Find the line after pregnancy: how to do?

Find the line after pregnancy: how to do?

You are back home and you are already thinking of getting back on your feet. You are slowly recovering from childbirth. You are trying to accumulate hours of sleep. Your body adapts to this change of pace. You are not feeling your best, and that is to be expected. Take the time to find the line after pregnancy.

How long does it take to regain your figure after giving birth?

Be patient to regain your figure after childbirth. Some women find it within a year of giving birth. Now is not the time to put yourself on a strict diet, especially if you are breastfeeding because too much restriction of less than 1500 calories per day can affect the quality of breast milk, and therefore baby’s growth.

This restriction releases fats and toxins that have accumulated in the body into the blood. Toxins are harmful when breastfeeding. In addition, you risk missing essential nutrients for you and your baby if you eliminate certain foods.

Rest, nutrition and physical activity, if you can, should be your top priorities for your well-being and that of the baby. The first weeks after giving birth should allow you to regain your strength after the marathon you have just experienced. Along with caring for your baby, you need energy.

Some snacks to promote to find the line after pregnancy

  • rice cake, honey, jam, maple syrup;
  • cold or warm organic cereals with dried fruits;
  • fruit or plain yogurt;
  • organic cereal bar;
  • dried fruits;
  • dates;
  • mixture of dried fruits, nuts (cashew, Grenoble, Amazonia, macadamia, almonds…), and seeds (chia, sunflower…);
  • dehydrated prunes;
  • fruit salad and cottage cheese;
  • sorbets;
  • organic or homemade crackers, rich in fiber;
  • soy beans with a little salt;
  • vegetable and fruit juices;
  • vegetables with hummus or tzatziki;
  • bowl of Chinese soup;

Its foods are rich in essential nutrients and fiber, useful in preventing constipation and helping in the elimination of toxins and excess fat. Remember to hydrate yourself sufficiently: water, herbal teas, green tea or white tea. Avoid coffee which stimulates inner nervousness, increases stress, and dehydrates the intestines.

Your new life as a mother requires adaptation, time and energy. You will regain your figure after pregnancy when the time is right for you and baby. Patience.

Tone and lose belly after childbirth

What sport to practice after childbirth? How to find a flat stomach after pregnancy? The abdominal strap having been stretched, it is important that it closes by regaining step by step its tone.

Practice at least one exercise once a day. You will feel less weak, and you will find the line easily after childbirth.

Exercise 1: locking the perineum

  • Just before coughing, sneezing, hugging your baby, taking the deckchair or the cozy, lifting shopping bags, or your other children, think about contracting the perineum. No matter how strong your pelvic floor is, do it systematically.
  • Practice just before and during the effort, whatever it is and in any position.

Exercise 2: Flat stomach – deep abdominals

  • When lying on your back, knees bent to avoid using the lower back;
  • inhale deeply;
  • breathe by first contracting the perineum and let the stomach slowly hollow;
  • feel the contraction of your belly;
  • imagine a belt with 10 notches, you try to tighten it towards the 5th notch (the 10th notch is your spine, the zero notch is your navel);
  • maintain this contraction between 10 and 20 seconds;
  • then release slowly.
  • repeat 10 times.

The ideal is to do this exercise 1 to 3 times a day.

Exercise 3: the semi-inclined plank with baby

Use the baby changing table. The lower the table, the more difficult the exercise. Start with a fairly high table. This variant is easier than the full board on the ground. This exercise is easier on the arms.

  • Support yourself with your forearms on the table. Baby is placed on his back between your forearms, his head towards your chest to better interact with him;
  • move your legs back until you are on your tiptoes;
  • you do an inclined plank with your body;
  • Feel the contraction above the pubis and the sheathing of the body;
  • hold the position for 30 seconds.

Do 10 repetitions, 1 to 3 times a day.

Important: during these muscle building exercises, after pregnancy always contract the perineum. If you have urine leakage during exercise, it is a sign that the perineum is not toned enough, and that it is straining too much.

Muscle back after pregnancy

Strengthening the back near pregnancy improves posture, reduces the risk of lower back and neck pain. Your posture is very important because you carry baby very often. If you are breastfeeding having good posture is all the more important for your back. Remember that your baby will gain weight, and sometimes you will be carrying her in unstable positions.

Here are 3 exercises to practice to find the line after childbirth. Choose them according to your level. Nothing like the good old ventral board (facing the ground). Discover its 3 variants. This yoga pose strengthens all the muscles in the body, especially the stabilizing muscles of the spine.

It strengthens your arms and shoulders, perfect for carrying baby. It stimulates the immune and lymphatic system to regain shape and shape, and keep them after pregnancy.

