Food poisoning is a very common problem and one of the most common causes of body intoxication. There is a huge list of foods that can cause poisoning. Chicken eggs are far from the last place, because this product in one form or another is present in the human diet almost every day. They are eaten boiled, fried and raw. In addition, it is one of the main components of many dishes, desserts and baked goods. Nutritionally, an egg can replace 50 grams of meat or a glass of fresh milk. In addition, this product contains many vitamins, trace elements and is easily absorbed by the body.
Despite the huge number of useful qualities of eggs, they can harm the human body. What can cause poisoning?
Poisoning reasons
An egg is a kind of closed environment that is isolated from external influences and has its own bacteria. If you cool this product in time or subject it to proper heat treatment, then there will be no reproduction of microorganisms. If important rules are not followed, bacteria will spread rapidly and the product will be spoiled.
You can get poisoned by eggs if you do not follow the rules for storing the product, eating it raw, or with a damaged shell. Not everyone knows that poisoning can occur after eating fresh eggs. This is facilitated by the causative agent of salmonellosis, a disease that can be transmitted to humans from pets and birds.
Most often, infection of the body occurs when a person eats dishes prepared from a raw product: homemade mayonnaise, sauce, protein cream, pudding. Bacteria spread on the eggshell from the inside. Outwardly, it is almost impossible to distinguish an infected egg from a normal one. In addition, salmonella every half hour becomes 2 times more. The danger lies in the fact that it is impossible to determine the presence of the pathogen either by external signs or by taste. Salmonella does not lend itself to low temperatures, water, drying and salt. It can die only after prolonged boiling. The incubation period for this disease can last from 2 hours to three days.
This disease is not fatal and is extremely rare. Symptoms of poisoning usually last no more than a week. In order not to endanger your health, you should wash the products well and subject them to heat treatment.
Symptoms of egg poisoning
Symptoms of poisoning can occur in each person individually. The most common manifestations are:
- vomiting and nausea;
- diarrhea;
- severe headache and dizziness;
- abdominal pain;
- loss of strength and weakness;
- chills;
- deterioration of vision.
Against the background of intoxication, inflammation of the gastric mucosa may occur – gastritis. This disease is accompanied by severe and prolonged nausea, vomiting and weakness. In addition, inflammation of the small intestine can join all the symptoms. In this case, the person’s body temperature may rise. The large intestine may also be affected and, as a result, signs of colitis may appear.
Young children under the age of 10 are most susceptible to poisoning. In babies, appetite disappears, the temperature rises, weakness appears in the body, abdominal pain, the stool becomes liquid with possible blood impurities. In addition, the child may have problems with the nervous system. These include dizziness, fainting, sleep disturbances, lethargy. In older people, problems with the cardiovascular system and pressure may appear, the rhythm and pulse rate may change.
First aid for poisoning
At the first manifestations of egg poisoning, it is necessary to immediately take measures that will contribute to the rapid removal of the infected product and the pathogen from the body. First of all, we are talking about gastric lavage. A person needs to drink several glasses of purified water and use a finger to induce vomiting. Thus, toxins will come out of the stomach along with the drunk liquid and the remnants of food eaten.
It is advisable to do this until only water begins to come out of the stomach. It is worth noting that it is impossible to hold such events for small children and people who are unconscious.
It is also recommended to give a person a cleansing enema. For these purposes, about a liter of boiled water is collected in Esmarch’s mug (plastic or silicone container). The patient should lie on his left side and bend his knees. The tip of the enema should be lubricated with petroleum jelly and gently inserted into the anus. Thus, water enters the large intestine.
You can also give enterosorbent. Such drugs absorb all pathogenic substances and leave the human body naturally. As this drug, you can use the well-known activated charcoal or any other suitable medicine. To prevent dehydration and general intoxication of the body, you should drink plenty of water. You can use not just water, but also mineral non-carbonated water, as well as weak black tea. The main thing is to drink in small sips so as not to cause nausea and vomiting.
Often people try to deal with the symptoms of poisoning on their own, as they seem not so terrible. But you should not do this when poisoning with eggs, because salmonellosis is a very serious disease that requires special treatment. This is especially important if this situation occurs with young children, the elderly and pregnant women.
Doctors prescribe special antibiotic therapy, and, if necessary, prescribe medications that improve digestion.
Often, doctors are engaged in restoring water and electrolyte balance after prolonged vomiting and diarrhea. In this case, drugs such as Regidron or Oralit can be prescribed. During the first 24 hours, a person should not eat food and drink a lot of water. In the first 7 days, you should not eat fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty and fried foods. Dairy products and milk should also not be consumed. All of these foods can cause fermentation in the intestines. It is important to follow a strict diet: eat pureed vegetable soups, stewed vegetables and light cereals on the water. You can also use vegetable broths and boiled potatoes without oil.
To prevent hypovitaminosis, which often occurs as a result of depletion of the body, a vitamin-mineral complex can be prescribed. If the tests show that the poisoning is caused by salmonella, the patient may also be prescribed a course of antibiotics.
Preventive actions
Egg poisoning can be avoided if you follow some recommendations and simple rules. These include rules for the storage of products and technologies for their preparation.
It is important to remember that, after preparing scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, protein cream or egg-based pudding, such dishes should be stored for no longer than 12 hours. After this time, salmonella will begin to multiply and can become dangerous to human life. Each person should be serious about the choice of food consumed and refuse poorly thermally processed foods with the addition of eggs.
You should also remember that eggs should be bought only in those stores that can provide the appropriate certificate and which indicate the expiration date.
If possible, dishes such as fried eggs, protein cream, soft-boiled eggs should be abandoned, since eggs do not undergo proper heat treatment during their preparation. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching an eggshell or a raw egg.
In addition, you should avoid eating in those establishments where the rules of cooking and basic hygiene may not be observed.
When buying eggs in a supermarket or other stores, it is important to check the expiration date. You can not buy damaged eggs and even more so use them. If the product seems stale and has an unpleasant odor, it should not be used during food preparation. Before using the eggs, they must be thoroughly washed in hot water and avoid contact with other products.
The only way to avoid poisoning is to maintain good hygiene and use only high-quality products. A correct and serious attitude to this issue will avoid many unpleasant consequences.
- Sources of
- Pak S. G. Salmonellosis / S. G. Pak, M. Kh. Turyanov, M. A. Paltsev. – M., 1988, 304 p.