There are many slimming diets that our friends use successfully, but we ourselves do not feel their impact too much. It’s not always worth choosing the most fashionable diet of the season. When we look at our figure, the shape of the figure can tell a lot about the weight loss method that will serve us.
We talk about an apple-shaped figure in the case of people who are prone to abdominal obesity. It is evidenced by adipose tissue accumulated on the stomach, but also on the back and arms. Barely outlined waist, many of us compensate for large breasts and slim legs. While we are not sure whether we are the owners of an apple or a pear figure, a simple converter will dispel doubts. Divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. If we get a result of 0,84 or higher in the calculation, we certainly represent an apple type.
What should an apple diet look like?
- Eat whole grains, which contain a lot of fiber, 4-5 times a day. A portion can be 1/2 cup of cooked groats, a small graham roll, 3 tablespoons of muesli or oatmeal. Thanks to the richness of fiber, the fat supplied from food will not accumulate so quickly, and the level of cholesterol will also decrease.
- Equally often we should eat vegetables, assuming that a serving is a glass of vegetable juice or 250 g of raw vegetables. Tomatoes are especially beneficial for health, as they regulate water management and blood pressure, which are influenced by potassium.
- An important role is played by vegetable fats, especially olive oil, rich in unsaturated fatty acids. EFAs improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system. You can add a tablespoon of rapeseed oil to the salad, but try to fry in sunflower oil. Lard is not recommended.
- Eat fish several times a week, because they provide omega-3 fatty acids.
- Choose poultry over pork or beef.
- Eat lean cheeses and curds.
- Homogenized cheese and sweetened yoghurts will not contribute to the silhouette.
- Eat 3 servings of nuts a week, such as 1/3 cup of almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts, plus 2 tablespoons of pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
- Avoid simple carbohydrates, especially those with a high GI, such as white bread or rice.
- Don’t eat carbs after 17 p.m., as any carbs eaten in the evening will be stored as fat.
- Drink 2-3 liters of mineral water, fruit teas and herbal teas daily to support digestion.
Perfect body? Only with a combination of diet and exercise!
Weider’s Aerobic Six, hula-hoop, swimming and bicycle rides will help us achieve a figure with perfect proportions. Choose exercises to shape your tummy, arms, bust, and upper back.