Prolonged compression syndrome is one of the most severe types of injuries, which, as a rule, occur as a result of catastrophes, natural disasters, landslides, and so on.
What happens to the limbs during prolonged compression?
In another way, the syndrome of prolonged squeezing is called traumatic toxicosis. This process begins as a result of squeezing one or more large segments of any limb with a pronounced array. Basically, this is the area of the buttocks, lower legs, thighs.
Any part of the human body, after prolonged squeezing, provokes a violation of tissue circulation and stops the flow of oxygen and nutrients to them. All this leads to tissue necrosis, and, as we know, atrophied tissues begin to emit toxic products that enter the human body. These poisons are called autotoxins.
As soon as the limb is released from compression, autotoxins immediately begin to flow into the blood, and in large quantities. At this time, the patient’s condition worsens significantly. There are cases when everything can end in cardiac arrest. Such poisons can instantly stop all activity of the heart, as well as adversely affect the functioning of the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.
If autotoxins have significantly affected the kidneys, then the process of urination may completely stop in a person. In severe cases of violations of the liver, kidneys and heart, death can occur in 3-5 days.
As soon as a person is released from prolonged squeezing, the process of swelling of the damaged segments of the limbs begins. You can see how the tissue structure is instantly compacted.
The skin is initially pale, but then abruptly becomes purplish with a pronounced blue tint. Sometimes you can see foci of small hemorrhages. Often, light or bloody vesicles are observed on the skin of a squeezed limb. By themselves, the skin is quite cold, and there is practically no sensitivity. As for the pulse, it is very difficult to feel it.
The syndrome of prolonged compression is divided into three stages. It all depends on how much the limb was squeezed. The stage is also determined by the duration of compression.
So, this syndrome is divided into such degrees of severity:
- light – the squeezing time does not exceed four hours;
- medium – does not exceed six hours;
- heavy – more than eight hours.
Providing first aid for the syndrome of prolonged compression
First aid should be provided immediately at the place where the victim is located. Before you begin to release a person from a pressing object, it is necessary to eliminate pain syndromes and restore the patient’s psycho-emotional state. As an anesthetic, you can use analgin, promedol solution or any other sedative drugs. If you notice that the patient’s abdominal region is not compressed, then you can give him any strong liquor to drink.
Proper liberation of a person begins from the head to the torso. But there are exceptions, so you need to be guided by the situation. It is very important not to let the patient suffocate, which happens quite often. To do this, if possible, it is necessary to place the person in a comfortable position and clear all upper respiratory tracts. This way you can avoid asphyxia. If you notice external bleeding in a person, you should immediately stop it.
Getting Started with First Aid
First, remember that never and under no circumstances should you sharply lift an object that crushed a person. We lift only one part, and at this time we begin to slowly bandage the squeezed limb with an elastic bandage. It is very important to bandage with an elastic bandage, of course, if it is not available, then you can use gauze. You are faced with the task of gradually lifting the object and bandaging the limb. All this is done until she is completely freed. Why not just pick up the object and bandage the entire limb? The fact is that when squeezed, the tissues atrophy and begin to release toxins, and if we do it the wrong way, then all the toxic substances will abruptly enter the body, and everything will end in the death of the victim. Therefore, slow and confident movements can save a person’s life.
After you release the person from under the squeezing object, it is necessary to cover the injury site with something cold. Put something soft under the limb itself (jacket, bag, any rags, and so on).
After that, the victim can be transported. During this period, it is important to monitor his condition as much as possible.
Touch the stomach, if there is no damage to the internal organs, then it will be soft. In this case, a person needs to be given a lot to drink. You can add a vessel to warm water, this can improve the condition of his kidneys. If you feel any seals in the abdomen, then the internal organs are damaged.
Do not apply a tourniquet to the limb, it can harm a person. It is allowed to use it only if bleeding is present, or the limb has lost its vitality.
It is impossible to immediately say how this situation will end. It all depends on most factors. There are cases when a person was crushed for a whole day and fully recovered after treatment, and it happens that people are under the rubble for several hours and die.
If you cannot release the victim within twenty minutes, then stop your actions and wait for the arrival of the rescue team and ambulance.
Your main task is to try to correctly release the pinched limb. If you succeeded, then bandage it and cover it with cold objects. Let the patient drink a lot. These actions are the essence of first aid, and then it remains to wait for the medical team.