Fine or Dangerous? 7 exotic animals to keep at home
Did you know that even Salvador Dali himself once went for a walk with an anteater? If you also want to have an unusual pet at home, then our selection was created especially for you.
Cats, dogs and hamsters are animals that can be seen in almost every apartment. However, if you suddenly wanted something exotic, you need to understand which pet is suitable for home keeping. You don’t have to have a crocodile to impress your friends. You don’t want to be eaten, do you?
This rodent is considered to be quite friendly. He gets along well with people, as well as other animals, and is trainable. The capybara can be walked on a leash. To keep such an animal at home, you need to create a number of necessary conditions. So, capybaras lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle, so it is best that she has her own small pool at home. In winter, you need to take care of the heating system, as capybaras are used to tropical climates.
More and more people have this little fox as a pet. The animals do not grow larger than a Chihuahua dog. A separate cage and a container with sand will be required to keep the fenku, since they love to dig holes. It is also important that the temperature regime is observed: fennecs are heat-loving animals. Remember that these chanterelles are tame: they need care and attention.
The cute salamander is one of the beautiful but rare animals. To keep it at home, you need to buy a large aquarium with a volume of up to 50 liters per individual, and also provide a special temperature regime – 16-20 degrees Celsius. To prevent the salamander from dying, you need to regularly clean the container. By the way, axolotls are incompatible with other types of fish, frogs and turtles.
Sugar marsupial flying squirrel
These animals are affectionate and incredibly cute. Flying squirrels become attached to their master and other people living in the house. Remember that they are nocturnal animals and at late hours of the day they can make noise while sitting in a cage, to which, by the way, they should be taught in advance. So that the flying squirrel is not bored, you can buy two individuals at once. Note that the animals are trainable and respond well to simple commands.
For those who don’t know, the geneta is a mammal that looks like a cat. According to her habits, she is also considered a relative of the representatives of the feline family. If the geneta is in the mood, it will be glad when you stroke it or start playing with it, but if not, the animal will behave aggressively. Their maintenance is unpretentious – it is important to regularly feed and clean the tray.
This is the calmest and quietest pet you can imagine. It is important to provide all the necessary conditions for its maintenance: a temperature regime that will be similar to life in the tropics, a special drinking bowl (chameleons drink only falling water) and food. Most often, reptiles are fed with live crickets and cockroaches, which are sold in specialized stores.
You may be surprised, but in the United States, many people keep skunks at home. We note right away that the animals do not use their fetid weapons where they live. It is important to constantly comb the animal, trim its nails and feed it well. Skunks resemble dogs in habits: they are very affectionate and loyal to the owner.