Find your zone of proximal development and change your life

The zone of proximal development is a concept that came from Soviet pedagogy. Its author Lev Vygotsky, when proposing this term, had in mind the development of the child. But did the famous psychologist and educator know that his idea would be picked up at the end of the XNUMXth and the beginning of the XNUMXst century and applied to adults?

Vygotsky used the term “zone of proximal development” to describe the relationship between learning and the child’s mental development. A child at each stage of life can solve some problems on his own, and some – so far only with the help of an adult, in joint affairs. According to this theory, developmental processes follow the learning processes.

“The zone of proximal development defines functions that have not yet matured, but are in the process of maturation, which will mature tomorrow, and are now still in their infancy; functions that can be called not the fruits of development, but its buds, flowers, that is, that which is only maturing, ”wrote Vygotsky.

Many believe that this concept can only be applied to child development. They will be right, but only if we assume that after growing up a person stops in his development or loses previously acquired skills. But we do not stay still and continue to receive new knowledge – someone purposefully and consciously, someone intuitively and without even thinking. Just in such a zone we can ripen for a new level, it is in it that we rise to a new step.

Way stations on the way to the destination

“At some point, I noticed that the beginning of the real progress of the client to his request depends on the definition of this zone and work in it,” says psychologist, gestalt therapist Tatyana Efremova. – A client comes to me with a request “about the relationship.” She is very afraid of losing her husband. Fear of loss pushes her to actions that destroy this relationship. And it turns out a vicious circle. In the work it turns out that the husband is the only close person, all needs are tied to him, the rest of life is a cold desert.

The psychologist began her work by helping the woman to see and add to life those little things that fill and delight. At the same time, work was underway to listen to yourself and feel yourself, your desires and needs, and not just “bearing” the needs of your husband.

In the process of work, childhood traumatic situations surfaced. Gradually, the client began to react more calmly to the alienation of people from herself, and this allowed her to let new acquaintances, girlfriends, like-minded people into her life. Her husband was no longer the only source of contact and interest. And only after her ability to maintain distance had “ripened”, the husband suddenly began to miss her, realized the importance of his wife in his life. From this began his movement towards her.

This case is a clear example of the fact that it is impossible to achieve the ultimate goal (to acquire a stable warm relationship between spouses) if you do not go through the intermediate zones of proximal development.

Goals can be good, but without relying on reality, they are practically unattainable, and if they are achievable, the result will be unstable

“This happens very often: a person comes to psychotherapy, voices a certain request, and we begin work. I clarify the purpose and context of the client’s life, explains Tatyana Efremova. – After that, I can quite accurately determine the zone of proximal development, and leave the request as a beacon – after the start of real progress, it often changes. Sustained, not “quick” results, which are sold by some psychologists, require time, effort, a qualified view from the outside.

The work of the psychologist lies entirely within this zone of proximal development. And if we draw an analogy with a child and an adult, then the client is to some extent a “child” who can learn to do something with his life himself, but with the help of another – a psychologist.

He wants to create a happy relationship, but he can’t focus on anyone but himself. He wants to find his calling, but he hates his life, and he also has no relatives and friends at all who could support him in this. He wants universal love and acceptance, although he is embarrassed even in a whisper to express his opinion.

“All these goals can be good, but without relying on reality they are practically unattainable, and if they are achievable, the result will be unstable and will not bring real satisfaction,” Tatyana Efremova is sure. “And working on them risks turning into a feeling of own insignificance and further reinforcing negative thoughts about yourself.”

Arnold Beigsser’s theory of paradoxical change states that change occurs “when a person becomes what he is, and not when he tries to be what he is not.” Therefore, swinging oneself in the direction of such goals can paradoxically remove both from them and from development as such. And vice versa – by defining the goal, relying on the reality that is “here and now”, and passing through intermediate “stations”, you can get to the end point.

How do you define your zone of proximal development?

The zone of proximal development, by definition, is best seen through the professionally tuned optics of someone who helps people develop. If it is difficult for you to answer the last question from the list below, or if work in the direction you have chosen does not bring results, you should contact a specialist. In the meantime, you can try to determine your development zone yourself by completing five steps.

  1. Start from the most painful and urgent problems that are currently present in your life.
  2. Analyze the situation you are in right now.
  3. Assess the level of your psychological health (you can use psychological questionnaires for this).
  4. Based on the information received, find out what your inner skill (skill, feeling, coping) will allow you to move one step towards the desired state of affairs.
  5. Find the means to master this skill.

The criterion for a correctly chosen zone of proximal development will be the receipt of qualitatively new experiences and experiences.

It seems to us that this five-step path is difficult. But in reality, the zone of proximal development is always very simple things.

“Call a friend and don’t reach for a glass of wine. Stop heating up the situation in an already crisis marital relationship. Do not hope that your desires are “counted” telepathically, speak about them out loud. Just start dressing warmer in winter and notice how cold or comfortable your body is. Do not break into anger half a turn, but give yourself a couple of seconds to exhale and realize what is happening, the psychologist explains. “The criterion for a correctly chosen zone of proximal development will be the receipt of qualitatively new experiences and experiences.”

Maybe there is no narcissistic grandeur in these small steps, they will not cause delight from others. But at this point in time and space, you are working solely for yourself, and not for others’ ideas of how “cool” they think you are and how you should be. This is determined only by you.

About expert

Tatyana Efremova – psychologist, psychotherapist, leader of groups, master classes and trainings. Works in approaches: gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, coaching, cognitive behavioral therapy. Advises and leads groups in Russian and English. Member of the Professional Guild of Psychologists and the European Association for Transactional Analysis. Her broker.

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