With the advent of the first warm days, many different insects wake up, among which some are far from being as harmless as they seem. Wasps, hornets, bees, spiders, ticks, mosquitoes sometimes do much more harm than large animals. Such insects are terrible primarily because when they bite, they release a certain dose of poison into the human body, which in turn causes an allergic reaction of varying severity.
If city dwellers think that modern megacities will be able to protect them from insects, then they are deeply mistaken. However, in urban conditions it is much easier to consult a doctor at the first sign of a bite, but in nature it is quite problematic to do this, so you need to know how to help the victim.
Most often, small children suffer from insect bites, as well as those people who are prone to allergies. The most dangerous are bites in the head, neck and chest area. In some, especially severe cases, an insect bite develops a serious allergic reaction – anaphylactic shock. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to behave in such a situation and what to do before the ambulance arrives.
What to do if a wasp stings or a spider bites? What measures need to be taken? How to provide first aid to a bitten person? The answers to these and other questions can be found by reading the following article.
Actions for the bite of a wasp, hornet, bumblebee or bee
The venom of such insects contains biogenic amines and other biologically active substances, the entry of which into the bloodstream can cause severe allergic reactions.
The most basic symptoms of stings of bees, hornets, bumblebees or wasps are itching and burning at the site of the bite, acute pain, redness and swelling of the tissues. In some cases, there is an increase in body temperature, slight chills, general weakness, malaise. Probably nausea and vomiting.
In especially severe cases, especially in people predisposed to allergies, various allergic reactions may occur. From mild – urticaria and itching, to severe – Quincke’s edema and anaphylactic shock.
First of all, you need to know what you should never do. First, it should be understood that scratching the tissues in the area of the bite can lead to further spread of the poison, and in this way it is very easy to introduce an infection into the wound, which will only aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.
Secondly, water from nearby natural sources should not be used to cool or wash the wound, as this in most cases leads to infection, and sometimes to tetanus infection.
Also, you should not take alcoholic beverages and sleeping pills, because their effect enhances the effect of the poison.
First aid for the bites of such insects includes:
- Disinfection of the affected area with alcohol, soapy water or chlorhexidine.
- Cooling the bite site with ice wrapped in a towel, freeze spray, or cold pack. These actions will help relieve swelling and reduce pain.
- Taking an antihistamine, as well as using an antiallergic ointment or cream.
- Providing the victim with plenty of fluids and complete rest.
When a bee stings, you can try to pull out the sting by grabbing it with tweezers as close to the skin as possible. If it was not possible to pull it out, or it is scary to do it, then you need to contact the nearest emergency room to extract it.
Actions for a tick bite
Ticks are quite dangerous parasites, as they can be carriers of serious diseases: Lyme disease, Marseille tick fever, tick-borne encephalitis. In addition, penetrating under the skin of a person, ticks release anesthetic substances into the blood, which allows them to go unnoticed for a long time. However, there are situations when a tick bite causes severe swelling and allergic reactions, not excluding anaphylactic shock.
It should be remembered that the diseases that ticks carry cause severe and unpleasant complications, ending in disability. Therefore, the extracted tick must be taken to the laboratory for analysis.
First aid for tick bites:
- If a tick is found under the skin, it is urgent to visit a surgeon to remove the tick completely and in the safest way.
- In the case when it is not possible to contact a specialist, you should remove the tick on your own. To do this, you need to use special tongs, which, following the instructions, will remove the insect without the risk of tearing it into several parts.
- Be sure to treat the affected area with any antiseptic preparation: alcohol, chlorhexidine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide.
- The extracted insect must be placed in a glass container filled with water-soaked cotton wool. Close the container tightly with a lid and take it to the laboratory within two to three days after the bite.
In addition, you should know exactly what actions should not be performed with tick bites:
- use improvised means to extract the tick from under the skin (needles, tweezers, pins, and others), since the insect may not be completely removed, which will cause subsequent suppuration of the bite site;
- cauterize the insect, since such actions will lead to the exact opposite effect and the tick will penetrate even deeper under the skin;
- crush the insect, since in this case the possible pathogens that it carries can enter the bloodstream and lead to infection;
- lubricate the bite site with fats (kerosene, oil, and others), as this will cause the tick to suffocate without access to oxygen, without having time to get out.
