Poisoning is classified as a disorder of the normal functioning of the body, which develops as a result of the spread of toxins and poisons in it. Synonymously close concept is the category “intoxication”. There are many factors that can cause poisoning in a person, these are household chemicals, poisons, drugs, various chemicals and reagents, alcohol, low-quality or expired food.
Food poisoning can result from eating a wide variety of foods, from fruits and vegetables to canned food, drinks, and prepared meals. At the same time, one of the most dangerous food poisoning for humans is fish and seafood poisoning.
What is fish poisoning, why is it so dangerous for humans
Fish is considered a nutritious and healthy product that doctors and nutritionists advise to include in the diet, especially for children and the elderly. It contains fatty acids, proteins, a complex of vitamins and minerals, including phosphorus. Sea fish, unlike river fish, is rich in bromine and iodine. Its benefits for the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system are well known.
However, this does not mean that fish in the human diet always brings only benefits. It is known that fish, like meat, is a perishable product. In addition, fish can live and be caught in a variety of water bodies, even those that are heavily polluted and saturated with harmful waste. Dwelling in dirty, poisoned water, the fish accumulates all toxic elements and becomes a source of poisons. In addition to the results of human activity, which poisoned many water bodies on the planet, they are inhabited by various bacteria, microorganisms, pathogens.
High-fat fish can accumulate chlorinated hydrocarbons, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, and dioxin.
The danger lies in the fact that even high-quality fish caught in a clean reservoir can deteriorate due to violations of storage or processing conditions, due to the expiration date, and non-compliance with the temperature regime. Poisons and toxins may appear in such a product as a result of the vital activity of contaminated microorganisms. Such violations of sanitary and hygienic standards by sellers and manufacturers of fish products leads to the fact that in the market and in supermarkets you can buy fish of the so-called “second freshness”, or even completely spoiled.
Separately, canned fish should be mentioned – an ordinary can of sprat in a tomato, if the process of fermentation and reproduction of bacteria has begun in it, can cause death of a person. The combination of “fish + canned food” is especially dangerous, since under the conditions of preservation the product is in a sealed, almost vacuumized form, but pathogenic anaerobic microorganisms, in particular, especially dangerous botulism bacteria, can develop in them.
The main types of fish poisoning
Depending on which factor caused the accumulation of toxins in the consumed fish, the following types of intoxication are classified:
- bacterial, which occur against the background of the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria in fish, and the lack of an appropriate degree of processing of the product;
- poisoning: some species of fish are known to be poisonous to humans, such as puffer fish or moray eels;
- poisoning with heavy metals, such as mercury, which accumulates in fish if they live in waters with a high concentration of harmful substances;
- histidine poisoning, which is concentrated in mackerel fish species.
According to the form of the course of the state of intoxication, there are:
- cholera-like poisoning;
- paralytic fish poisoning.
In the first case, the victim feels signs similar to an intestinal infection (fever) – diarrhea, vomiting, fever. With the development of a paralytic form of poisoning, in addition to abdominal pain and digestive disorders, a person develops disorders of the nervous system – changes in skin sensitivity, numbness of the oral cavity and tongue, photophobia and others.
According to the type of fish and the method of its preparation, the following poisonings are distinguished:
- red fish poisoning;
- salty;
- dried;
- raw;
- boiled;
- fried;
- dried;
- smoked;
- rotten.
red fish intoxication
This condition may be caused by a lack of proper heat treatment. Fans of Japanese cuisine, namely sushi and rolls, are at particular risk, since they may contain raw red fish according to the recipe. That is why gastroenterologists categorically do not recommend eating these exotic dishes. Redfish live in flowing water and may become infested with parasites during their migration along rivers.
Fish with an expired shelf life becomes a source of toxins due to the intensive multiplication of microbes.
Salty fish
Home-cooked or market-bought, salted fish is a popular snack. Anglers love to harvest their catch in this way. However, salted fish, if the cooking technology is violated, for example, an insufficient amount of salt is used, or the duration of salting is not maintained, becomes a source of dangerous microorganisms. So, if the fish is harvested correctly, salt kills all harmful bacteria in it, and the product lasts longer. A store-bought product can be dangerous because already stale fish is salted, which can be sold under the guise of a normal, high-quality product.
