First aid for a snake bite

First aid for a snakebite should be given as quickly as possible to achieve the desired effect.

Unlike insects, snakes usually rarely attack first. Often they are provoked by the victim himself, whether it is an intentional or unintentional action. Sometimes a person misses the very moment of a bite, which is typical of situations when the reptile was hiding and was not noticed immediately.

Most of the inhabitants prefer to bypass even relatively safe snakes, to say nothing of a poisonous snake. The representatives of the fauna themselves prefer to retreat when a person approaches. But it also happens when an animal basks in the sun in a familiar place, and the victim accidentally steps on it. In this scenario, the likelihood of a bite increases significantly.

No less often, pets who seek to play with “strangers” become victims of toxic effects. Regardless of who specifically suffered from a bite containing a toxic substance, humans and animals will require the mandatory introduction of a specific serum.

Until the victim is taken to the nearest hospital department, or the ambulance team gets to him, he will need first aid. Its foundations include measures aimed at leveling the current state of health and maintaining vital signs at a satisfactory level.

Clinical manifestations

The highest quality medical care is provided in cases where the patient or others have noticed what kind of reptile has caused dangerous damage. This will allow you to plan a further therapy program with an increased chance of success.

But even despite the fact that there are quite a lot of dangerous scaly representatives on the territory of the countries of the post-Soviet space, they have a number of common signs of defeat. This is explained by the fact that the components of snake venom almost always contain components similar in spectrum of action.

In short, neurotoxins become the basic elements from aggressive environments in relation to the tissue of the victim. Their main task is a destructive effect on the nervous structures.

The second component is called hemolysin. Its hallmark is the provocation of the breakdown of healthy red blood cells and other blood cells. Complements the depressing picture of cardiotoxin. As the name implies, it negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle and the cardiovascular system as a whole.

No less dangerous is cholinesterase. This is the name of an enzyme that is designed to destabilize the natural neuromuscular transmission.

But sometimes the standard set can be supplemented with some specific components, which is more suitable for rare exotic species that are found in the jungle.

Considering the main symptoms of anxiety, they can be sorted into four broad categories, including:

  • local manifestations;
  • general manifestations;
  • disorders of cardiac activity;
  • neurological disorders.

The first paragraph covers signs that are relatively easy to detect during the initial examination of the patient and a survey regarding his current condition. At the site of the alleged lesion, two traces of triangular-shaped teeth will be visible, located in relation to each other at the same level. The distance between the wounds is from 2 to 3 mm, depending on the specific type of reptile.

Unlike ticks, snakes almost never release an analgesic enzyme when injected directly with venom. This means that the person will instantly experience intense burning and soreness at the site of the bite.

Further, in increasing order, they will manifest themselves:

  • redness, and then cyanosis of the skin at the site of the bite;
  • pronounced edema;
  • dark spots, sometimes accompanied by blisters;
  • bleeding from the bite site.

At the same time, problems begin in terms of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. If at this moment we take measurements of the heartbeat, then everything will indicate a classic tachycardia with the number of beats under 120 units.

Additionally, the victim will face the consequences of a sharp drop in blood pressure, rapid breathing and pain in the chest. All of the above is especially dangerous if the injury was inflicted on a child.

On the part of neurological abnormalities, there are:

  • muscle weakness;
  • headache;
  • clouding of the mind;
  • reduced visual acuity;
  • double vision in the eyes;
  • inability to focus
  • inability to swallow something normally;
  • paralysis of the facial muscles and asymmetry of the face;
  • drooping eyelids.

The general neurological disorder ends with numbness of the whole body.

Against the background of all of the above, hemorrhage and a rapid increase in temperature become the standard reactions of the body. If you do not know what to do from the very beginning, then within the first half hour the victim will be faced with bloody vomiting and diarrhea. The clinical picture will be supplemented by progressive hepatic and renal insufficiency.


In order for first aid to really help alleviate well-being, it is extremely important to determine the severity of the symptoms of the lesion. This means that even if a person still feels relatively normal in the first minutes after a bite, this does not mean that he is in order.

For pre-medical therapy, it will be necessary to take into account not only the type of snake, but also its size and age. Often, people from the post-Soviet space have to deal with a rather narrow list of poisonous reptiles, the “popularity” rating of which is headed by vipers.

It is believed that the most dangerous varieties are:

  • rattlesnakes;
  • cobras;
  • asps.

Do not assume that small and young individuals are less of a threat. Experts, on the contrary, consider them more dangerous, especially given their ability to produce a huge amount of poison when they are frightened.

Also, the localization of the wound will affect the degree of damage. Most often, limbs fall under the sight of such animals, which gives a small head start to the patient. But if there is a lesion of the neck, face, torso with a dangerous proximity to the location of large vessels, then the situation is aggravated.

