Finding the safest ingredients for all skin types La Roche-Posay

We are proud that La Roche-Posay is recommended by dermatologists, also because of the effectiveness of our products, which are suitable for even the most sensitive skin. We have earned our reputation in the medical community for our expert skin knowledge, clinically proven efficacy and careful ingredient selection. We carry out a strict selection of components, which helps us to minimize the occurrence of unwanted skin reactions.

We work closely with toxicologists when working on the composition

Toxicologists are specialists who evaluate the safety of various substances for the body.

All products must meet the standards of our Charter for Optimal Tolerability

All of our products are formulated according to La Roche-Posay’s internal charter, which has safety requirements that exceed international cosmetic regulations. We evaluate the safety of finished products under standard conditions of use in order to identify even the slightest objective signs of intolerance or discomfort for the future consumer. Thanks to our own expert system, we first compare new products with our extensive clinical data. If necessary, we subject new products to additional in vitro safety tests, as well as conduct clinical studies to confirm the use of products for certain categories of consumers (contact lens wearers, people with sensitive skin, etc.). Research is carried out in independent specialized centers in accordance with strict methodology and ethical standards. After the successful completion of the last step, the safety assessor prepares and signs the cosmetic safety report, which is subsequently included in the regulatory dossier for the product.

Formula protection is one of our priorities

Our cosmetics are created for the most vulnerable skin, so it is extremely important that the formula retains its microbiological stability throughout its shelf life. We achieve this with:

  • packaging; we use dispenser bottles or vacuum bottles that prevent the penetration of bacteria,
  • reasonable content of preservatives to ensure optimal tolerance and preservation of the formulas.

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