Organophosphorus chemical compounds are part of the teeth, bones and all kinds of cells in the human body. It is phosphorus that makes the teeth and skeletal system strong and resistant to various types of loads. Without organophosphorus compounds (abbreviated FOS or FOV), the nervous system could not function properly. However, a large number of them can adversely affect human health, be poisonous, require medical attention.
FOS Features
Organic phosphorus compounds in their molecular composition contain many elements: phosphines (self-ignite, are chemically unstable, are considered the strongest poisons); metaphors; karbofosy; butifos; methyl nitrophos. FOS include: phosphamide; chlorophos; octamethyl; thiophos.
A small concentration of FOS is able to suppress enzyme systems in the body of dogs and cats; therefore, these compounds are often used as drugs for the treatment of malignant tumors and glaucoma in animals. Scientists have found that organophosphorus compounds have a mutagenic effect on cells.
The symptomatology of FOV poisoning primarily depends on the method of entry into the body, the category of pesticide and the degree of toxicity. Due to the fact that these elements inhibit enzymes, disorders of the nervous system and problems with the functioning of internal organs can be observed.
Scope of application of organophosphorus compounds
Organic phosphorus substances belong to the group of complex elements, since they contain phosphoric acid. Despite the fact that these compounds are extremely dangerous for human life, they are used in many areas. Most often FOV are applied to chemical processing of grain crops, vegetables, vineyards, gardens and other plantings. Substances are very effective in combating parasites that live on the skin of animals.
Also, organophosphorus elements were used as a poison weapon in wartime. Often, FOS is used in traditional medicine – the compounds are part of ophthalmic drops, medicines that help normalize the performance of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of a chemical substance, pediculosis can be cured.
FOS in their consistency are both in solid and liquid form, they have a pronounced garlic-kerosene smell. The compounds react well with fats and dissolve in them, but interact very poorly with water. To humans, toxic emissions are poisonous and dangerous. Chemical elements can enter the human body through the upper respiratory tract, skin and digestive system. You can get poisoned by organic phosphorus compounds through contaminated water, food, clothing, and household items.
Symptoms of FOV poisoning
When ingested, organic phosphorus compounds are instantly absorbed from the mouth, stomach, intestines and end up in the blood plasma. Element poisoning is dangerous for humans due to serious complications – about 50% of the compounds are transformed in the body and become more poisonous. In 7-10% of people who have been poisoned with FOS at least once, relapses often occur. Relapse does not require repeated exposure to phosphamide, thiophos, or butifos. The reappearance of poisoning is called chronic phosphorus intoxication.
Doctors distinguish three stages of poisoning, which have their own signs and symptoms: the first is an acute period (lasts from 1 to 3 days), the second – complications appear (lasts from 4 days to 2 weeks), the third – long-term consequences occur (lasts from 1 month up to 3 years). During the first stage of poisoning, various body systems are excited, the peripheral and central nervous systems are affected.
Acute symptoms of organophosphate poisoning include:
- partial or complete loss of vision;
- increased sweating and salivation;
- tremor;
- violations of the respiratory system, paralysis of the respiratory muscles;
- decrease in heart rate, bradycardia or bronchospasm occurs;
- diarrhea.
If a large amount of toxic substances has entered the body, the victim may lose consciousness, fall into a coma. In the acute period of poisoning, nerve cells are affected, shortness of breath, a decrease or increase in body temperature, fluctuations in blood pressure, convulsions and agitation appear.
If complications occur, this symptomatology practically disappears, but other signs appear: pneumonia; cyanosis of the skin; toxic hepatitis; cerebral edema; complete absence of reflexes; kidney damage; hypotension. The last stage is the most dangerous, since the muscular and nervous systems, liver, kidneys and other internal organs are almost irrevocably affected.
The essence of diagnosis in case of poisoning with organophosphorus compounds
The diagnosis is based on the identification of symptoms from the nervous system: loss of vision; violations of the digestive tract; convulsions; tremor; increased salivation. In order to diagnose the degree of poisoning and the level of toxic effects exerted, it is necessary to examine in detail the place where the injured person was at that moment.
If you feel a garlic-kerosene smell from things and household items, you can talk about the presence of phosphorus compounds in the room. The doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis after receiving the results of a biochemical analysis of blood plasma, which the patient must immediately pass.
In the acute period of poisoning, symptoms may occur immediately or after a certain period of time. If a person has a fulminant form of the lesion, he will begin to have convulsions half an hour after contact with the FOV, otherwise, the tremor will occur after 3-5 days.
First Aid
In case of poisoning with FOS, a person should be taken out of the room to fresh air so that toxic substances do not affect the body and are not inhaled along with oxygen. It is recommended to remove clothes from the victim and wrap them in a warm blanket. If there are clean clothes, it is advisable for him to change clothes.
Surrounding people can help the victim to do a gastric lavage. In case of poisoning, you need to constantly monitor the amount of saliva in a person. To alleviate the patient’s condition, a saline laxative, liquid paraffin, activated charcoal, or sodium sulfate should be given. This is true when poison enters the digestive system.
Surrounding people can provide first aid in case of poisoning with organophosphorus substances by washing the affected areas of the epidermis. Damaged skin should be washed with clean water with laundry soap and a XNUMX% soda solution. It is recommended to treat the skin with Chlorhexidine or Chloramine.
The essence of first aid for poisoning with organophosphorus compounds is the intravenous administration of the Atropine solution. Injections should be carried out 2-3 times a day until bronchorrhea, increased salivation and excessive sweating stop. A positive result of therapy is the appearance of dryness in the oral cavity. A single dose varies from 0,5 to 2 milliliters of solution.
It is recommended, together with Atropine, to inject other drugs with an anticholinergic effect: Aprofen, Amizil or Tropacin. “Atropine” must be administered until the symptoms disappear completely, otherwise a relapse is possible.
In combination with “Atropine” in the first 24 hours, you need to inject every 2 hours intravenously or intramuscularly 1 milliliter of a fifteen percent solution of “Dipiroxime”.
You should also pay attention to symptomatic treatment. If the victim has increased blood pressure, it is recommended to enter 1,5 milliliters of one percent Diabazol. If a person has severe hypertension and tremor, sodium oxybutyrate should be injected three times a day.
In a state of paralysis of the respiratory muscles, artificial ventilation of the lungs is indicated. In this case, hydrocortisone is injected intramuscularly once a day. With blockade and low activity of enzymes in the body, blood replacement is recommended. This procedure is carried out 3-4 days after poisoning.
preventive measures
In order not to be poisoned by organophosphorus compounds, one should not neglect the safety rules. When working with toxic substances, you need to wear special protective clothing so that toxic elements do not get on the skin.
As a preventive measure, small children should be kept away from containers with FOV. The container must be disposed of in a timely manner. If, nevertheless, a toxic chemical compound has got on a shirt or pants, then they must be removed immediately. If organic phosphorus substances get on the nail plates and hairline, the following measures should be taken: hands should be washed with soap and water and nails cut off, and it is advisable to cut off the affected hairline. These manipulations are carried out so that chemical elements do not enter the body through the hair, nails and epidermis.
First aid for FOS poisoning, of course, will help the injured person, but it is imperative to call an ambulance team to hospitalize the patient. Timely provision of first aid by people around and the speedy arrival of medical workers can save a person’s life and minimize the likelihood of complications and serious consequences.