Sometimes insect bites go unnoticed, leaving no negative consequences. But it also happens that they cause serious complications or even death. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the possible subtleties and mechanisms of development of the reactions of the human body to insect bites. This will help to identify threatening situations in time and take appropriate measures.
Insect bites are a type of combined traumatic and allergic injuries, as well as toxic reactions caused by exposure to foreign components of saliva on the human body. You can get bites almost everywhere, due to the wide distribution of a wide variety of insect species. Some of them are poisonous. Depending on the prevailing pathological changes provoked by insects, a classification of dangerous bites can be formulated.
Preferential reactions | Who is calling |
Allergic reactions |
Toxic reactions |
Local changes in the skin and soft tissues (edema, black scabs, wounds, redness, blisters, hemorrhages, necrosis, suppuration) |
Other reactions in the form of systemic infectious processes or a combination of the above symptoms can be caused by stings of any insect in specific people, depending on many factors. |
If we characterize the problem of insect bites in general terms, then it lies in the diversity and unpredictability of the consequences. After all, if you simulate the situation of a bite of the same insect in different people, the reaction can be completely different. This suggests that in addition to the characteristics of the insect, the immune reactivity of the organism of a particular person and his tendency to allergies play an important role in the formation of bite manifestations. That is why the bites of seemingly harmless insects can become a problem that will take a lot of effort to solve.
Swelling and redness from an insect bite
The cause of symptoms such as swelling and redness of the skin after a bite can be contact with any insect. Of course, it is better if a specific species is known. Then it is possible to use specific measures designed to eliminate the consequences of the bites of these particular insects. If the bite is received imperceptibly, and it is impossible to establish its origin, it is necessary to observe the course of clinical manifestations. By the characteristic symptoms, one can presumably determine the culprit.
What does swelling or redness look like? | Probable insects |
Slight swelling and redness around the bite. Usually accompanied by itching. |
Severe edema without redness. At the time of the bite and after it there is severe pain and burning. |
Redness without swelling | Most often, ticks are the culprit. If the redness has an annular appearance with a bite in the center, they speak of tick-borne borreliosis. |
But for a person with these unpleasant symptoms, it is no longer so important what kind of insect he was bitten by. The question is much more urgent than what can be done to help in this situation. The most important thing to worry about is an assessment of not only local manifestations, but also the general condition. If the state of health is not disturbed, and the swelling against the background of redness is not accompanied by a temperature reaction and is local in nature, then the problem can be dealt with independently at home. Otherwise, you should seek help from a specialist.
How can you help:
Local application of cold. Under its action, vasoconstriction occurs, which slows down the absorption of toxic substances into the systemic circulation and the progression of swelling;
Pressing down the bite site and surrounding tissues. Has the same goals as cooling procedures;
Rubbing or lotions from a semi-alcoholic solution (alcohol with water 1: 1);
Soda solution. Concentration doesn’t matter. It is better to have as much soda as possible. You can prepare a mushy mass and lay it on a swollen place;
Compresses with dimexide. They can be both monocomponent and combined. It is important to remember that dimexide can cause allergies. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 .;
Ointment preparations. It is better if they contain antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components.
A bump or swelling from an insect bite
The bites of some insects are accompanied by the formation of inflammatory infiltrates around the bitten wound. The presence of a bump indicates that the components of saliva or insect secretions are so persistent that the body is not able to quickly eliminate them. Therefore, a certain space suit is formed around the affected area, which is a shell with non-neutralized particles inside. From a medical point of view, this is a manifestation of incomplete immunity.
Most often, such processes are the result of contact with blood-sucking insects. These are, first of all, gadflies. The bites of certain types of flies and mosquitoes can lead to bumps. Among other insects that bite a person not out of nutritional need, only hornets can cause the formation of tumor-like formations. It is characteristic that such a bump can persist for a long time, without showing itself in any way or causing slight discomfort.
The main reason for the formation of limited seals in the places of insect bites is the infection deep into the skin. Moreover, some of the species of gadflies lay their larvae in the tissues of the victim. Then maturation and nourishment of the offspring takes place in the cone. Fortunately, people rarely suffer from gadfly bites due to the large size of this insect and its limited geographical distribution. Its bite is extremely painful, and it is impossible not to notice this, which cannot be said about the bites of infected mosquitoes.
Also, sometimes there is a reaction of lymphoid tissue to insect bites. Clinically, this manifests itself in the form of tumor-like formations in places distant from the bite. As a rule, these are enlarged regional lymph nodes, which are a natural barrier to the spread of infection.
Therapeutic measures:
Treatment of foci of pathogenesis with antiseptics. Alcohol and iodine are ideal for these purposes.
Lotions or compresses based on a semi-alcoholic solution or diluted (1: 4) dimexide. Can be used in the form of wet-drying dressings or oilcloth compresses for 1,5-2 hours. You can’t leave them all night, because you can cause a chemical burn to the skin;
Ointments. They are much more effective than simply lubricating the skin with anti-inflammatory ointments. The duration of the lotion is 2-3 hours. After the procedure, the skin is washed and wiped with alcohol;
In cases of widespread multiple cones or large single formations, there is a need for systemic administration of antihistamine and antibacterial drugs.
You should not expect the bumps to disappear quickly with any treatment. This is a gradual process that takes a long time.
Itching after an insect bite: how to remove it?
The bites of most insects cause various complaints, among which itching of the bitten area and adjacent areas is often found. In its origin, the main role belongs to allergenic mechanisms. In the nearest time after the bite, there is a massive release of mediators of inflammation and allergies in response to substances foreign to the body. The result of the ongoing reactions is the appearance of redness and swelling of the skin, accompanied by severe itching. Another cause of itching of the skin after a bite can be the extinction of inflammation. In the process of its reverse development, stretched tissues return the temporarily lost structure, which causes itchy sensations.
