Fir Korean
This coniferous evergreen tree with soft needles is not only elegant, but also very useful. Summer residents love him very much, and breeders have created many varieties. Therefore, it is important not to make a mistake among the grandiose abundance and diversity and choose the right option. What will we be guided by?

In nature, Korean fir lives in mountainous areas in the south of the Korean Peninsula. As a rule, it is found in mixed forests with Ayan spruce and Erman birch (1).

Korean fir varieties

It is worth understanding that not every Korean fir is suitable for summer cottages. Both in appearance and character. Varieties and varieties differ mainly in size, color of needles and cones, crown shape. But this is outwardly, however, Korean fir also has internal features. Some varieties are resistant to frost and drought, while others are more tender, requiring constant care. Others need to be shaped, and some keep their excellent shape for years.

All these plants also have common properties: soft non-uniform needles with rounded rather than sharp tips and spectacular, not hanging, but standing cones. When choosing a plant, you should definitely pay attention to the features of the site and, of course, your own preferences. Here are the most common varieties.


Сilberlock (Silberlocke). This variety has the shape of an ideal cone with a crown diameter at the base of about 3 m, no more than 5 m high. It grows by 8 cm per year. The gray bark of a mature tree forms picturesque red-brown cracks. Thin yellowish villi of young shoots change color to purple over time.

Who will like it. For those who do not yet have a kind of visiting card of the site, that main accent that immediately catches the eye and is remembered for a long time. This is a favorite plant of gardeners, landscapers, because many of them respect the German breeder Günther Horstmann, who brought this variety in the mid-80s of the last century.

What surprises. It seems that Silverlock fir is covered in frost even on warm days. And all because the soft needles change color – from bright green at the trunk to light blue towards the end of the branch. The needles are impeccably curved in a spiral and it seems that the whole tree is shimmering. It is no coincidence that the name, however, with some stretch can be translated from English as a silver curl. By the age of eight, in the spring, another decoration appears on the fir – large purple cones (7×3 cm) in the form of a cone or cylinder, sticking up like New Year’s candles.

Where to plant. There is no better place for Silberlok than near a neat alpine hill or in the center of a flower bed, a well-groomed lawn, on the bank of an artificial pond. Fir looks good along with barberry, thuja, juniper. If the plot is large, it is original to place trees such as a precious necklace around a small clearing or along paths and alleys.

How to care. Silberlok feels great in a sunny place and even in partial shade. However, fir should be protected from strong winds and drafts. After each moderate watering, the soil must be loosened against the soil crust.


Brilliant. This is a dwarf plant that can endure the most severe conditions without losing its beauty. The usual height is 30 – 50 cm, but this is how a five-year-old fir becomes, thanks to an annual increase of 4 cm. Needles from 8 to 20 mm, bright green with lower, lighter longitudinal stripes. The crown is in the form of a pillow or a ball with a diameter of no more than 0,8 m. The fir is decorated with oval cones, which turn from lilac to brown over time. Roots near the surface. Fir lives 300 – 400 years.

Who will like it. Connoisseurs of delicate aromas, because fir needles exude a distinct and very pleasant smell with a lemon tint. Fir will fascinate and aesthetes, for sure they will not stop at acquiring one plant. Collectors of conifers will not refuse such a Korean, because the bush will be a real diamond in the collection of such plants. Fir will also appeal to those suffering from insomnia or frequent migraines as an effective healer, planted in a special corner of relaxation and spreading therapeutic phytoncides around.

What surprises. In addition to all the other advantages that unite Korean fir, this species is not artificial, created by breeders, but natural, primordial, each branch of which was initially cut by the invisible hand of a graphic artist.

Where to plant. The diamond can grow both in the shade and in the sun, organically fits into any terrain, thanks to its compact surface roots it easily gets along in small pots and flowerpots. The latter are often installed on both sides of the entrances to the site or terrace. Esotericists believe that fir drives away evil and attracts goodness and joy to the house and to the site. The baby fir is unusually good in rock compositions. It prefers soil with high acidity, so the planting hole is covered with high-moor peat (20 kg per 1 sq. M).

