Finger brace – symptoms, treatment, home remedies for brace

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Brace is a purulent inflammation on the palmar surface of the fingers. It is manifested by pulsating pain and local swelling. The disease at an advanced stage impedes daily functioning and requires urgent surgical intervention. Learn about the types of brace, methods of treatment in adults and children.

Brace is an inflammation that usually occurs in the hands, but there are cases of brace on the toes. The disease is caused by previous injuries and related infections, e.g. stings and scratches. The symptoms of the disease are purulent inflammations of a bacterial origin. Even a simple cut can introduce microorganisms into the body. The brace is usually visible around the fingertip.

Afflictions sometimes occur on the inside of the fingers and hands. However, then we are dealing with a more serious ailment. It develops faster and penetrates deeper into the tissues. In extreme cases, it even results in impaired hand function. The brace on the dorsal surface of the fingers or hands does not cause any complications.

Brace – types and symptoms

It can be both a consequence of an injury, trauma, and after nail clipping, when a bacterial infection occurs. The brace is purulent inflammation. The characteristic accompanying symptoms are throbbing, severe pain and redness. There are the following types of brace:

  1. cutaneous – is most often located under the thickened epidermis. Cutaneous brace is manifested by unbearable pain, which increases especially at night. Redness and swelling are also visible – a reservoir with pus is formed under the surface of the epidermis (the treatment consists in removing the pus through an incision in the epidermis).
  2. subcutaneous – this type of brace accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue. It is defined as the first stage of infection of deeper tissues. It has symptoms similar to that of a cutaneous staple, but in this case the pain intensifies when pressing or lowering a limb. Treatment consists of making an incision along the axis of the finger or making a semicircular incision. After the procedure, doctors recommend antibiotic therapy.
  3. tendonous – is caused by damage to the tendon sheath and developing skin infection. Symptoms of a tendon brace are tendon pain felt when the fingers are straightened and contracted. The disease may arise as a result of mechanical damage to the sheath or spreading infection from adjacent tissues. In this case, treatment also consists of a lateral incision and removal of pus.  
  4. joint – this type of brace is characterized by joint pain and redness. Then there may be a problem in moving the joint, high temperature and chills. The joint brace is caused by purulent inflammation of the surrounding tissues. The treatment consists of rinsing the affected joint cavity and curettage of dead tissues. After the procedure, the patient’s finger should be immobilized. 
  5. Bone – this is inflammation of the phalanges and bones. People suffering from bone shunt have a high temperature, chills and pain. The finger is then reddened and the phalanx is demineralized. Bone shunting also spreads the continuity of infection from adjacent tissues – in some cases tissue necrosis and skin fistulas develop.

To find out whether it is a bone brace, an X-ray examination of the infected finger should be performed. During treatment, fistulas, dead tissues and purulent contents are removed. It is also necessary to remove the bone necrosis and get rid of the affected bone. When the procedure is completed, the doctor places a drain on the wound. In the case of a bone brace, antibiotic therapy and limb immobilization and elevation are also indicated.

Brace diagnosis

Brace is usually diagnosed on the basis of a medical interview with the patient and observation of symptoms. The specialist also identifies the type of brace, thanks to which it is possible to select an appropriate method of treatment.

Proper diagnostics of a brace requires contact with a specialist. Use an online teleconsultation with a general surgeon for professional help.

We can only avoid situations that create trauma. However, if the skin is broken, the wound should be disinfected quickly. It is worth using protective gloves for home or garden work.

In addition, you should remember about proper hand care. It is worth taking care of hygiene and avoiding excessive soaking, as it promotes the formation of infections.

Home-made methods for bracing

Brace, even if its first symptoms are not disturbing, can turn into a dangerous disease. Home remedies will only be helpful in the beginning. In the next stages of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a surgical procedure, which should be dealt with by a specialist – when the infection is deeper, it is necessary to remove the nail and cut out the diseased tissue.

Braces at home can be treated with sage in sachets. Pour boiling water over it, wait for it to brew, soak a cotton ball in the infusion and cover the sore spot with it. The plantain leaf, which can also be treated as a poultice, will also be helpful in the treatment of brace. You can also soak the affected finger in a solution of warm water and gray soap, or prepare a compress soaked in a solution of baking soda and warm water.