A simple way to help relieve itching from insect bites
There is an easy way to get quick relief – and all you need is a hair dryer. Just turn it on and place it as close to the bite as possible, set the heat to high, and wait at least a few seconds, preferably up to 30. You will be amazed at how it provides instant relief that lasts for several hours, allowing you to sleep peacefully at night and continue your day. [1]
Allergic reaction to insect sting
Local and general allergic reactions to insect bites are also not uncommon in recent times. It is impossible to say unequivocally what the reason for this phenomenon is. There is a medical opinion that unfavorable environmental conditions and poor-quality nutrition lead to the spread of allergies among people.
Allergic reactions to insect bites can be very diverse. Most often, such consequences are caused by the bites of bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees. Moreover, the manifestations of allergies are systemic in nature and can be life-threatening. Mosquito bites usually cause local allergic reactions, which are much less dangerous.
The main manifestations of systemic allergies are:
Skin rash. It is widespread and has the appearance of red spots or papules not only in areas close to the bite site, but also in distant areas of the skin;
Puffiness It can capture the entire affected segment and spread at lightning speed throughout the body. This means that the face, neck, torso swells, causing a danger of compression of the upper respiratory tract and endangering the life of the victim;
Anaphylactic shock. The risk of its development is highest with hornet bites, especially if there are several of them. Anaphylaxis develops so quickly that you may not have time to provide emergency care to the patient. The formation of anaphylactic shock is based on a sharp drop in blood pressure. As a result – loss of consciousness with the cessation of vital functions (respiration and heartbeat).
Treatment of allergic reactions to insect stings
Treatment does not differ from generally accepted antiallergic measures and includes a fixed algorithm.
Give the patient an antihistamine while the ambulance is on the way;
If the allergy is complicated by anaphylactic shock, impaired patency of the upper respiratory tract, swelling of the tongue and face, immediately call an ambulance and hospitalize to the nearest medical institution;
Bites of poisonous insects
Scorpions and spiders (karakurt, tarantula) can be attributed to insects and arthropods that directly contain and release toxic substances into the tissues of the victim at the time of the bite. Other species do not inject toxic substances, only allergens. Those components that remain in the tissues after a bite can cause toxic reactions, but they are not caused by the action of the poison, but by an allergic reaction of the body to a foreign substance. Most often, such consequences arise from the bites of wasps and hornets.
Bites of poisonous insects in their manifestations and composition of the poison resemble snake bites. The basic toxic components of the poison are neurotoxin and hemolysin. The first causes damage to nerve tissues, the second – to blood elements (primarily erythrocytes).
The symptoms of a venomous insect bite are as follows:
Sharp burning pain at the time of the bite;
The appearance of a point wound on the skin;
Whitish swelling in the form of a tubercle around the bitten place or its rapid spread to the surrounding tissues;
The formation of hemorrhages, red, purple spots or bloody blisters on the skin around the bitten place;
A sharp deterioration in well-being: headache, dizziness;
Numbness of the affected limb;
Increase in body temperature;
Reduced blood pressure.
If you have these symptoms or suspect a bite of a poisonous insect, you should definitely seek medical help at a medical institution. It is better to conduct a short-term observation of the patient, constantly assessing vital signs and laboratory data, in order to take timely action if necessary.
How to behave in the prehospital stage?
No panic, no matter what happens. Calm behavior helps in providing full assistance. Vanity will not lead to anything good;
The victim is laid down or takes a semi-recumbent position;
If the bite is made by a stinging insect (bee, wasp), the remnants of the sting must be removed from the skin;
A pressure bandage is applied to the segment above the bite site. There is no need to apply a tourniquet. The bandage involves superficial compression of the skin and saphenous veins in the affected area. Arterial blood flow should not be affected;
Cold compresses, objects or ice packs are applied to the bite site. This slows down the absorption of toxic products and their distribution with the bloodstream;
Fortunately, single bites of most poisonous insects rarely turn into serious consequences. Much more dangerous are multiple bites by several insects of the same or different species.
First aid for insect bites
First aid measures for insect bites are undifferentiated and should be standard, regardless of the culprit. The sooner the necessary measures are taken, the less negative consequences the bite will cause.
First of all, it is worth saying about what not to do after an insect bite:
Drink alcoholic beverages;
To fuss and move actively;
Apply heat to the bite site.
All these actions increase blood flow in the affected area, which leads to an acceleration of the absorption of toxic and allergenic products. The inevitable result of such changes will be pronounced toxic-allergic reactions of general and local types.
The correct scope of first aid measures includes:
Washing the bite site with cold water and laundry soap;
Treatment with any antiseptic solutions;
Pressing the bitten place or applying a circular pressure bandage to the entire area and overlying areas. You can use both a simple and elastic bandage;
Applying cold;
Taking tablet forms of antihistamine and antiallergic drugs.
Thus, the process of spreading toxic substances from the primary focus will be maximally blocked. All other well-known methods of treating insect bites can be used only after an assessment of the existing consequences. The duration of first aid procedures should be at least an hour. After this time, the treatment of foci of bites is carried out using various lotions, solutions, ointments and gels.
If, despite the measures taken, there is a progressive deterioration in the victim’s well-being, this indicates a bite by a poisonous insect or a severe allergic reaction. In such situations, patients should be urgently taken to a medical facility, where they will be provided with specialized medical care. Do not neglect this advice, hoping that everything will pass by itself.