How to care. For the winter in the middle lane, the bush can not be covered, since it tolerates frosts down to -29 ° C, however, strong and long heat is very unfavorable for it and then it is worth cooling it with sprinkling or artificial fog (if there is such an installation).


Molly (Soft). A plant that lives for 300 years, which can grow up to 4 m and reach a crown diameter of 3 m. But the tree will not be pleased with such dimensions soon, as it grows very slowly – by 6 – 7 cm in height per year.

Who will like it. Molly is good for those who do not know how or do not want to mess with pruning, because she does not need shaping. The figured beauty, as a rule, never loses the shape of a cone with a pyramid crown and shoots growing upwards.

What surprises. Dark green soft short needles (2 – 3 cm) shine, as if covered with gloss. From below, each needle is silvery due to two light stripes. Cones (5,5×2 cm) are initially blue with a purple tint, but when ripe, they turn picturesquely brown in the first year, and fall off by the second season.

Where to plant. Molly is a solitary fir, good as a free-standing tree, away from the paths so that no one touches the fragile, easily broken branches. In a hedge, the plant will also serve well thanks to its dense crown, even though it does not tolerate shading well – it stretches and bends.

How to care. Plant in fertile, well-drained, loose, slightly acidic soil. Choose a place once and for all, because the plant does not tolerate transplantation. Water moderately, because Molly suffers greatly from drought. Shelter for the winter from frost, winds, spring sunburn and strong temperature changes.

Blue Emperor

Blue Emperor (BlueEmperor). Dwarf variety up to 1,5 m in height and width. Crown-pillow of irregular shape, creeping along the ground. There is no central shoot, all branches are sprawling and grow 5-8 cm per year.

The needles are silver-blue, the needles are short, decorated with two wide whitish stripes below, slightly rounded at the ends like leaves.

Who will like it. For owners of small plots, Blue Emperor is great. It does not take up much space and can be pruned moderately if it grows too large.

What surprises. Looking up, like other Korean firs, the blue or purple cones of this shrub appear in amazing abundance even on young plants. They are elongated in an ellipse 4-7 cm long, and the covering scales are bent, like blossoming wooden flowers. Blue Emperor is resistant to fungal diseases and adverse situations. The exception is gas pollution and smoke, their bush does not tolerate.

Where to plant. Blue Emperor will decorate a small flower arrangement, rock garden, garden in oriental style. The main thing is that the garage stand away.

How to care. This fir is generously watered by sprinkling in the heat. The first 3 years after planting, the bushes are covered for the winter and during return spring frosts, and the soil is mulched.

Kohouts Icebreaker

Kohout’s Icebreaker. This is also a low variety, having the form of a dense pillow with a diameter of no more than 1,0 – 1,2 m. By the age of 10, it does not exceed 30 cm in height, although it reaches a maximum of 50 – 80 cm. It is named after the creator of the variety, a German breeder . The name is translated from German as “Kogout’s icebreaker”.

Who will like it. The shrub will appeal to everyone who loves the unusual, extravagant, intricate. Those who live in areas of severe winter cold will also be pleased with this fir, as it perfectly tolerates severe frosts, but not winds.

What surprises. Kohouts Icebreaker seems to be sprinkled with small pieces of ice and in the heat with all its appearance brings coolness. The impression is created by soft and short needles, 2 cm each, strongly bent upwards, which reveals the lower silver-blue side. The blunt tips of the needles suggest that these are ice chips. Cute cones-candles have a size of 6×3 cm.

Where to plant. The best place is a Japanese rock garden on soils with low acidity. A rocker will do too. In addition, today it is fashionable to place unusual small plants in decorative containers, designer tubs and flowerpots, placing them on terraces, lawns, near gazebos.

How to care. In the heat, you need to regularly water moderately. Otherwise, this fir does not cause trouble.