In addition to the age of the aggressive animal, it is worth considering the age of the victim herself and her health. Poisons are worst tolerated by the elderly and children. The presence of various chronic diseases accelerates the spread of the effects of toxins.

It is worth paying attention to the behavior immediately after the injection of poisonous substances. The more intensively the patient moved, the faster the enzymes will spread throughout the body. It is not for nothing that the first measures of assistance include the need to give the victim the most comfortable, immobile position.

Another cause for concern may be infection of the wound from the teeth of the snake with pathogens after the bite. Such pathogens quickly generate the launch of purulent-necrotic processes that aggravate the general condition.

Depending on all these aspects, the course of the pathology can take place either smoothly, in stages, or abruptly or abruptly. If it is impossible to provide the necessary assistance in a short time, a person usually dies of shock. In order to prevent a fatal outcome, immediately after the discovery of characteristic triangular marks on the skin, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Distinctive features of common snake bites

The rules for providing hospital care provide for the need to figure out what kind of reptile caused the injury. This will be required to increase the effectiveness of subsequent therapy. Because of this, it is worth paying attention to both the features of the snake itself and the course of the lesion.

In most cases, people have to deal with toxic reactions of a general nature, which is inherent in slightly poisonous representatives of the fauna. Doctors will have to deal with extensive purulent wounds at the site of the lesion, involving multi-stage antitoxic therapy for this.

But on vacation in exotic countries, many have to deal with more cruel snakes, poisons that destroy blood cells, provoking the onset of flaccid paralysis of the transverse muscles. The respiratory muscles also suffer from components.

Worst of all are those who are faced with royal asps. Despite the fact that their bite is not accompanied by significant pain, after a couple of minutes the victim feels numbness, and then paralysis. In the absence of adequate response measures, death occurs very quickly.

In second place in the list of bites of the most common snakes is the cobra, which even bites very painfully. With such a lesion, extensive hemolysis of erythrocytes comes to the fore, followed by the development of hemolytic anemia and jaundice. The clinical picture is complemented by liver failure. Any neurotoxic reactions are of a secondary nature, which aggravates the course of the process and the general condition.

Closes the top three “leaders” pit vipers and rattlesnakes. Even immediately after the bite, the victim experiences severe burning and pain. Next comes:

  • puffiness, covering even areas remote from the lesion;
  • bruising;
  • blisters that gradually merge into common necrotic wounds.

All this results in a hyperthermic reaction with a hectic rise in body temperature, chills, intoxication, which is expressed in nausea and vomiting. The likelihood of internal bleeding with localization in the gastrointestinal tract increases.

First aid

The faster and better help is provided, the higher the chances of getting out of such a dangerous situation without significant consequences for the body.

First of all, the patient is placed in a comfortable position. This is necessary to slow down the spread of toxic substances. If you manage to calm the victim, then this is generally excellent, because when you panic, the heart begins to work more actively, dispersing the blood faster.

If after a bite the snake continues to cling to its teeth, then it must be removed immediately. The longer the contact lasts, the more poison will enter the body. Immediately after this, any accessories such as rings, bracelets and ties are removed from the person. Even when providing assistance as quickly as possible, puffiness will still affect the tissues, so it will be more effective to work ahead of the curve.

It is best to stun an aggressive reptile and send it to an empty backpack or bag, tightly tying the top. Such foresight will allow in the future to quickly understand the therapy based on the identification of the animal species.

While one person catches the snake, the second must clean the wound of poison that has not yet had time to be absorbed. Ideally, medical pears are used for this, but in field conditions such a device is unlikely to be found, so you can try to suck out the affected blood with your mouth.

But this can be done only if a person does not have a lesion of the oral mucosa. Otherwise, even a slight penetration of toxins through small wounds will cause a deterioration in well-being and the rescuer himself.

Next, you will need to apply a pressure bandage above the problem area. It is designed to block exclusively lymphatic outflow and venous outflow. It is forbidden to pinch the arteries, since you can only do harm due to a violation of the usual microcirculation. With the saddest development of the scenario, a person will have to face necrosis.

An auxiliary, but effective measure is to provide the bite victim with plenty of fluids. This helps to reduce the toxic concentration.

It is worth preparing in advance for a possible resuscitation with all the consequences, such as chest compressions and artificial respiration.

But it is not worth applying a tourniquet directly to the damaged area, since such manipulation will only worsen the blood supply, aggravating the course of the necrotic process. Also, do not cauterize the bite site, apply warm compresses or ice packs.

All of the above will not only save the life of the victim, but even save his life in emergency circumstances.

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