Finding the Surface Area of ​​a Cone: Formula and Tasks

In this publication, we will consider formulas that can be used to calculate the surface area of ​​a right circular cone (lateral, full and base), as well as analyze examples of solving problems for fixing the material.


The formula for calculating the area of ​​a cone

1. Side surface

The area (S) of the lateral surface of the cone is equal to the product of the number π on the radius of the base and on the length of the generatrix.

Sside. = πRl

Finding the Surface Area of ​​a Cone: Formula and Tasks

Generating (l) connects the top of the cone and the boundary of the base, in other words, a point on the circle.

Note: in calculations, the value of a number π rounded up to 3,14.

2. Base

The base of a cone is a circle whose area is calculated as follows:

Smain = πR2

Considering that the diameter of a circle is equal to two of its radii (d = 2R), this formula can be represented as:

Smain = π(d/2)2

3. Full area

To calculate the total area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe cone, add the areas of the lateral surface and the base:

Sfull = πRl + πR2 = πR(l + R)

Examples of tasks

Task 1

Calculate the area of ​​the lateral surface of the cone if it is known that its radius is 16 cm and the length of the generatrix is ​​5 cm.


We use the corresponding formula with known quantities:

S = 3,14 ⋅ 16 cm ⋅ 5 cm = 251,2 cm2.

Task 2

The height of the cone is 4 cm, and its radius is 3 cm. Find the total surface area of ​​the figure.


If we consider a cone in cross section, we can see that its height, radius and generatrix are a right triangle. Therefore, using the Pythagorean theorem, you can find the length of the generatrix (it is the hypotenuse):

l2 = (4 cm)2 + (3 cm)2 = 25 cm2.

l = 5 cm.

It remains only to use the values ​​found and known by the conditions of the problem to calculate the area:

S = 3,14 ⋅ 3 cm ⋅ (5 cm + 3 cm) = 75,36 cm2.

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