Fingers go numb: causes and treatment. Video
People are faced with the fact that their fingers, especially their tips, begin to go numb. In most cases, they do not attach any importance to this, believing that the reason is sleep in an uncomfortable position. However, numbness in the fingers can be a sign of a rather serious medical condition. Therefore, if this phenomenon has become regular, you should consult a neuropathologist, and in his direction – to doctors of other specialties.
A pleasant reason that should still be avoided
Numbness is often caused when a woman falls asleep on her partner’s arm. It is easy to understand that the man’s hand is not only in a stationary position, but also squeezed. As a result, a feeling of numbness is especially noticeable in the fingertips of the crushed hand. It can persist for quite a long time. Therefore, doctors call this phenomenon “lovers syndrome”.
Of course, every loving man is pleased and flattering when a partner falls asleep on his arm, but it’s still better if the woman’s head is on the pillow.
Serious causes of numbness
There are many less pleasant reasons for this phenomenon. Quite often, numbness is a sign of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. In this case, as a rule, the fingers of either the left or right hand become numb. Cases when fingers go numb on both hands at once are very rare.
Often, the cause of numbness is damage to the nerve endings of the fingers. In this case, either all fingers can go numb at once, or only individual ones – for example, a thumb or little finger. Numbness occurs either frequently or occasionally. It may be a consequence of some infectious diseases, as well as unsatisfactory work of the endocrine glands or a lack of certain vitamins and microelements in the body.
For example, this happens with iron deficiency anemia.
Numbness of the fingers also occurs when the median nerve of the wrist is pinched. Pain is a characteristic symptom in this case. She can be quite powerful. Such pinching often happens when a person, due to the specifics of the work, has to hold his hands in the same position for a long time. Unofficially, some doctors call it the geek syndrome.
A very dangerous cause of numbness is blockage of the small arteries of the upper limb. Its symptom is that numbness not only does not go away for a long time, but also rises higher, seizing the hands.
You should urgently consult a doctor, otherwise tissue necrosis may develop
Finally, numbness in the fingers may indicate a threat of stroke, especially if it is accompanied by headaches and increased blood pressure. With these signs, immediate medical attention is needed.
Migraines are another cause of numbness in the fingers. Along with a decrease in the sensitivity of the hands, a person experiences severe headache, sometimes nausea, impaired vision and smell, and the face may become numb. In this case, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, undergo an examination.
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