Fir broom for a bath: benefits and harms

Fans of the bath know that a broom made from fir is considered one of the most useful bath products for the health of the body. It is not recommended to prepare the material, knit and steam a fir broom in advance, because the needles quickly crumble. Despite the rather formidable appearance, the branches of a properly made and steamed product will not injure the skin with needles, since this plant has the softest needles. The article describes in detail the rules on how to prepare spruce branches, knit correctly, store and steam the finished product.

What is useful fir broom in the bath

It is believed that freshly cut branches are most useful. The healing properties of this coniferous plant lie in the content of substances such as phytoncides, as well as essential oils and resins. Spreading in the air, they have a beneficial effect on the human respiratory system, because they have a bactericidal effect and are able to destroy pathogenic microbes.

In addition, the beneficial properties of fir broom are widely used:

  • for the prevention of nervous disorders (breakdowns, depression);
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • immunity strengthening;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • reducing pain in the back and spine.

The fir product also has a general tonic effect, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin, has a mild calming effect, but does not bring a feeling of lethargy. In order for a visit to the bath to bring real pleasure and health benefits, it is important to follow the rules for collecting and storing raw materials and properly steaming the finished product.

Photo of what a fir broom looks like:

Fir broom for a bath: benefits and harms

Preparation of fir brooms for a bath

Fir is good because, as an evergreen plant, it is available all year round. However, there is some inconvenience – it is not common throughout Our Country, but mainly in its eastern regions. Therefore, fir for a bath is most widely used by residents of Siberia and the Far East.

When preparing fir brooms for a bath

Branches are usually harvested from the end of the last month of spring to the beginning of summer, when they are young, flexible and most fragrant. The collection of material is carried out during the day, in dry, sunny weather: such shoots can be stored for some time without losing needles. They should be steamed on the eve of the planned visit to the bath.

Rules billets lapnika

Собранные в веник пихтовые ветки в бане служат для того, чтобы нагнать горячий воздух. Потому, срезая побеги, важно обращать внимание на то, чтобы их впоследствии можно было сложить в виде плоского веера. Важно также помнить, что необходимо сформировать длинную ровную ручку, поэтому и побеги следует выбирать соответствующие.

How to knit fir brooms

Below is a step-by-step formation of a classic broom for a bath.

Fir broom for a bath: benefits and harms

The thickest branches should be laid inside, and younger and thinner shoots should be placed outside, around them. In this case, you need to make sure that the bent end looks inward. To make the handle comfortable and lie well in the palm of your hand, in this place the branches are cleaned of small processes, completely removing the needles.

After the branches are properly laid, the handle is wrapped with twine, starting from the base. To do this, the twine is threaded through a bunch of branches and made several turns, tightly tightening the fir shoots and securing with a knot. Further, they descend in a spiral to the end of the handle and make a few more turns, also completing them with a knot. And, at the last stage, the ends of the branches are cut, and the finished product is suspended.

Is it necessary to steam a fir broom

A fir broom, unlike, for example, a birch or oak broom, is still slightly different in stiffness. And for a person who has sensitive skin or is simply not used to the bath procedure, it can cause some inconvenience. Therefore, it is important to properly soak (steam) a fir broom so that it becomes completely non-spiky and does not harm even very delicate skin.

How to steam a fir broom

You can steam a fir broom for a bath in several ways. The most common methods among experienced lovers of the bath:

  1. The first method of steaming is immediately before visiting the bath. A fir broom is dipped into a container with boiling water and left for 15 minutes. This will quickly soften some of the stiffness of the needles.
  2. The second method is longer in time. In order to steam a finished broom, it is immersed in a bucket of warm water for several hours: this way it will infuse until the desired softness.
  3. And the third way is for lovers of fragrant steam. A clean and washed broom is dipped in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, after which it is placed on hot coals to dry a little. However, in order not to get the opposite effect, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the needles will become dry and sharp.

On a note. Steaming a fir broom with the first and third methods is not so useful, since most of its valuable properties are lost.

Advice! It is useful to splash the water in which the needles were soaked onto the stones: then the volatile substances, together with the steam, will pass into the air.

Properly brewing a fir broom for a bath is considered an important matter among connoisseurs and you should be very careful about this, otherwise you won’t get the proper effect from visiting the steam room.

How to steam with a fir broom

Fir broom for a bath: benefits and harms

You should also use a fir broom in a bath wisely: you should not start using it immediately after entering the steam room. First, you need to just sit or lie down for a while so that the hot steam opens the pores of the skin.

Процедуру парения удобнее делать в паре и с помощью двух веников:

  • the first person at the same time lies down on a bench or sits down, stretching his legs. The second, with light stroking movements, runs a broom over the skin of the first, starting from the neck towards the toes;
  • then gently strokes are performed immediately from both sides, already in the opposite direction (from the legs to the neck);
  • now the skin is prepared, and you can move on to light pats and massage. To do this, they tap on the pelvis and thighs, as well as on the calves and soles of the feet. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times.
  • Then the assistant raises both brooms up, capturing hot steam with them, and lowers them onto the lumbar section of the steamer, pressing them with his palms for 5-7 seconds. Similar manipulations are done on the surface of the entire back, shoulder girdle, as well as for the arms and knees.

This simple complex is carried out up to 4 times during one bath session. There is another method called quilting. Starting from the shoulder girdle, with light quilting movements of the tips of the branches, the assistant descends to the back, buttocks and thighs, calf muscles and feet. Further, the procedure is performed for one to two minutes on the sides of the body, until the skin is slightly reddened.

Allergy from fir broom

Despite the obvious benefits of fir, not everyone can bathe with it. There are contraindications for those who have individual intolerance to essential oils and other substances that make up the plant.

In addition, the procedure is not recommended for those people who have obvious damage to the skin on the body (open wounds, ulcers). Even the lightest massage can provoke irritation and pain.

How to store a fir broom for a bath

You can store a fir broom in three ways:

  1. The simplest is hanging in a dark, cool and dry room, for example, in the attic. If the broom gets damp or is exposed to the sun, it will deteriorate.
  2. Another option is to store fir spruce branches and store it in dry hay, not collecting it into brooms, but forming a kind of sheaf. When the need comes, they rake the hay, take the required number of branches and again cover it with a layer of straw.
  3. Сохранить пихтовый веник можно и таким методом: на пол сарая или чердака укладывают слой сухой травы, поверх раскладывают готовые связки, следя за тем, чтобы они не соприкасались друг с другом. Сверху насыпают сухую солому и раз в 2 — 3 дня ее разгребают, чтобы перевернуть веники. Это выполняют на протяжении месяца, после чего их засыпают свежей соломой.

All three methods are suitable for rural residents, however, you can store a fir broom in a city apartment. To do this, wrap it in several layers of thick paper and place it in a dark place (pantry). The freshness of the needles can be saved if it is possible to place the broom in the freezer of the refrigerator. By the way, residents of villages and villages often store pre-assembled spruce branches in a snowdrift.

How long fir brooms are stored

Healthy fir shoots in the right conditions can last up to a year without losing their healing properties. If favorable conditions for storage are violated, the needles will crumble very quickly and all the work done will go down the drain.


To get real pleasure from visiting the steam room, it is important to know how to collect spruce branches, properly knit and steam a fir broom. After all, bathing with a broom of your own making is much more pleasant! In addition, there is a strong belief that the branches are collected in an ecologically clean area, which means that the procedure is guaranteed to be beneficial.

Как делать пихтовые веники.

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