Fire in Kemerovo: how to teach a child to behave in an emergency

Study your escape plan ahead of time. Once in an unfamiliar building, always pay attention to the location of the main and emergency exits and stairs, the way to them is indicated by arrows. If possible, remember your route, the short way to the exit, it is better to take famous shops or escalators as a reference point.

Stay calm. If a fire breaks out, don’t panic. Most high school students, let alone toddlers, are not able to adequately behave in emergency situations; an adult must control their actions. Do not show your fear to children, mentally take a few deep breaths and orient yourself in space. If you see a fire alarm button along the way, press it.

Protect your respiratory system. In a fire, oxygen is intensively absorbed and carbon dioxide, as well as other toxic gases, are released. If smoke appears, moisten a handkerchief or sleeve with water, apply it to your face and breathe as if through a mask. No water – moisten with saliva. Try to breathe shallowly, inhale as little as possible.

Do not use the elevator or escalators, they will be turned off first. Go down the stairs, if visibility is poor, hold onto walls or railings. If there are a lot of people, hold on to those who are walking alongside.

Move with the speed of the crowd. If possible, tie your hair in a bun or hide it under your clothes. Hands need to be bent at the elbows, clench fists and rest on the sides, so you will avoid fractures. Even if you drop something, do not lift it, otherwise you may end up on the floor. And if you do fall, quickly kneel down, put your hands on the floor and push off. And remember: in the event of a fire, the main thing is to act quickly, but without panic.


Refuse a visit to the entertainment center if …

– on one of the floors, repair work is underway related to the use of open fire: electric welding, gas welding, cutting;

– corridors on escape routes are lined with flammable materials, for example, PVC panels;

– evacuation corridors and exits are cluttered;

– the room is too hot or stuffy. Your sensations can signal that the ventilation system is not working as expected;

– poplar fluff walks in the lobby, and dust in the fitting rooms. This is an indicator of the attitude of the staff not only to cleaning, but also to fire safety;

– Perfume shops, watch repair points and engraving shops are located near exits or near escape routes. In the event of a fire, they will burn faster;

– balloons are sold in the lobby, and there is a can of combustible gas nearby;

– no fire cabinets, fire extinguishers;

– open-type luminaires are used, in which the lamp is visible. As a rule, they are distinguished by their sophistication and beautiful shape, but not very reliable;

– celluloid and other fire hazardous products are displayed in showcases;

– there are shopping areas on the landings of the stairwells.

On a note: it is good if automatic fire extinguishing systems are installed in the building. In fact, these are pipelines in which water is constantly under pressure. Sprinklers are located under the ceiling, outwardly they look like small faucets.

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