Planting Korean fir

It is better to move Korean fir into open ground when it is at least 3-4 years old, and before that it should be in containers at home or in a greenhouse. While the seedlings are young, they are incredibly vulnerable, and any slight draft can kill them. These whims at the beginning of their lives will not endure our winters, no matter how you cover them. But when they are strong and hardened, they develop quite normally in the middle lane and in the Moscow region. And in the Far East, they will generally be wonderful, since nearby is the birthplace of fir – Korea and its largest, UNESCO-protected volcanic island Jeju – the cradle of these plants.

Seedlings of most varieties need semi-shady and calm places, chosen once and for all, because transplantation is most often difficult to tolerate. If the roots of the variety are strongly spreading in breadth, then there should not be neighbors nearby. They leave a distance of 4-5 m between large-sized trees in alleys, 3-3,5 m in loose groups and 2,5 m in dense plantings. The root neck should be at ground level, therefore, due to subsidence of the soil, the seedling is subsequently placed so that the root ball is 10–20 cm above the surface. This is especially important for the big ones.

Loose drained and nutritious soils with low acidity are required. Although there are exceptions, it is important to adhere to the recommendations given in the description of a particular variety.

In the lowlands, fir mounds are prepared so that there is no stagnation of water. First, they dig a hole about 70 cm deep, its diameter depends on the size of the crown. Broken brick, sand or expanded clay is laid down, then a layer of garden soil and peat. The roots of the seedling against fungal diseases are dipped for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

A seedling is planted on a mound made in the middle of the hole, the roots are distributed on the sides, covered with soil, compacted. Immediately water the plant, spending 2 buckets of water. Mulch planting with sawdust or dry needles. Watering is carried out every day until fresh needles appear. Well, then as needed.

Korean fir care

Korean fir is irrigated with water moderately, 3 times per season, twice a month during drought, and sprinkling is also used in hot weather. Loosen and mulch the soil regularly.

In 3 years – not before! – fir is fertilized with complex fertilizer for conifers, for example, Florovit, which is liquid, aerosol and granular. Other options – Fertika for conifers, Bona Forte coniferous, Aquarin coniferous. Repeat top dressing once a year.

Prune the crown when it is necessary to remove dry, diseased and damaged branches. The optimal time for the procedure is early spring, before sap flow.

Young firs for the winter are protected with shields, wrapped in agrofibre. Adults are not afraid of frost, but sometimes props are placed under large branches so that they do not break under snow caps.

Korean fir breeding

There are 3 ways to propagate your favorite Korean fir. True, not all of them are universal, suitable for any variety.

Seeds. Seeds are taken out of the cones that open in the fall and kept for a month at a slight sub-zero temperature in order to speed up germination. Then they are soaked for a day in warm water, sown in a container with loose soil to a depth of 2 cm, covered with a film and put in a warm place. After 3 weeks, shoots appear, which, at a height of 10 cm, are transplanted into separate containers for as long as 3 years. This method is suitable, for example, for Silberlok, Blue Emperor.

Cuttings. In April, cuttings of 10–20 cm are cut at an angle from annual shoots, which necessarily have an upper bud and a heel (a piece of bark), needles are removed from the bottom by 2–3 cm, kept in Kornevin’s solution for a day and buried in sand at an angle of 45 °. The cuttings are kept under film in the greenhouse for 4 months, and already with the roots they are transferred to individual pots with a mixture of sand and peat for growing. Such seedlings in a year are ready to take their place on the site in the open field.

Layers. The lower branches, since in many varieties they almost creep along the ground, bend down, fasten with staples or slingshots and sprinkle with 5 cm of soil. During the season, the shoots give roots. After a year or two, the layers are carefully separated, transplanted and cared for like young seedlings.

The last 2 methods are suitable for firs from which it is difficult or impossible to obtain seeds (Kohouts Icebreaker), as well as from hybrids (Molly).

Korean fir diseases

Korean fir is very resistant to ailments, and if it suffers, it is only with improper or careless care. Excess moisture is fraught with rotting of the roots and possible death of the plant. The strong and bright spring sun provokes red tan marks on needles that are not protected in time.

