. Since then, doctors have widely used it in the specialized literature and medical history.

Traumatic shock (TS) is a psychological type condition that threatens the patient’s life. It is worth noting that timely assistance in case of traumatic shock can save a human life.

TS can be provoked by the following factors: operations; pelvic fractures; abdominal trauma with damage to internal organs; severe gunshot wounds; traumatic brain injury.

Causes and consequences of the development of TS

One of the main reasons for the development of traumatic shock is the rapid loss of blood in large volumes. This kind of shock occurs not due to injury and the presence of blood loss, but because of the rate of blood loss, since the body simply cannot adapt and adapt. The state of shock is most often observed in the presence of damage to large arteries. The condition can be aggravated by neuropsychological stress and severe pain.

Any serious injury can cause a powerful pain syndrome, which is extremely difficult to cope with. How does the body react to this? He tries to reduce the perception of discomfort and save his life. The brain almost completely blocks pain receptors, increases heart rate, blood pressure and activates the respiratory system. As a result, a huge amount of energy is spent, the supply of which is quickly depleted.

After the energy resources are used up, the patient’s consciousness slows down, the pressure decreases, but the heart continues to function with all its might. At the same time, the blood circulates poorly through the vessels, which is why most tissues lack oxygen and nutrients. First, the kidneys begin to suffer, and then the functions of all other organs are disrupted.

The state of shock develops rapidly, it destroys the work of the whole organism and often ends in death. Timely therapy can improve the prognosis and significantly increase the chances of the victim to survive. And to ensure this, it is important to recognize the signs of shock in a timely manner and call an ambulance team.

Dangerous moments in the development of TS:

  1. Blood loss is a decrease in the amount of blood circulating through the vessels. This will result in a significant pressure drop in a short amount of time. Often, severe blood loss with the development of shock is fatal.
  2. Collapse syndrome – destruction or crushing of tissues leads to their necrosis. Dead tissues are the most powerful toxins for the body, which, after entering the body, poison and impair its health.
  3. Blood infection / sepsis – the presence of an open wound is a risk of pathogenic bacteria entering the bloodstream.
  4. The protective systems of the body and its ability to adapt are individual for each person. Any state of shock is extremely dangerous for children, the elderly, people with severe chronic diseases or with a weak immune system.

First aid

Scientists have proven that the most important is the timeliness of first aid in case of traumatic shock. If assistance is provided as quickly as possible, and within an hour the victim is taken to a medical facility, the likelihood of death is significantly reduced.

The first thing to do is call an ambulance. The sooner the doctor begins a full-fledged treatment, the higher the chances of a patient recovering. If the injury occurred in an area that is difficult to access for an ambulance, it is recommended to independently deliver the victim to the nearest hospital (or trauma center).

The second step is to check the airways. Any algorithm of shock assistance necessarily includes this moment. To do this, you need to discard the head of the victim, press the lower part of the jaw and examine the oral cavity. If there are remnants of vomit in the mouth, any foreign bodies, they must be removed. If the tongue is twisted, press it with a spoon, fingers or a medical spatula.

The third step is to stop the bleeding if possible. Fractures and lacerated deep wounds are often the cause of severe blood loss. Profuse blood loss can lead to death. Most often, such bleeding occurs due to damage to a large arterial vessel. It is important to apply a tourniquet to the injury site in accordance with all the rules and with the indication of the time.

The fourth step is anesthesia. In a standard first aid kit in a car and a first aid kit, you can find various painkillers. It is recommended to give the victim one or two tablets of any of the drugs with an analgesic effect. This will somewhat reduce the pain symptoms.

The fifth step is fixing the affected part. Fracture, superficial wound, deep wound, severe trauma – this is not a complete list of conditions in which it is necessary to fix the arm, leg or spine. To perform this manipulation, you can use durable materials (boards, tree branches, etc.) and a bandage. There are nuances of splinting, but the main thing is to immobilize the limb in a physiological position and not injure it. The arm should be bent at the elbow at 90° and “attached” to the body. The leg should be straight at the hip and knee joints.

If there is an injury on the body, first aid is somewhat different, but the first steps remain standard: call an ambulance team and anesthetize the victim. To stop heavy bleeding, you need to apply a tight pressure bandage to the open wound.

Important: do not try to remove foreign objects from the body on your own, under no circumstances set bones – the main task of first aid is to anesthetize and stop bleeding, all other actions will be performed exclusively by doctors.

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