Finger Length and Neurological Disease

Finger length may be related to the risk of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), reports the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

British scientists measured the finger length of 110 people, including 47 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In the course of this disease, the nerve cells responsible for free movement – motor neurons – die. Over time, ALS leads to paralysis and death. Today, the most famous victim of the disease is paralyzed British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, author of A Brief History of Time.

People with a longer fourth finger (ring finger) were found to be at higher risk for ALS. Scientists believe that the ratio of the index finger to the ring finger is related to the effects of the male hormone testosterone during pregnancy. Men are more likely to have longer ring fingers, while women have index fingers. The higher the testosterone level, the longer the ring finger and the more male characteristics the newborn shows – regardless of its real gender.

For motor neurons that die from ALS, testosterone is essential for them to function properly.

Scientists have been interested in the study of fingers for a long time. Thus, the risk of arthritis, especially in women, is higher when the index finger is significantly shorter than the ring finger. Longer ring fingers also mean that they are about 33 percent taller. the risk of developing prostate cancer.

People with longer ring fingers are often successful in sports, especially running and soccer. Children who have longer ring fingers are better at dealing with traditionally masculine science subjects such as math and physics. Financiers with longer ring fingers earn up to six times more than those with relatively short ring fingers.

Canadian researchers at the University of Alberta found a correlation between the length of the ring finger and the level of physical aggression – often high in the most male individuals.

In turn, the long index finger can be a feature of a good speaker (or rather a speaker, because women are usually better in this area). Gays are more likely to have a female finger length ratio, while lesbians generally have longer ring fingers, which would indicate higher levels of testosterone in the womb. (PAP)

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