Dried fish
It has a specific taste, with proper harvesting it does not lose its softness and juiciness. This delicacy is highly appreciated by beer lovers. If the product is not kept at the right temperature for a sufficient amount of time, it is just as dangerous to eat it as raw fish.
Raw fish poisoning
Without proper temperature or any other processing, this food product can be contaminated with microbes and bacteria:
- salmonelloi;
- staphylococcus;
- opisthorchiasis;
- anisakiasis.
Also, raw fish may contain a high concentration of heavy metals, poisons, toxins.
Boiled, fried and dried product
Poisoning in this case can be caused by rotten food, the quality of which even the cooking process cannot improve. Stale, rotten fish can be identified by smell and appearance, and accordingly should not be boiled or prepared in any other way. With fried fish, the situation is similar – if it was originally spoiled and stale, then frying will not make it fresh.
Regarding dried fish, it is dried under certain conditions and if spoiled raw materials are used initially, the resulting product can cause poisoning.
Rotten fish
The most dangerous poisonings occur due to the use of a rotten, stale product. The processes of decay that develop in it turn such a fish into a real poison.
Smoked fish
Fish prepared in this way may contain carcinogenic combustion products, given that for industrial-scale smoking, manufacturers usually do not use natural smoke, but chemicals. Violation of smoking technology also makes the smoked product hazardous to health.
Symptoms of poisoning: how to recognize
As already mentioned above, fish poisoning usually occurs in one of two forms – cholera-like or paralytic, the former being much more common, and the latter considered more severe.
The development of a cholera-like form of poisoning looks like this:
- already in the first few hours, there is a sharp pain in the abdomen;
- diarrhea, dehydration, nausea, vomiting begins, which continues even when the stomach is already empty;
- the victim has weakness and a sharp rise in temperature.
The duration of this state can be from one to several days. During this time, dehydration progresses due to constant and prolonged episodes of diarrhea and vomiting. With pronounced severe symptoms of poisoning, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital to avoid serious complications that can be fatal.
The paralytic form is less common, as it provokes the consumption of reef fish, which in Eastern Europe is not particularly popular as a food product.
The incubation period lasts less than 5 hours. The lesion begins with sharp, spasmodic pains in the abdomen, intestines, liver area. The pain is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. In contrast to the cholera-like type of poisoning, then symptoms of damage to the nervous system join the symptoms of fever:
- numbness of the lips, tongue, oral cavity;
- metallic taste in the mouth;
- severe itching of the skin;
- violation of the sensitivity of the skin;
- photophobia, pain in the eyes from harsh light;
- increasing muscle weakness.
A severe form of poisoning is characterized by the appearance of heart and respiratory failure, in addition, the affected person may develop acute renal failure, in which there is a real probability of death of a person with poisoning.
It should be noted that intoxication can be not only acute, with pronounced symptoms, but also chronic. Chronic fish poisoning develops against the background of prolonged consumption of a product poisoned by chemicals or heavy metals. A certain concentration of hazardous substances accumulates in fish. From one or two fish, a person will not feel worse, however, with the constant presence of such a product in the diet, the effect of accumulation comes into force. Toxic substances gradually accumulate in the internal organs, blood vessels, tissues and cells, destroying them.
It is possible to identify fish poisoning only with laboratory analysis. However, in the case when a person develops acute symptoms, there is neither time nor special need to find out whether intoxication is caused by fish or other products. In any case, if after 1-3 hours after the seafood or fish were eaten, a person has alarming symptoms and worsening of his condition, it is necessary to immediately begin providing him with first aid, and if the signs indicate the development of acute, severe poisoning, be sure to call an ambulance.
Providing first aid to a victim of fish poisoning
The most important thing to do after the onset of symptoms of intoxication is to empty the sick stomach. A solution of potassium permanganate has always been especially popular for this purpose. For three liters of clean and warm boiled water, add a few crystals of potassium permanganate until a pale pink solution is obtained. In the absence of the drug in the home first aid kit, you can use a solution of baking soda, based on 1 liter of boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of soda.