If we use a manicure treatment, it is worth paying attention to whether it is performed correctly. Even a small cut can turn into infection and lead to stiffness of the finger. If we do a manicure ourselves, always use clean scissors and files. Even biting your nails can be a threat – this can also cause a brace on the finger. It is worth taking care of the nails and strengthening them, for example, by using hand cream regularly, not only when the skin is dry.

Flaxseed will be helpful in treating the disease. Thanks to the mucous compounds present in it, the skin becomes softer. Use a cold-prepared infusion or seed mash to soak the gauze and make a compress on the affected area. However, the better health benefits will be felt when we prepare chamomile infusion, which is effective against finger stiffness (at least in the first stage of the disease).

Another method of treating a finger brace is the use of ichthyol ointment, which is a product of bituminous shale distillation. Thanks to it, the growth of bacteria will be inhibited. Moreover, it has a decongestant effect, which is especially valuable in the treatment of a finger brace. If the inflammation is not deep, it is enough to apply the ointment with the dressing.

Swelling and swelling of the finger may appear when the hands are cool. Then the blood vessels open more often. In some cases, it is a sign of excess cholesterol or too high or too low blood pressure. This causes the blood to flow a little faster and the blood circulation, including the fingers, is unbalanced and swollen.

Swollen fingers are often found in obese people. Moreover, excess weight does not always have to be large for changes to occur in the lymphatic system. This will lead to greater fluid retention in both the feet and hands. Then the fingers will become swollen and you will feel less or more tingling sensation.

Occasionally, a foreign body may enter the body. When this happens, the body starts a defense process and releases histamine into the blood, the purpose of which is to eliminate the threat. In some cases, this results in swelling on the fingers – anyone who reacts like this should use antihistamines.

A brace in the finger, if left untreated, can lead to phlegmon. Phlegmon is an inflammatory skin condition that, in some cases, spreads to other organs and causes them to become ineffective. In extreme cases, the disease, the initial stage of which was the discussed brace on the finger, may even lead to amputation of the hand or sepsis.

The method of treating a brace should be consulted with a specialist. Many people give up the expert opinion of a doctor and instead try to treat the condition only with home remedies. Popular methods include lubricating the nail strut with iodine or gentian. However, it must be remembered that doing so can only make it more difficult for the doctor to diagnose.

Pus that accumulates in the finger should be drained through drains and drains. Partial or full immobilization of the hand is often required. A common mistake among people who treat the nail on their own is to prepare compresses that additionally heat the finger instead of cooling it.

Brace in a child – causes and symptoms

For a toddler, the brace is also an uncomfortable ailment. Your baby’s finger may then become swollen. Additionally, he may have a fever and trouble sleeping. The formation of a finger infection is favored not only by biting the nails, trimming them too short, but also by sucking the thumb. A baby’s skin is very delicate, so the condition can be caused by even clipping the nails too short.

The cause of the disease may be an ingrown toenail. In this case, the treatment of the brace consists in the removal of the plaque (complete or partial). Sometimes a clamp is used to undermine the nail plate. Surgical treatment is indicated when the infection is serious.

How to treat a brace in a child?

A surgeon’s intervention may also be needed when treating a child’s strokes. The thickened epidermis should be cut so that the pus can drain out. If inflammation has already appeared under the nail plate, it will be necessary to cut a hole and drain the pus. The procedure is performed under anesthesia.

When the finger infection is minor and manifests itself only with slight redness with minimal swelling, then it can be treated with home remedies. The means of alleviating the inflammation of the struts include, among others: chamomile infusion, baking soda, sage infusion or plantain leaf.

The harmless brace on the finger can be treated with onions, rich in vitamin C. The peeled vegetable should be poured in a pot with a little water and heated over low heat to prevent it from boiling. Then take it out, cut it in half, wait until it cools down and then insert e.g. a swollen finger into it for 10 minutes – slight inflammation of the finger should disappear.

The brace and the foot – similarities and differences

Both diseases are caused by bacteria, and paronychia occurs on the skin surrounding the nail. Unlike the brace, the cause of its formation are staphylococci. The brace, on the other hand, is a suppuration resulting from a cut, irritation, prick, etc. The disease sometimes begins to be visible 2 hours after the injury has occurred.

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