Exercise 1: the plank with a chair and with baby

  • Place the back of the chair against the wall;
  • Sit baby on the chair in front of you (he must be able to support his head on his own);
  • place your forearms on the chair on either side of baby. This way you can hold your little end with your hands.
  • straighten your legs back and stand on your tiptoes. You are resting on the elbows, forearms and toes of the feet. Your body forms a straight plank or line;
  • inhale deeply, opening your ribs to the side;
  • blow and contract the perineum, the abdominals (bring the navel towards the spine), and the buttocks.

You can do the same posture with your forearms on a swiss-ball (big ball) instead of the chair, without a baby of course. The posture can also be practiced on the knees.

Maintain the posture for 3 to 5 breathing cycles (inhale + exhale = 1 cycle), or 10 to 30 seconds.

Repeat 3 times, staying one more breath cycle, or 10 more seconds each time.

Exercise 2: the plank on the forearms or hands

On the ground, depending on your abilities, do the plank on the forearms or on the hands. Shoulders above the wrists.

Trick: if you are a beginner, get on your knees. You can do the same posture on a Swiss-ball (big ball) without a baby of course.

Tone the thighs and lose cellulite

These exercises for losing cellulite after pregnancy can be done with baby on a play mat next to you. You can do them all or choose just one. Start slowly and gradually increase the difficulty.

Exercise 1: the half-bridge with baby

This exercise strengthens the buttocks, lower back and back of the thighs.

  • Lie on your back, feet flat on the ground and knees at a 90 ° angle, arms relaxed at your sides. Place baby on your hips, you increase the level of difficulty. Hold it during exercise.
  • Inhale as you contract the perineum and lift your buttocks off the ground while pushing up on your feet. Imagine a thread pulling your tailbone upwards.
  • Lift up the column vertebrae after vertebrae, from the lower back to between the shoulder blades.
  • Feel the opening of the bust.
  • Rest on the shoulder blades, not on the back of the neck.

Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Exercise 2: the half-bridge on the tiptoes

Same posture and same instructions as above. Take off first the right heel, then the left heel.

Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Rest first right heel then left heel.

Exercise 3

Once installed in the half-bridge posture, by blowing and contracting the perineum, raise the right leg in line with the body for the more athletic. Heel up for beginners. Repeat with the other leg.

Hold the posture for 10 to 30 seconds, or 3 to 5 breathing cycles (1 cycle = 1 inhale + 1 exhale)

Trick: Go up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. If you climb the stairs 2 by 2 you will strengthen the back of the thighs, hamstrings, and buttocks. Go up the steps 1 to 1 you will build more muscles on the top of the thighs, the quadriceps.

Toning your breasts after childbirth

How to tone your breasts after childbirth and regain your figure after pregnancy? Work on strengthening the core and upper body muscles in order to have good posture. If you hold yourself poorly, the breasts sag and pull on the skin, which loses its elasticity.

Moreover, to regain the elasticity of your skin, consider massaging your breasts with a firming cream. Even better, run a stream of cold water over it every morning. Bonus: you will strengthen your willpower and courage at the same time.

Exercise 1: the table balanced with baby

  • Place baby on the floor on his back, on his play mat;
  • stand above on all fours;
  • thighs and hands hip and shoulder width apart. Place your shoulders above the wrists, and your knees below your hips.
  • inhale and raise your right arm outstretched in front, hand at shoulder level. Place your head in line with the spine (imagine holding an orange between your chin and chest). Your arm will be at the level of your ear.
  • breathe, contract the perineum by lifting the leg opposite to the arm, left leg. By contracting the perineum, you will have the impression that the pubis is coming towards the navel. Your pelvis tilts without rounding your back, to avoid arching your lower back. Keep your back straight.
  • feel the stretch all over the back of your body.

Hold the posture for 10 seconds, or 3 breathing cycles (1 cycle = 1 inhale + 1 exhale).

Exercise 2: push-ups or half-push-ups

Nothing like push-ups to build the pecs, the muscles under your breasts.

If you are a beginner, practice the half push-ups. These are push-ups on the knees.

If you are athletic or athlete, depending on your form, you can do them with your hands on the floor, or on a bench or chair, with your legs straight.

  • Place your hands more than shoulder width apart on the floor or in a chair. The wrists in line with the elbows.
  • straight legs resting on the toes, or bent legs resting on the knees;
  • inhale and lower the chest to the floor or to the chair;
  • breathe, push on the hands and contract the perineum to raise the chest.

Do 3 sets of 3 to 20 repetitions (3 to 20 times the movement). Take a 15 to 30 second break between each set.

To find the line after pregnancy, practice at least 1 exercise per day. Remember to walk as often as possible with your back straight but not rigid, and to climb the stairs. You will find your pre-pregnancy figure more easily after childbirth.

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