For continuous washings, you will need up to 10 liters of the prepared solution. It must be warm, as warm liquid slows down intestinal motility, inhibiting the further movement of toxins through the digestive tract.
The process of cleansing the stomach is far from the most pleasant, but it is absolutely necessary for the victim, you should drink from 3 to 6 glasses of the solution, and then induce vomiting by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue.
The procedure is repeated until the liquid leaving the stomach becomes clear and clean.
After gastric lavage, absorbent preparations are taken three or four times, with breaks of 15 minutes. It can be enterosgel or activated charcoal, which are washed down with boiled water.
After the onset of relief, the victim should be laid down, wrapped up, and provided with complete rest. On the first day, it is forbidden to eat, you need to give the intestines and stomach a break. On the second day, it is allowed to eat oatmeal on the water, vegetable soups, boiled rice. Until complete recovery, you must follow a diet, that is, give up spicy, salty, fried foods, smoked meats, pickled foods. It is forbidden to take carbonated drinks. Mineral waters such as Borjomi and Essentuki will be useful to the patient, but before taking them, you need to completely release the gas from them. Drinking after poisoning is necessary in large quantities to compensate for the lost fluid and prevent dehydration.
When to Seek Medical Help
With some poisoning, the victim can fight on his own if competent first aid is provided at home in time, or if the amount of food eaten was insignificant.
Seeking qualified help is mandatory if, during first aid measures for fish poisoning, the affected person has a temperature rise to a value of 39 degrees and above.
In cases where initially only mild signs of poisoning were felt, but after washing the stomach and taking sorbents, the condition worsens over time, weakness, chills, dizziness, clouding of consciousness appear, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.
In addition, an ambulance must be called if:
- the elderly and children were poisoned;
- poisoning caused by poisonous fish species;
- there are increasing symptoms of dehydration;
- the victim shows signs of damage to the nervous system.
At home, it is impossible to fully cleanse the body of poisons that have entered it, and compensate for the harm caused by intoxication. In the conditions of a medical institution, the victim will be provided with qualified assistance, which includes a complex of special diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Botulism and fish poisoning
Botulism is considered the most terrible and dangerous form of fish poisoning. The disease is caused by botulinum toxin, which, if it enters the body, even in small concentrations, can cause irreversible damage to all internal organs. Fish that have not been properly cooked can be contaminated with botulism. Once in anaerobic conditions, pathogens begin to multiply rapidly, forming spores and producing a toxin. The use of smoked and dried fish, as well as canned fish in this regard, is a lottery, since it is in such products that the toxin of the botulism pathogen can accumulate. If the manufacturer of the product did not follow the technology of its preparation, it becomes a deadly poison.
The primary signs of botulism are similar to those of ordinary poisoning – these are abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever. A day later, the patient’s condition seemed to return to normal and stabilize. But, unfortunately, this is only the beginning of the process of poisoning the body. By the end of the first day, the patient notes persistent constipation. Further, visual acuity disturbances, double vision, strabismus, limitation of the mobility of the eyeballs, drooping of the upper eyelids develop. A person has difficulty swallowing, a nasal voice and a feeling of dry mouth appear. Asphyxia, suffocation, chest pain may occur. Muscle weakness gradually increases, which is especially noticeable in the muscles of the neck – after a while the patient can no longer hold his head, he has to help himself with his hands.
How to help a person if he has signs of botulism? First aid, in addition to the gastric lavage procedure, also involves the setting of a cleansing enema with a solution of baking soda. The patient needs to take large amounts of adsorbing drugs. If possible, he needs to put a dropper with a solution of Hemodez, trisol and lactosol. Of course, all these actions are carried out after the ambulance is called.
Food poisoning with fish delicacies is, unfortunately, a very common phenomenon. In addition, intoxications caused by poisons from fish are difficult clinically. The use of dried, smoked and canned fish can cause a person to develop botulism, a deadly poisoning that is not always possible to overcome even in a hospital setting. In cases of suspicion of poisoning, it is imperative to provide the victim with first aid – rinse the stomach, take sorbents, calm down, wait for the arrival of qualified medical assistance.
- Sources of
- Fish poisoning and shellfish poisoning. MSD Manual – Professional Edition, updated 2021