Actions for a spider bite
Any spiders are usually poisonous. There are a great many varieties of arachnids in the world, and some of them are even deadly. But the most common are spiders, whose venom is not very toxic, and its quantity is very small in order to provoke severe symptoms of poisoning.
In our latitudes, the most dangerous arachnids are karakurts and tarantulas.
Karakurts are small spiders up to two centimeters in length, black in color with red spots on the abdomen.
Tarantulas are black or dark brown spiders, usually three to four centimeters long. However, some individuals can reach twelve centimeters. The most characteristic feature of a tarantula is the hairs that cover its entire surface. Moreover, due to their more formidable appearance, tarantulas cause more fear than karakurts, but their bite does not pose a serious danger. The bite of a karakurt is much more dangerous, but you should know that spiders do not just attack a person, but bite only if they are disturbed, in order to protect themselves.
The spider bite itself is practically painless, and the first symptoms appear only after a few hours. These include:
- dizziness and general weakness;
- shortness of breath and palpitations;
- redness and slight swelling at the site of the bite;
- an hour after the bite, severe pain appears, spreading to the lower back, shoulder blades, abdomen and calf muscles;
- shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting;
- convulsive seizures;
- an increase in body temperature up to forty degrees;
- increase blood pressure.
In especially severe cases, there are sharp changes in the emotional state – from depression to overexcitation, severe convulsions, severe shortness of breath and pulmonary edema appear. Three to five days after the bite of a karakurt, a skin rash appears, and weakness and general discomfort are observed for several weeks.
Tarantula venom is much weaker, and it manifests itself as swelling and swelling at the site of the bite, reddening of the skin, weakness and drowsiness, apathy, slight pain and heaviness throughout the body.
After a few days, all symptoms disappear.
First aid for the bite of any spider:
- Treat the bite site with an antiseptic.
- Lay and cover the victim, warm him and ensure complete rest.
- Give anesthetic drug.
- Give the victim plenty to drink.
- If a limb is bitten, it should be bandaged tightly, starting at a distance of five centimeters above the bite, and ensured its immobility. With increasing swelling, the bandage should be loosened. The limb must be fixed below the level of the heart.
- If the bite occurred in the neck or head, then the bite should be pressed down.
- Seek immediate medical attention.
- In a serious condition, if it is impossible to show the injured doctor, it is necessary to give a hormonal anti-inflammatory drug.
What not to do with spider bites:
- scratching or rubbing the bite site, as this leads to further spread of the poison and contributes to the occurrence of infection;
- make incisions in the bite area;
- cauterize the bitten place;
- suck out the poison, because through any even the smallest wound in the mouth, the poison penetrates into the human blood.
First aid for anaphylaxis
In especially severe cases, insect bites can develop a serious allergic reaction – anaphylactic shock. This reaction is terrible because it occurs and develops quite quickly – within a few minutes. The most susceptible to anaphylaxis are people who are prone to allergies, as well as asthmatics.
Symptoms of anaphylaxis when bitten by spiders or other insects:
- strong and sharp pain at the bite site;
- skin itching, transmitted to all parts of the body;
- rapid heavy and difficult breathing, severe shortness of breath;
- severe pallor of the skin;
- weakness, a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
- loss of consciousness;
- abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting;
- impaired blood circulation of the brain, confusion;
- severe swelling of the mouth, neck and larynx.
All these reactions develop within a few minutes, and as a result of impaired respiratory activity and blood circulation, death from a lack of oxygen can occur. Therefore, it is very important to know how to provide first aid to a victim with anaphylactic shock. This action could save his life.
First aid for anaphylaxis:
- Immediately call an emergency ambulance by calling 103 or 112.
- Give the victim a horizontal position and raise the legs.
- Cool the bite site.
- In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to control the breathing of the victim every two minutes.
- If breathing is ineffective (less than two exhalations in ten seconds in an adult, less than three in a child), cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed.
- Give the victim antihistamines.
Summing up
The bites of any insects almost always entail unpleasant and negative consequences, most often expressed in allergic reactions. They are especially difficult for children, people suffering from bronchial asthma, as well as those who are prone to allergies. In some cases, even such serious conditions as anaphylactic shock may occur, the delay in which can cost the victim his life. Therefore, it is extremely important to know what to do in such cases and be able to provide first aid for bites of various kinds of insects in order to help a person wait for the arrival of a doctor. In some cases, especially with anaphylaxis, such actions can save the victim’s life.