Fungal diseases occur not only because of waterlogging, but also because of too dense crown. They appear as brown spots on the plant, the needles turn yellow, crumble. It is necessary to remove unhealthy areas, grease the sections with garden pitch or bio-balm Robin green, Gum, RanNet paste, rosin, acrylic or oil paint and spray the plant with Bordeaux mixture (2).

The reverent owners of Korean firs and collectors carry out an indispensable prophylaxis against ailments: in early spring they are sprayed with preparations containing copper (HOM, Abiga Peak, blue vitriol) and carefully sanitary pruned.

Korean fir pests

In our country, 3 main enemies of Korean fir are rampaging. They appear only where the proper living conditions for Korean women are not met.

Hermes (3). This small insect (2 mm) sucks juice from young plants. In fact, it’s an aphid. You won’t immediately notice the pests, but the traces of their presence are clearly visible: white, like a cotton fluff, as well as galls resembling bumps, by the way, quite attractive.

A new complex drug against Hermes – Pinocid (2). The needles are sprayed with a working solution (2 ml per 10 liters of water), spending from 1 to 5 liters, depending on the age and size of the tree. Such treatment for a day eliminates the pest.

Other suitable remedies against Hermes are Caesar, Basalo, Confidor, Aktara, Prestige, Rogor. Mineral oil gives a good result, which dissolves the white fluff and makes the larvae vulnerable.

Spruce moth. The winged insect itself is not as scary as its caterpillars, which eat away the ends of the shoots, after which they dry up.

The caterpillars are shaken off, collected and destroyed by hand. The plants are sprayed with nicotine sulfate and soap, and the damaged branches are cut and burned in the fall.

Leaflet. A small butterfly (up to 2,5 cm) feeds on aphid sap, but its overwintered hairy caterpillar, first yellow-green, then dark honey, directly harms the fir. Getting out of the buds, she wraps the ends of the shoots with cobwebs and eats young needles. Several species parasitize on firs – the fat leafworm, needle beetle, bud, cone seed, as well as red- and black-headed.

In the spring, and if there are a lot of leaflets, then in the summer the fir is sprayed either with Fufanon (2) or Actellik, Decis Profi, Kemifos, Lightning, Commander, Spark, Inta-vir.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about Korean fir with сelector, candidate

Agricultural Sciences Valentina Kokareva.

Is it possible to grow Korean fir in the middle lane and the Moscow region?

Although in nature Korean fir grows at an altitude of 1000 to 1900 m and loves the southern regions more, it is successfully grown almost everywhere in our country, except, perhaps, the northern regions. It is only important to follow simple, but necessary rules of care. That is why it is very popular with us today.

How to use Korean fir in landscape design?

Absolutely all Korean firs look luxurious in single plantings, because any plant is a bright personality and cannot be inconspicuous. Dwarfs will look harmonious, elegant and festive in flower beds.

Living sculptures (topiary) are made from Korean fir.

Why does Korean fir turn yellow?

If the fir was planted recently (a year ago and earlier), then they didn’t “comb the root ball”, didn’t soak it before planting. As a result, a dry, waterproof area has formed in the ground, where the roots die.

Another trouble is if, during planting, the root collar is deeply buried.

It also happens that the fir itself initially died, but this was not evident, since conifers retain their presentation for a very long time.

If the yellowing fir has been planted for a long time, it means that it has some problems with the roots.

Sources of

  1. Trees and shrubs of the USSR. Wild, cultivated and promising for introduction / Ed. volumes S.Ya. Sokolov and B.K. Shishkin. // M–L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1949. –T. I. Gymnosperms. – 464 p.
  2. State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Federation as of July 6, 2021 // Ministry of Agriculture of the Federation i-zashchity-rasteniy/industry-information/info-gosudarstvennaya-usluga-po-gosudarstvennoy-registratsii-pestitsidov-i-agrokhimikatov/
  3. Zerova M., Mamontova V., Ermolenko V., Dyakonchuk L., Sinev S., Kozlov M. Gall-forming insects of cultivated and wild plants of the European part of the USSR. Homoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera // Kyiv, 1991.

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